All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover all the General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including how they work and all of their associated perks.

all head armor in kingdom come deliverance 2
All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a massive open-world action-adventure RPG set in a medieval world. Players will get to continue the story of Henry of Skalitz in KCD2 as he arrives in Trosky with Sir Hans Capon. Throughout the journey, players will get to enhance their combat skills with various combat skills. It includes swords, heavy weapons, polearms, marksmanship, and unarmed. In addition to combat, players will learn various skills such as blacksmithing, brewing potions, thievery, horse riding, and more.

These are the General Skills of Henry that players can enhance throughout the course of the journey. Performing corresponding tasks during the adventure will earn you the experience for the respective skills. As players gain experience, they will be able to unlock numerous perks for the skills that greatly enhance the overall capability of Henry for the skills. In this guide, we will tell you all the General Skills and their perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

General Skills Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Stealth build setup kcd2
All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

There are 9 General Skills for Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. From the moment players get access to the open-world after the Laboratores quest, players will be free to learn and enhance the General Skills. Similar to the Stats and Combat Skills, earning the experience points for each skill will reward players with Perk Points. They then can spend the perk points to unlock the perks for the respective skills. Each perk is unique and provides a certain positive effect for Henry.

Each general skill has its own level system, requiring players to reach the next level every time before they can spend a respective perk point to unlock a new perk. Moreover, every perk requires a certain level, so for the players to unlock a perk, they must reach its corresponding level. So, it is essential for the players to gain experience points for the skills in which they are most interested.

All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored

Here are all the General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  1. Alchemy: Capability of brewing better-quality potions and poisons.
  2. Craftsmanship: Capability of smithing better-quality weapons and repairing them.
  3. Drinking: Allows you to be more in control even though you are drunk.
  4. Horsemanship: Makes the horse ride exciting with various buffs.
  5. Houndmaster: Gets you a lot more control on Mutt and allows you to perform various actions.
  6. Scholarship: Makes you a more knowledgeable person, allowing you to be more in control during skill checks.
  7. Stealth: Enhances your overall stealth, making it easier for you to get around without getting caught.
  8. Survival: Improves the overall exploration and materials gathering experience.
  9. Thievery: Makes you a master thief, allowing you to get away with theft easily.

We have explained each skill and listed the perks in their respective section below.

Alchemy Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alchemy Skill
All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Alchemy Skill)

Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a non-combat skill used to create potions and remedies from herbs and additional ingredients. Collect all the correct recipes, and ingredients, and access to the alchemy bench to craft potions and other remedies. You make the brewing process fast when you level this skill. This skill allows you to create several unique items using various herbs and ingredients. Mastering alchemy is crucial not only for combat abilities and healing but also for exploring the world more effectively. The ingredients are found in the world or purchased directly from the merchants. You can also steal some required ingredients from several NPCs in the game.

All Alchemy Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Alchemy Skill perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Alchemy PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
Lab DwellerThe effects of potions and alcohol will last longer, and your eventual hangovers will be a little shorter.Level: 0
It is a Hidden Perk. You have to brew at least 20 potions to unlock this hidden perk.
Art of PreservationRaw food and herbs you have in your inventory will spoil 50 % slower.Level: 6
EnthusiastWhile brewing potions, your Energy will slowly replenish and your Nourishment will not decrease.Level: 6
Potion SellerYou can sell the potions you brew for 30 % more.Level: 6
Secret of EquilibriumThe brewing process will be more tolerant of minor errors, making it easier to achieve better-quality potions.Level: 8 – Exclusive with Secret of Matter
Secret of MatterEvery time you successfully brew a potion, you get 1 extra potion of the same quality.Level: 8 – Exclusive with Secret of Equilibrium
Poison SpecialistYou can poison more arrows from a single dose of poison, and it will last on your weapon for more hits.Level: 10
Purple HazeFor each potion or alcohol effect you have active at one time, your Vitality increases by 1.Level: 10
Dark Arts ApprenticeWhen brewing potions between midnight and dawn (0:00 – 4:30), you’ll work better – the whole process will be less susceptible to minor mistakes and you’ll more easily achieve a higher quality product. In addition, you have a +2 bonus on Coercion, Domination, and Intimidation stats when talking to commoners.Level: 12
Water of LifeHealing potions heal you 25% faster.Level: 12
Secret of Equilibrium IIIn the brewing process, tolerance for your mistakes will be considerable. If you also have the first level of this perk, the effects stack and the resulting advantage will be even greater.Level: 14 – Exclusive with Secret of Matter II
Secret of Matter IIEach time you successfully brew a potion, you get 2 more of the same quality. If you also have the first level of the perk, you get an extra 3 potions.Level: 14 – Exclusive with Secret of Equilibrium II
Secret of SecretsIf you follow the recipe precisely and your brewing time is perfect, you can brew potions of exceptional quality, which the ordinary herbalist can only dream of.Level: 16
Poison Specialist IIWhen using a dose of poison on arrows, you can poison more of them, and it lasts longer on your weapon.Level: 18
Purple Haze IIFor each Potion or Alcohol effect that is active on you at one time, your Vitality increases by a 2.Level: 18
Special PowderWhen using ammunition and powder of your own making, the efficiency of firearms increases by 20 % and the weapon suffers less damage from firing.Level: 18
Alchemy Skill perks in KCD2

Craftsmanship Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Craftsmanship Skill
All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Craftsmanship Skill)

Craftsmanship in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the skill of crafting weapons and other items using a forge. You can craft a variety of bladed weapons, such as swords, daggers, and razors. This skill also allows you to craft horseshoes to help with travel or make a profit using a new crafting system. This is an easy way to earn some of the best weapons in the game and improve the quality and effectiveness of forged weapons. Your skill level determines the quality of the items you craft. If you go over to a blacksmith and take to them, they usually have recipes on them. Most blacksmiths have a chest nearby that has all of their inventory in it.

All Craftsmanship Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Craftsmanship Skill perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Craftsmanship PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
HammerAttacks and blocks made with heavy weapons consume 10 % less stamina.Level: 0
It is a Hidden Perk. Craft at least 10 items at a smithy station to unlock this hidden perk.
Razor-SharpIf you sharpen a weapon on the grindstone to a condition of 98 % or higher, the weapon gains a bonus effect that increases its slashing damage by 10 %.This effect will remain active as long as the weapon’s condition stays above 75 %.Level: 6
Seven-League BootsIf you wear boots repaired by yourself, sprinting will cost you 25 % less Stamina, so you can run longer and go further.Level: 6
Well-FittedArmour and clothing that you repair yourself with the Armourer’s kit will make less noise when worn. The effect lasts until the item’s quality level drops.Level: 6
Helping HandRepairs by craftsmen will be 20 % cheaper for you.Level: 8
Thorough MaintenanceYour gear will be damaged 10 % slower, so you don’t have to repair it as often.Level: 8
Hardened SteelThe weapons you forge will have excellent properties and will therefore take damage 20 % slower.Level: 10
Keen EyeIf you get your gear repaired by a craftsman, you’ll gain a little experience in Craftsmanship. The experience you gain will increase along with the repair price.Level: 10
LocksmithWhen picking locks, your Thievery skill will count as 3 higher, so it’ll be a lot easier. Plus, you can also make use of scrap iron, so you’ll get an extra 1-3 lockpicks for each item you successfully forge.Level: 12
Totally LegitStolen weapons, armour and clothing in your inventory will lose their stolen status 20 % faster.Level: 12
BowyerBows and crossbows that you repair yourself with the Bowyers kit are 10 % more powerful. Thus your shots will fly farther and have more penetration.Level: 14
Thorough Maintenance IIYour gear will take 20 % less damage.Level: 14
Martin’s SecretNow you will be able to forge weapons of the fourth, i.e. the highest quality. Weapons of this quality cannot be obtained in any other way than by forging them yourself, and their strength and effectiveness is unmatched.Level: 16
Seven-League Boots IIIf you put on self-repaired boots, the sprint will cost you 50 % less stamina, so you can sprint longer and run further.Level: 16
Craftsmanship Skill perks in KCD2

Drinking Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Drinking Skill

Drinking is one of the general skills in KCD2 that allows you to have less effect of the alcohol. As consuming alcohol makes you a drunk and causes various negative effects, enhancing the Drinking skill lowers all of these effects. The Hangover will have a low effect on Henry and the chance of developing a drinking addiction will be lower. However, you will still get addicted to alcohol by drinking frequently. No matter how high your Drinking skill is, Henry will still ask for drinking from time to time. You can increase the Drinking skill by consuming various types of alcoholic drinks or alcohol-based alchemical potions.

All Drinking Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Drinking Skill perks in KCD2.

Drinking PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
NightcapIf you were meant to get a hangover while sleeping, now you won’t. Plus, when you’re drunk, all the beds are 10 % more comfortable, so you sleep like a king.Level: 6
Saint Vivian GraceUnder the influence of alcohol, you’ll be less likely to be injured by falling from a height because the patron saint of drinkers has a protective hand over you.Level: 6
BeerfootAmazingly, when you’re drunk, you make 20 % less noise when moving indoors.Level: 8
Lucky DayThe more drunk you are, the higher chance you have of not wasting your badge when you use it.Level: 8
Beer BellyBeer sates you twice as much, so if you’re not afraid of drunkenness, you can more easily replace food with it. However, potions sate you half as much, so you can drink more of them.Level: 10
Drunk’s LuckWhen you’re in the positive phase of drunkenness, you got a bonus of up to +4 to Thievery.Level: 10
Heavy DutyWhen you’re in the positivite phase of drunkenness, you gradually gain up to a +4 bonus on your Craftsmanship skill.Level: 10
Cheers!Drinking wine or beer will heal you for 5 health points and spirits can cure poisoning. Bottoms up!Level: 12
Indomitable DrunkThe negative effects of drunkenness will be milder for you.Level: 12
Drunken FoolIf you commit a minor crime while drunk, you can try to excuse yourself by claiming your impaired state.Level: 14
Tavern BrawlerWhen you’re in the positive phase of drunkenness, you’ll get a bonus of up to +4 to your Unarmed combat skill.Level: 14
Enhanced MixtureWhen you’re drunk, using any potion will heal you in addition to its own effect. The healing effect will be stronger the drunker you are (in the positive phase of drunkenness), but will never exceed 20 Health.Level: 16
Experienced RevellerWhen you’re drunk, life is just somehow nicer. The bonuses of the positive phase of drunkenness come into full effect earlier.Level: 16
Drinking Skill perks in KCD2

Horsemanship Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

All General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Horsemanship Skill

Horsemanship is a Skill in KCD2 that improves the riding on the horse as well as your bond with the horse. Moreover, enhancing this skill results in less Stamina consumption, better mount combat, and high courage for the horse. The Horsemanship skill is essential for making the horse riding experience more promising. You will feel more comfortable on the horse’s back and the horse will not throw you off when he smells danger nearby. It will allow you to do mount combat comfortably. You can increase the Horsemanship Skill by covering great distances on a horse’s back.

All Horsemanship Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Horsemanship Skill perks in KCD2.

Horsemanship PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
Airgiyn TavWhile riding a horse, your ranged attacks will deal 10 % more damage.Level: 0
Equestrian ExplorerYour horse will deplete stamina 5 % slower, you will see 15 % further when using fast travel and you will have a better chance to react to events on the road or avoid them altogether.Level: 0
Good Old PebblesPebbles’ stats are considerably increased. Level: 0 It is a Hidden Perk. Cover 35 kilometers of distance while riding pebbles to unlock this hidden perk.
Red HerringHerring’s stats are now significantly increased.Level: 0 It is a Hidden Perk. Cover 50 kilometers of distance while riding Herring to unlock this hidden perk.
Knight TrainingMelee attacks from horseback will cost you 15 % less stamina and it will be harder for enemies to unseat you.Level: 6
SaddlerRepairs with a Cobbler’s kit will be 20 % more efficient. Additionally, because you know pouches and satchels well, you have a +1 bonus on the Thievery skill if you pick pockets.Level: 6
Head startIf you use a quick start $sprint; $sprint;, your horse will briefly run faster than the wind! The effect will last 10 seconds.Level: 8
Towering MenaceRearing your horse frightens your enemies much more than before.Level: 8
Ride Like the WindYour horse will consume stamina 5 % slower while galloping.Level: 10
RoadrunnerYour horse will use 5 % less stamina when riding on roads.Level: 10 – Exclusive with Wildrider
WildriderWhen riding off road, your horse will consume stamina 5 % slower.Level: 10 – Exclusive with Roadrunner
Final StretchWhen your horse is nearly out of stamina, you can spur it on with L shift to recover some of it. Perk has a 120 second cooldown before you can use it again.Level: 12
TrampleIf you charge into someone with a horse, their morale will drop significantly and they will suddenly be an easier opponent. Unless they run for the hills.Level: 12
Into the FrayFully charged attacks made from the saddle will be 20 % stronger.Level: 14
War HorseEvery enemy killed from the saddle increases your horse’s morale, so it won’t falter easily, in battle.Level: 14
Head Start IIWhen using the fast start, L Shift the horse will start even faster than before and will not lose stamina. The effect will last 10 seconds.Level: 16
Ride Like the Wind IIYour horse will consume stamina 10 % slower while galloping.Level: 16
Final Stretch IIIf you spur your horse, it will recover much more stamina than before! The rest of the effect remains the same.Level: 18
Horsemanship Skill perks in KCD2

Houndmaster Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Mutt is more ferocious than he looks (Image via Deep Silver)

Houndmaster is one of the general skills in KCD2 that allows you to make use of your Dog, Mutt more confidently. If you manage to get Mutt back in your adventure, you can make him more obedient and unlock more orders for him. You will be able to order Mutt to find and discover interesting things. Moreover, you can order Mutt to go on a hunt, which is effective during hunting. Furthermore, the overall involvement of Mutt will increase, allowing it to stay longer with you, improve its combat capability, and be more quick. You can increase the Houndmaster Skill by interacting with Mutt and using its skills.

All Houndmaster Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Houndmaster Skill perks in KCD2.

Houndmaster PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
LifesaverMutt will defend you in battle and even attack enemies at your command.Level: 0
Hunt!You can command Mutt to hunt and send him after wild game. You’ll find that he’s a great help to you!Level: 6
Search!You can command Mutt to sniff out places of interest or hunted game. To do this, select the “Free!” command. He’ll alert you by barking if he finds something. Thanks to your loyal companion, you won’t miss a thing.Level: 6
Body HeatWhen sleeping in the wilderness, your dog keeps you warm. The bed quality will therefore increase by 20 % but not exceeding 50 % of the bed quality.Level: 8
Loyal CompanionWhen Mutt flees, the time it takes for him to come back to you is a quarter shorter.Level: 8
Charming CompanionWhen you have your dog with you, your Charisma is increased by 3.Level: 10
HellhoundIf you have your dog with you, you will appear more threatening and tough to others. This will show in the Presence and Intimidation skillchecks, but also in combat, as enemies are more likely to give up or run away. And if they don’t, they’ll have a harder time fighting you.Level: 10
Bark!You’ve taught Mutt to create a ruckus and draw attention to himself. This can be handy, especially when you need to sneak somewhere unnoticed. You can get him to bark by selecting the relevant command under Commands. Mutt will start barking on the spot, so make yourself scarce quickly to pull off your ruse.Level: 10
Dog’s Best FriendStrange dogs won’t react to you by barking, just growling. This can come in handy, for example, if you’re trespassing in someone’s yard, because the owner of the house might not even notice a growling dog. However, if you attack the dog, it will probably bark and then go and tear your braies off.Level: 12
Heightened ScentMutt can sniff out enemies and other potential trouble at a much greater distance. This makes it easier to spot and avoid an ambush or other events during fast travel.Level: 12
DefenderIn combat, Mutt will be tougher and will take 10 % less damage from enemies.Level: 14
Faithful CompanionMutt’s obedience will decrease 25 % slower over time.Level: 16
Rip and TearIf your dog inflicts a bleeding wound on an enemy, the bleeding will accelerate and they will fall sooner.Level: 18
Sic ‘em!Your dog’s attacks will be 20 % stronger, making it easier and faster for him to deal with enemies.Level: 20
Houndmaster Skill perk in KCD2

Scholarship Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Scholarship Perks increase the experience from your other skills (Image via Deep Silver)

Scholarship is a Skill in KCD2 that revolves around gaining knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more comfortable you will be in dialogue. Moreover, the higher Scholarship skill allows you to read the books faster. There are numerous Skill Books in KCD2 that you will come across through various means. Reading the Skill Books takes a lot of time and grants you a perk point for a corresponding skill. You can increase the Scholarship skill by reading various books. One of the best advantages of having a high scholarship skill is that it will increase your chances of succeeding in skill checks.

All Scholarship Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Scholarship Skill perks in KCD2.

Scholarship PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
CushionThe buff from sitting has an increased Comfort effect of 50 %, so you can study faster.Level: 6
Wonders of BeastsYou will improve faster in Houndmaster and Horsemanship skills, because all experience you gain will be 20 % higher.Level: 8
Wonders of ManYou will improve faster in Craftsmanship and Thievery skills as all experience gained will be 20 % higher.Level: 8
Wonders of NatureYou will improve faster in the skills of Survival and Alchemy, as all experience gained will be 20 % higher.Level: 8
ContemplativeAs long as you remain still, your Energy and Nourishment will reduce much more slowly.Level: 10
Liberal ArtsYou’re able to recognize the difficulty of skillchecks, but not your chances of succeeding. You’ll still have to decide for yourself whether it’s worth the risk. The effect of your reputation isn’t taken into account in the displayed difficulty.Level: 10
Fundamentals of LawWhen dealing with guards, your Speech and Charisma will count as 2 higher. The total fine will be 20 % lower.Level: 12
Fundamentals of MedicineBandages will be 25 % more effective and the healing effects of food will be doubled. You will recover faster when sleeping, so you will take less time to fully heal.Level: 12
Fundamentals of Medicine IIThe effects of healing potions will be 20 % stronger.Level: 14
Fundamentals of TheologyYou will be able to pray at shrines, crosses and similar places. If you do so, you will receive a buff that can protect you from mortal injury in combat and restore 25 % of your health. The effect lasts for 12 game hours or until you use it.Level: 14
Fundamentals of Law IIIf a guard wants to arrest you for your crimes, you can use your Scholarship in skillcheck to try to interpret the law to your advantage and possibly escape punishment.Level: 16
ExplorerThe entire map is revealed, showing all settlements, fast travel spots, hunting grounds, caves and other interesting places.Level: 18
Fundamentals of Theology IIReputation recovery for undertaking the Penitential Pilgrimage will be more effective and the buff from the first level of this perk will now last for 24 game hours.Level: 18
Scholarship Skill perks in KCD2

Stealth Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

stealth perks kcd2

Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the ability to move undetected by enemies, allowing you to sneak up on them. It allows you to pickpocket, or even knock them unconscious without raising an alarm. Running, jumping, and striking objects can alert nearby enemies. Staying in the shadows, moving slowly, and crouching mitigate the chance of being detected. You need to stay out of an enemy’s line of sight to remain undetected. Improving your ability and performing stealthy actions in the game allows you to increase your stealth skills.

All Stealth Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Stealth Skill perks in KCD2.

Stealth PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
Stealth KillIf you have a dagger equipped, you can perform a stealth kill maneuver. All you have to do is sneak up behind your unsuspecting victim and initiate a chokehold. Then be ready to press the attack to deliver the killing blow. May God have mercy on your soul.Level: 0
TakedownYou can stealthily knock people out. To do this, sneak up to your victim and initiate a chokehold. Then be ready to press attack to finish the action and knock out your opponent. It’s a good idea to then hide the unconscious body so nobody stumbles across it. Your victim will regain consciousness after some time, so whatever it is you’re up to, make it quick.Level: 0
BushmanYou’ll make 50 % less noise when moving in bushes.Level: 6
One Way or AnotherIf an opponent defends against your attempt to stun or stealth kill them, they will suffer penalties to their stats. This will make it easier for you to defeat them conventionally. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.Level: 6
Fleeting ShadowWhen you’re wanted for a crime, you gain a +3 Stealth bonus and a +2 on Agility and Vitality, making it easier to escape. The effect lasts for 120 seconds.Level: 8
Natural CamouflageThe dirtier you are, the harder it will be for others to spot you. But beware, they can still smell you if the dirt is accompanied by a corresponding odor.Level: 8
Ordinary ManPeople will forget the crimes you’ve committed more quickly. It’ll also reduce the chance of guards wanting to search you.Level: 10
RodentYou’ll make 25 % less noise when you sneak indoors and the door opening will be half as loud.Level: 10 – Exclusive with Weasel Boy
Weasel BoyYou’ll make 35 % less noise when sneaking outdoors.Level: 10 – Exclusive with Rodent
Deceptive StanceIf you’re not wearing very heavy armour, you can feint with your body and keep your opponent unsure. This will make your Warfare skill count as 3 higher.Level: 12
Escape ArtistIf someone is unsuccessful in their search for you, they’ll give up a little sooner.Level: 12
Surprise AttackIf you hit someone who doesn’t know of your presence with a ranged weapon, your target will suffer a combat skill debuff, making them easier to deal with. They might even panic and flee.Level: 12
Fleeting Shadow IIWhen you’re wanted for a crime, you gain a +5 bonus on Stealth and +3 bonus on Agility and Vitality, making it easier to escape. The effect lasts for 120 seconds.Level: 14
QuickhandYou can be very stealthy when picking locks or pickpocketing people. From a distance, no one will notice anything.Level: 14
Escape Artist IIIf someone unsuccessfully searches for you, they’ll give up a lot sooner.Level: 16
AmbusherHitting a target unaware of you will deal 20 % more damage.Level: 18
Stealth Skill perks in KCD2

Survival Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Survival skill is all about becoming more efficient in the exploration of the world. If you are a wanderer and want to have a lower risk, then enhancing the Survival skill is essential for you. As you enhance the Survival skill, it lets you yield more meat by butchering animals, gather herbs quickly, and reduces the threat during fast travel. You can increase the Survival skill by gathering the herbs. Moreover, you can hunt the animals to increase the survival skill as well.

All Survival Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Survival Skill perks in KCD2.

Survival PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
ResistanceYour Vitality has permanently increased by 2. Gather at least 200 poisonous herbs to unlock this hidden perk.Level: 0
Steak TartareYou can consume raw meat without fear of poisoning.Level: 0
On the Poacher’s TrailYou can sell herbs, game, hides and trophies for double the price!Level: 6
WandererThe quality of beds increases for you the higher your Survival skill is. But at most this perk will improve the quality of a bed to 50 %. On higher quality beds, the perk will have no effect.Level: 6
Flower PowerIf you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs (not spoiled) in your inventory, your Charisma will count as 2 more.Level: 8
Master CookIf you cook, dry or smoke an unspoiled ingredient or food, after processing it will have a 100 % condition. It does not apply to herbs, as they always have a 100 % condition after drying, regardless of the perk.Level: 8
Bounty of the WildYou can also get fur, trophies, selected cuts of meat and offal from killed game.Level: 10
Leg DayWhen collecting herbs, you’ll also gain a small amount of experience in Strength skill.Level: 10
Lucky FindWhen collecting herbs, you have a chance to find an additional herb or a small treasure.Level: 10
HeartseekerIf you hit your target in the chest, your shot will do 10 % more damage. The effect will also apply when hitting from behind.Level: 12
LeshyWhile in the forest, your scent will be halved, your stamina will recover 15 % faster, your Strength, Vitality and Agility will be increased by 1 and your Stealth skill will be increased by 2.Level: 12
Master FletcherYour arrows and bolts have better ballistic properties, so they fly faster, travel farther and have more penetration.Level: 14
Wild ManThe effects of the Leshy and Leshy II perks will now apply not only in the forest, but in any wilderness, i.e. essentially anywhere outside of human settlements and lands directly adjacent to them.Level: 16
Heartseeker IIIf you hit your target in the chest, your shot will deal a total of 25 % more damage. Shots to the heart from behind will also trigger this effect.Level: 18
Leshy IIYou can move through the forest as if you were a forest spirit yourself. Your Stamina will regenerate 25 % faster, your Strength and Agility will count as 2 higher, and your Stealth skill will count as 4 higher. The rest of the effects remain the same.Level: 20
Survival Skill perks in KCD2

Thievery Skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

thievery perks kcd2

Thievery is one of the General Skills in KCD2 that heavily influences the thieving mechanics like pickpocketing and lockpicking. Becoming a master thief in KCD2 will require you to enhance the Thievery skill. It will allow you to pick the harder locks with less effort. Moreover, you will be able to pickpocket the NPCs without raising any suspicion. As you enhance this skill, you will be able to identify the items in the pocket of your victim before stealing them. You can earn experience for the thievery skill by pickpocketing and lockpicking.

All Thievery Perks in KCD2

Here are all the Thievery Skill perks in KCD2.

Thievery PerksEffectUnlock Requirement
Sticky FingersIf you successfully steal any item in the thief minigame, you will always get a few extra groschen. And if you’re looting a dead person, you know where to search, thus you can find a bit more money on them.Level: 0 It is a Hidden Perk. Steal items worth at least 10,000 Groschen to unlock this hidden perk.
Nimble FingersWhen in the time-collecting phase of the pickpocketing minigame, you’ll gain time 10 % faster.Level: 6
Silent FiddlerYou’re almost silent when using a lockpick, and if it happens to break, the sound will be 75 % quieter.Level: 6
Rapid FlightIf you fail to successfully return through the doorway box during the thieving minigame, you won’t steal anything, but your victim won’t notice you. After using the perk, the effect will have a 3 minute cooldown before it can be used again.Level: 8
Tool MasterYour lockpicks will be more durable and last 15 % longer before breaking. If you still manage to break a lockpick, once you’ve successfully overcome the lock, a lockpick will be returned to your inventory.Level: 8
Hidden PocketsIf a guard searches you, there’s a 33 % chance he won’t find stolen items on you.Level: 10
Thief’s EyesYou can tell which stolen items are considered stolen in the location you’re currently in. The red hand icon indicates items considered stolen in your current location.
The grey hand indicates those that are not considered stolen in this location. Such items can be sold to a merchant without worry, and guards won’t confiscate them during a search.
Level: 10
Back Alley SkirmisherUsing a one-handed weapon on its own, you will deal 10 % more damage. The effect also applies if you wield a torch in your off-hand.Level: 12
LawbreakerIf you are wanted for a crime, you gain bonuses of +3 on Strength and Warfare and +1 on Agility. Effect lasts 120 seconds.Level: 12
Mischief ArtistAfter successfully picking a lock or pickpocketing, you gain a +3 bonus in Thievery and a +3 bonus in Stealth. The effect lasts for 120 seconds, or until you break a lockpick or fail at pickpocketing.Level: 14
Stamping GroundWhen you are in human settlements or their immediate vicinity, your Stealth skill will count as 3 higher.Level: 14
TraffickerStolen items in your inventory will lose their stolen status a quarter faster.Level: 16
InconspicuousThe person you’re robbing may not see you, so you can reach even into their front pouch, but while you’re rummaging through their pockets, they might still feel your presence.Level: 18
Master ThiefYou can unlock simple locks almost instantly, without the need for mini-game activation or committing a crime. Still, be careful because looting an unlocked chest like this is still a crime.Level: 18
Thievery Skill perks in KCD2

Best tips and tricks for General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Prioritize the skills according to your playstyle. If you like to wander, focus on Survival Skill.
  • It is best to master the Alchemy and Craftsmanship Skills. These skills will help you make the highest quality items.
  • I personally recommend you to master the Stealth Skill. It will help you greatly in completing the end-game missions.
  • Always use the horse for traversal to continuously gain experience for Horsemanship Skill.
  • Keep the Mutt by yourself if you want to unlock new orders for it.
  • Bring Mutt on the hunt to locate the animals with ease.
  • Enhance the Drinking Skill only if you like drinking. It will reduce the effect of a hangover.
  • Try to read a portion of a book daily (in-game) to gain some experience for the Scholarship skill.

FAQs about General Skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How many General Skills are there in KCD2?

There are nine general skills in KCD2 that players can enhance during their adventure. It includes Alchemy, Craftsmanship, Drinking, Horsemanship, Houndmaster, Scholarship, Stealth, Survival, and Thievery.

Which are the best General Skills to level up first in KCD2?

The best general skills to level up first are Alchemy, Craftsmanship, Stealth, Horsemanship, and Survival. The Alchemy and Craftsmanship will allow you to make high quality items. You will be able to brew Henry’s quality potions, and craft Henry’s quality weapons. The Stealth will allow you to be more sneaky which helps greatly in the end-game missions. Horsemanship is overall great for riding the horses. Lastly, the Survival will help you in gathering the herbs for Alchemy.

What is Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Stealth is the ability to move undetected by enemies, allowing you to sneak up on them. It allows you to pickpocket, or even knock them unconscious without raising an alarm.

What are the best perks to use for Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Takedown, Quickhand, and Hustler are the best perks to use for stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It enhances stealth and allows you to sneak past enemies very easily or kill them, without allowing them to react. They allow you to bypass the enemies or guards without alerting them.

How Horse Inventory Works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Your horse has inventory that you can use to store extra loot. The items stored on your horse reduce the direct burden on Henry. The horse’s inventory will move automatically to the new one if you get a new one.

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