Discover What are Stats, How Stat works, Stats Information, and Stat Bonuses in the Throne and Liberty MMORPG guide.
Most MMO players know the pain of starting a new MMO and being completely overwhelmed by the game’s different stats, not knowing if they’re good or bad. In Throne and Liberty, you also have plenty of different stats, and to be competitive, you need to understand what they do and how they work. Throne and Liberty feature a variety of stats that define your class and gameplay.
Stats are a crucial aspect of the character progression in the game because choosing the right stats to level up will definitely ensure that your character remains powerful and grows quickly. Four different Stats are available in the game that can be enhanced by allocating the Stats points to them. Stats increase not only your damage but also your strength, which affects your gameplay.
What Stats are in Throne and Liberty?
There are four different Main stats for your character in Throne and Liberty. Utilize the stat points to enhance these four Main Stat. These four main stats in Throne and Liberty impact your other stats in the game as well. All of these four stats will provide you with a damage increase no matter which weapon you are equipping. The stats that affect your character’s gameplay, progression, and all other major aspects to level up are:
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Wisdom
- Perception
Keep in mind that all of these factors influence your base damage more, but they influence them differently. Strength and Perception high is only the Max damage and Dexterity and Wisdom high is the Min and the Max damage. Additionally, you can increase them with the base stats. These four main stats begin at a value of 10 and you can use the stat points to invest in it for your benefits. Each of these stats also provides the Achievement Effect. So, choosing a correct stat for leveling up is extremely crucial for your character’s progression in Throne and Liberty.
How Stat Works in Throne and Liberty
You earn stat points when leveling up and these stats points are allocated to your Main stats. More stat points are required later in the game to enhance it as you spend more stat points on a specific Stat at the beginning. For example, when you invest 1 point to Dexterity you enhance its rank by only one. You need to utilize two points to get one more rank after reaching rank 35 in Dexterity.
Main Damage, Health Regen, Attack speed, and more are affected by investing a Stat point to these Main four stats to rank them higher in the game. You can also get access to the Bonus achievement by investing more stat points in a specific stat. The bonus achievement grants you extra effects that will assist you in tough combat. All four main stats provide you with different Bonus Achievements that can accomplish your build.
In Throne and Liberty, Stats are crucial for your character progression to determine your playstyle. Additional stat points are required later in the game to enhance the stat’s level. Invest your stat points into your Main Stats to unlock Bonus Achievements that also offer additional effects. Every Throne and Liberty player must focus on a main and a secondary Stat to level up high. Strength is best to level up to gain defense and Health regen and Dexterity is your best bet for DPS Builds and boost attack speed.
Stat Information
Each Stat that Throne and Liberty offer focuses on certain aspects. Strength provides you with overall defense, especially Max Life. Dexterity grants you attack speed, Crit chance, and evasion. Wisdom offers Max Mana, mana wreck as well as cooler reduction and debuff duration. With the Perception, you gain the ability to hit your spells and attacks and increase also your buff duration in the game. As mentioned earlier, your weapon damage will enhance regardless of which stat you’re increasing by utilizing the stat points.
Sub-Stat Information
Not only the weapon damage is increased due to stats but stats also affect the other factors as well. Allocate the Stat points in the specific stats to gain the Sub-stats that provide the additional benefits for your character.
Strength Stat in Throne and Liberty
Investing stat points in Strength offers Health Regen, Defense, and Better Health. To play as a Tank and enhance your Health in Throne and Liberty, Strength is your best bet to invest in to level up. Players who are equipped with Sword and Shield, Dagger, and Greatsword as their weapons can use stat points to Strength. Strength in Throne and Liberty affects the following factors in the game.
- Max Health
- Health Regen
- Melee Defense
- Main Minimum Damage
- Main Max Damage
- Ranged Defense
Strength Stat also gives away the Achievement Bonuses as a reward.
Dexterity Stat in Throne and Liberty
Consuming the gained stat points in Dexterity offers Critical, Evasion, and Attack Speed in the game. Enhance your Critical Damage by allocating the Stat points in Dexterity to level up. Players who are using Longbow, Dagger, or Greatsword as their weapons then they can consume the stat points to Dexterity. Dexterity in Throne and Liberty affects the following factors in the game.
- Attack Speed
- Main Max Damage
- Critical Hit
- Evasion
Dexterity Stat also provides Achievement Bonuses as a reward.
Wisdom Stat in Throne and Liberty
The players who prefer Wisdom to invest in can gain better Mana Regen and Mana. Level up your cooldown speed and Mana by utilizing the Wisdom as their best stat in Throne and Liberty. Allocating stat points to the Wisdom will also benefit your equipped weapon as well. Wisdom in Throne and Liberty affects the following factors in the game.
- Max Mana
- Mana Regen
- Main Max Damage
- Cooldown Speed
Wisdom Stat also provides Achievement Bonuses as a reward.
Perception Stat in Throne and Liberty
The players who prefer Perception to invest in can earn Damage, CC effects, and Accuracy. If you’re looking to deal damage and hit your targets then leveling up the Perception Stat is the best option to avail. Boost your hit values by investing the Stat points in Throne and Liberty to Perception. Perception in Throne and Liberty affects the following factors in the game.
- Main Max Damage
- Hit
- CC Chance
- Main Minimum Damage
- Buff Duration
Perception Stat also provides Achievement Bonuses as a reward.
Stat Breakpoints
Allocating the stat points in specific Stats in Throne and Liberty also offers you a Breakpoint benefit in Throne and Liberty. When you reach specific Milestones, you get additional benefits for your character’s progression.
- Strength 30- Max Health 750
- Strength 40- Damage Reduction 15
- Strength 50- Heavy Attack Chance 100
- Strength 60- Max Health 900
- Strength 70- Ranged Defense 200, Max Health 450, Melee Defense 200
- Dexterity 30- Critical Hit 100
- Dexterity 40- Bonus Damage 15
- Dexterity 50- Move Speed +5%
- Dexterity 60- Critical Hit 120
- Dexterity 70- Evasion 120, Critical Hit 60
- Wisdom 30- Max Mana 750
- Wisdom 40- Debuff Duration -5%
- Wisdom 50- Cooldown Speed +5%
- Wisdom 60- Max Mana 900
- Wisdom 70- Mana Regen 120, Max Mana 450
- Perception 30- Max Mana 750
- Perception 40- Debuff Duration -5%
- Perception 50- Cooldown Speed +5%
- Perception 60- Max Mana 900
- Perception 70- Mana Regen 120, Max Mana 450
Miscellaneous Stats
Traits, pre-fixed gear, and Skill buffs are the sources of gaining other stats on Gear in Throne and Liberty. The other stats offered by Throne are Liberty are the following.
- Evasion
- Various Resists
- Hit Rate
- Stun Chance
- Collision Chance
- Critical Hit Chance
- Critical Hit Damage
- Damage Reduction
- Cooldown Speed
- Attack Speed
- Heavy Attack Chance
Stat Bonuses in Throne and Liberty
Each stat is Throne and Liberty offers different bonuses and additional bonus achievements. Below, we’ll discuss how each of these bonuses affects your gameplay, how they work, and how they can affect your character’s progression in the game.
Hit and Evasion
If you look at Hit then you also have to look at Evasion at the same time. Evasion gives you the chance to evade all attacks from your enemies that also count for spells like Stuns, Pulls, and even debuffs and Hit is just the counterpart of it. It allows you to actually hit your spells and attack. Everyone will stack Evasion, especially in the early game in PVP. So, as a DPS you’ll need quite a bit of hit to overcome that, otherwise, you’ll just not be able to hit enemies.
Crit Chance & Endurance
Crit Chance and Endurance work exactly the same as Hit and Evasion. It gives you the chance to Crit and endurance lowers the chance for the enemy to Crit you. If you attack crits then always the max damage is taken and if you don’t Crit then it rolls between your Min and your Max damage. Crit is also a really valuable stat, especially for certain builds that rely on Critting a lot. Endurance is best for the endgame.
Skill Damage Boost and Skill Damage Resistance
Both of these are very crucial Stat because they make your spells stronger or give you defense against spells and even by a certain percentage. Skill damage boost also higher the heals. Since Spells in most of your damage in Throne and Liberty, having just a percentage increase of that damage is huge and of course then also the other way around.
Bonus damage and Bonus Reduction
Bonus damage is just added damage to all of your attacks. If you’ve 100 bonus damage and deal 2,00 damage with a spell then you would deal 2,100 damage but if you have four projectiles with a spell then each spell gets 100 bonus damage. For example, as a Crossbow player damage reduction does that exactly the other way around. So, it’s good versus players with a lot of attacks but not best against heavy-hitting players.
Buff Duration and Debuff Duration
The Buff Duration affects all of the positive buffs that you give yourself. For example, the poison that makes on your dagger or even the Camouflage Cloak that makes you invisible. You’re not 8 seconds invisible anymore but instead now for 12 seconds. For certain builds, the Buff duration is so powerful that it makes your character more powerful. Debuff Duration on the other hand reduces all enemy Debuffs that are pitched on you.
Heavy Attack Chance and Evasion
Heavy attacks let you hit your attacks double similar to off-hand weapon chance but these are not two attacks but this is only one attack that hits hard. If you heavily hit then you see the X2 and then the damage number on the enemy. This counts also for heals, so the heals can come out doubled. Evasion on the other hand can only get through Max Guild level and if you’re occupying the castle.
Mana Cost Efficiency
It just decreases your mana cost in the game when used. It can also be really good for some birds because Mana is a problem in this game.
Cooldown Speed
Cooldown speed reduces your cooldowns. Diminishing returns are here quite high, meaning you can’t go for a full cooldown build.
Attack Speed
This is just an additional attack speed you get through the items which will impact the attack speed from both of your weapons.
Weapon effects
Stats are always influencing the attack from the respective weapon. If you use a spell from a dagger then it uses the base damage and attack speed from that weapon.
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