Assassin’s Creed Shadows Yamazaki Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Locations, Rewards, and More

Here is our guide on infiltrating Yamazaki Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, with information about Samurai Daisho locations and rewards.

Inside view of the Katano Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Deltias Gaming, Ubisoft)
Inside view of a castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Source: Deltia’s Gaming, Ubisoft)

Infiltrating and clearing out castles in Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a major activity, which helps you acquire some of the best gear in the game. While every castle is unique in its layout and guard patrols, some of their aspects are common. For instance, in every castle, you’ll find mini boss-like enemies, called Samurai Daishos. You have to kill these elite foes before you can access a castle’s legendary chest. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the Yamazaki Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, which is located in the southeastern area of the Yamashiro province. We’ll help you locate the Samurai Daishos inside and help you reach the reward chest.

Samurai Daisho Locations for Yamazaki Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

A Samurai Daisho in the game (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Ubisoft)

Yamazaki Castle has five Daishos patrolling various points. You need to take them all out before you can proceed to open the legendary chest. Naoe cannot access the basement of the castle and only Yasuke can break through the basement door. Use the watchtower on the eastern side of the castle to get inside. Use the observe ability to mark all of the enemies. Foes with the helmet icon over them once you tag them are Samurai Daishos.

  • Samurai Daisho 1: You can find him just on the eastern side of the main entrance to the castle’s keep.
  • Samurai Daisho 2: This Daisho is at the southernmost point of the castle. He paces back and forth on a red wooden bridge.
  • Samurai Daisho 3: The next Samurai Daisho is on a hill to the east of the castle keep. He overlooks a small body of water.
  • Samurai Daisho 4: The next one is north of the castle keep. He stands at the entrance of a large house in this location.
  • Samurai Daisho 5: The last Daisho is located in the northeastern part of the keep, patrolling a courtyard with a large tree overlooking the area.

Also Read: Best Yasuke Build Guide For Assassin’s Creed Shadows

All Rewards for Completing Yamazaki Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

A legendary chest inside a castle
A legendary chest inside a castle (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Ubisoft)

Once you kill all the Samurai Daishos in the castle, go to the castle rooftop. You can get in through the trapdoor there. Just one floor below will be the legendary chest. Here are the rewards you get from the chest and in general after completing this particular castle.

  • Legendary chest reward: Yurei Walker Hood (Headgear). When equipped, the item provides a bonus to assassination damage in shadows, removing two extra health slots of enemies.
  • 3000 XP
  • 5x Mastery Points

Also Read: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Miki Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

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