Assassin’s Creed Shadows Naoe Tools Skill Tree Mastery Guide: Knowledge Level, Passive, and Active Abilities

Players can upgrade and unlock many gadgets in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This article will explore it.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Naoe Tools Skill Tree Mastery Guide: Knowledge Level, Passive, and Active Abilities
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Naoe Tools Skill Tree Mastery Guide (Image via Ubisoft)

Naoe in Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a shinobi, and she is the master of stealth and assassination. Ubisoft gave Naoe her own Tools Skill Tree in Shadows, so players can unlock and upgrade many gadgets and make her the best ninja in Feudal Japan.

This tree has many trinkets and pieces of equipment, such as the classic smoke bomb and Japanese throwing weapons including the Kunai and Shuriken. In addition to that, Naoe also possesses the Shinobi Bell, which players can use to attract guards and deliver their demise.

Thus, in this article, we will take a comprehensive look at Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Naoe’s Tools in Assassin’s Creed Shadows Explained

The protagonist from Iga Province has six different Mastery tabs in total, and the Tools Skill Tree is one of them. Each section in her Mastery System has six ranks, and players will need to gather a specific number of Knowledge points to unlock them. However, the abilities require a different currency named the Mastery Points. So, to gain a better understanding, let’s take a deep dive into Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree.

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 1 in the Tools Tree

Rank 1
Smoke Bomb in Rank 1 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The first tier in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree has four abilities. All of them are Tools Passive abilities, and we don’t get to see an active or global passive in this section. Please take a look at the following list to find out more:

Ability NameFunctionStagesType
Tool Professional Increase damage with Tools by 18%Three stagesTools Passive
Smoke BombHold L2/LT to aim and press R2/RT to throw a smoke bomb and break all lines of sightOnly one stageTools Passive
KunaiHold L2/LT to aim and press R2/RT to throw a Kunai that deals 400% damage. Headshots on unsuspecting enemies will remove 1 Health Segments.Only one stageTools Passive
Quick ThrowHold L2/LT and press R1/RB to automatically throw the equipped tool at the closest enemy or objectOnly one stageTools Passive

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 2 in the Tools Tree

Rank 2
Enduring Haze in Rank 2 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

Rank 2 in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree increases the quantity from its predecessor and features five abilities instead of four. In addition to that, many abilities start to have different branches from this tier, so you will need to be careful with your investments if you want to build her to your liking.

Ability NameFunctionStagesTypeBranches From
Larger Tool Bag IIncrease maximum capacity for all tools.
+1 Kunai, +1 Shurikent, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell
Only one stageTools PassiveNo previous branches
Shinobi BellHold L2/LT and press R2/RT to throw a Shinobi Bell that distracts nearby enemiesOnly one stageTools PassiveNo previous branches
Enduring HazeSmoke Bomb has its duration increased to 10 secondsOnly one stageTools PassiveSmoke Bomb in Rank 1
Kunai Assassination Damage INaoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with KunaiOnly one stageTools PassiveKunai in Rank 1
ShurikenHold L2/LT and press R2/RT to throw a Shuriken that deals 100% damage.
Staggers enemies and can be used on the environment
Only one stageTools PassiveNo previous branches

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 3 in the Tools Tree

Rank 3
Armor Piercing in Rank 3 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The next on this list is Tier 3 in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree. Unlike the previous two, this Rank holds three abilities, with one standalone and two branching from other skills.

Ability NameFunctionStagesTypeBranches From
Adrenaline GeneratorIncrease Adrenaline Gain by 3%Three stagesGlobal PassiveNo previous branches
Golden BellShinobi Bell is now golden, and its shine can attract enemies from afarOnly one stageTools PassiveShinobi Bell in Rank 2
Armor PiercingKunai now have 50% Armor PiercingTwo stagesTools PassiveKunai in Rank 1

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 4 in the Tools Tree

Rank 4
Kunai Assassination Damage II in Rank 4 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The fourth tier in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree goes back to the four-ability structure and mostly consists of upgrades for skills in the previous ranks. Take a look at the list below to gain a better understanding:

Ability NameFunctionStagesTypeBranches From
Larger Tool Bag IIIncrease maximum capacity for all tools.
+1 Kunai, +2 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +2 Shinobi Bell
Only one stageTools PassiveNo previous branches
WidespreadSmoke Bomb has its radius increased to 10 metersOnly one stageTools PassiveEnduring Haze in Rank 2
Kunai Assassination Damage IINaoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with KunaiOnly one stageTools PassiveKunai Assassination Damage I in Rank 2
Bank ShotShuriken can now bounce between targetsTwo StagesTools PassiveShuriken in Rank 2

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 5 in the Tools Tree

Rank 5
Triple Threat in Rank 5 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

Now, we have entered the second-to-last Rank in this list. Tier 5 dials back the number of abilities a bit and hosts three skills. They include Shinobi Bell upgrades, Shuriken upgrades, and more.

Ability NameFunctionStagesTypeBranches From
Tool Affliction Proficiency Increase Affliction buildup with Tools by 2%
An enemy is Afflicted when suffering from Bleed, Poison, or Daze
Three stagesTools PassiveNo previous branches
Louder ChimesShinobi Bell has its radius increased to 5 metersOnly one stageTools PassiveGolden Bell in Rank 3
Triple Threat Naoe can now throw 3 Shurikens at the same time for the cost of 1Two stagesTools PassiveBank Shot in Rank 4

Naoe’s Knowledge Rank 6 in the Tools Tree

Rank 6
Kunai Assassination III in Rank 6 (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The last and final tier in Naoe’s Tools Skill Tree has the same number of abilities as Rank 5. The three abilities here aim to provide quality over quantity. Take a look at Rank 6 below, and you might just find the strongest skills in this guide:

Ability NameFunctionStagesTypeBranches From
Larger Tool Bag IIIIncrease maximum capacity for all tools.
+1 Kunai, +2 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +2 Shinobi Bell
Only one stageTools PassiveNo previous branches
EverlastKunai can no longer break on hard impact and can be retrieved indefinitely Two stagesTools PassiveArmor Piercing in Rank 3
Kunai Assassination Damage IIINaoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with KunaiOnly one stageTools PassiveKunai Assassination Damage III in Rank 4

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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