Discover the best weapons, armor, perks, and gameplay tips for the most overpowered Warlock build in Destiny 2.

This build provides some of the highest add clear potential in the game. Utilizing the arc subclass, we chain lightning by jolting everything we see. This build has an insanely low-skill cooldown on our already powerful skills, allowing us to clear out hordes of enemies with a single ability. Find out all the details on how to craft, create, and optimize the best and most overpowered Warlock build in Destiny 2.
This Build has Been Updated for Season 22, Season of the Witch, Destiny 2.
The Most Overpowered Warlock Build in Destiny 2

Warlocks are powerful in the game due to the strength of their abilities. Built into their kits is a class ability that can be used to either heal or buff any allies who enter it. Their subclasses allow for aspects and fragments that lean into their abilities, buffing them above the other classes and giving them powerful utilities. Also, they are equally as strong in more complex or group content without changing their builds.
Overpowered Warlock Build Features & Mechanics
The following list presents all the essential Overpowered Warlock Build Mechanics and Features in Destiny 2:
- Subclass: Arc
- Primary Stat: Resilience
- Super: Chaos Reach
- Class Ability: Healing Rift
- Jump: Burst Glide
- Grenade: Pulse
- Melee: Ball Lightning
- Aspects: Arc Soul, Electrostatic Mind
- Fragments: Shock, Ions, Discharge, Magnitude
The best abilities for the Arc Warlock build are Healing Rift, Pulse Grenade, and Chaos Reach. Our rift will heal and give us an arc soul to deal damage. Our grenade causes a massive AOE damage burst and jolts enemies, allowing us to quickly clear out any enemies that survived. The Chaos Reach super deals massive single-target damage and can be ended early to save some super energy.
Here is a list of all the Warlock build recommended abilities in Destiny 2:
Healing Rift: This rift will continually heal us and any allies while we stand inside it.
Pulse Grenade: This grenade pulses over time with large AOE bursts. Also, with our fragments, this grenade will jolt enemies as well.
Ball Lightning: A thrown melee that will travel slowly through the air dealing shock damage to any nearby enemies.
Chaos Reach: A laser beam skill, this super is an arc-based laser from your head dealing high single-target damage. Also, it can cause lightning strikes upon continually dealing damage and you can end it early to refund some super energy.
Our Healing Rift, essential for our exotic, keeps our gameplay loop moving by giving us an arc soul and constantly healing while standing inside it. The Pulse Grenade provides a large area of denial and AOE damage. Including its substantial single-target damage and area-of-effect cleave, the Chaos Reach super enables us to inflict concentrated damage on high-health targets.

The best aspects of the Arc Warlock build are the Arc Soul and Electrostatic Mind. They allow for the highest uptime of our abilities and pair well with our exotic.
Here is a list of all the Warlock build recommended aspects in Destiny 2:
- Arc Soul: This aspect grants an arc soul when casting our rift. This arc soul will fire at targets in front of us. Any allies can pass through our rift and gain an arc soul.
- Electrostatic Mind: This aspect gives us ionic traces after defeating targets with arc ability or defeating arc-debuffed targets.
Arc Soul is very important for our build as it counts as an arc ability to keep up our exotic perk. It also provides free damage in the form of an auto-firing ally. Moreover, the Electrostatic Mind provides us with ionic traces, which give us extra ability energy for simply defeating targets with our abilities.
The best fragments for the Arc Warlock build are Shock, Ions, Discharge, and Magnitude. These fragments offer valuable debuffs, generate Ionic Traces to replenish our ability energy, and extend the duration of our grenades.
Here is a list of all the Warlock build recommended fragments in Destiny 2:
- Spark of Shock: Our arc grenades apply jolt to targets upon dealing damage
- Spark of Ions: Generates an ionic trace after defeating a jolted target
- Spark of Discharge: Arc weapon kills generate ionic traces
- Spark of Magnitude: Increases the duration of our lingering arc grenades.
Overall, Spark of Shock gives our grenades a powerful add clear debuff on target by applying jolt. The Spark of Ions and Spark of Discharge generate a lot of ionic traces for us, which are very important by giving us constant ability energy. Lastly, Spark of Magnitude buffs our already powerful grenades by allowing them to last even longer, increasing our overall damage to enemies who don’t immediately die.

The best weapons for the Warlock build are Witherhoard, Tarnished Mettle, and Blowout. Witherhoard is one of the strongest exotic weapons in the game, offering either a large AoE damage circle or single-target damage over time, depending on whether you hit an enemy directly. Tarnished Mettle, a lightweight arc scout rifle, is one of two weapons in the game currently, with both demolitionist and voltshot able to be equipped simultaneously. This makes it one of the best weapons to pair with our build to keep up ability uptimes. Blowout is an arc rocket launcher that provides significant single-target burst damage.
Here’s a list of the best weapon loadout for the Overpowered Warlock Build:
- Kinetic: Witherhoard Exotic special ammo grenade launcher
- Energy: Tarnished Mettle Demolitionist, Voltshot
- Heavy: Blowout Demolitionist, Explosive Light
Alternatively, you can swap any weapons with other arc weapons with Demolitionist or Voltshot. However, some recommended substitutions for kinetic weapons are New Pacific Epitaph, Riptide, and Succession. Also, some fill-in weapons for the energy slot are IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.3, Posterity, Oversoul Edict, or Ex Diris. Lastly, some heavy weapon replacements include Eleatic Principle, The Hothead, or Thunderlord.
Exotic Armor

The best exotic armor for the Warlock build is the Crown of Tempests. After getting an arc ability or jolt final blow, this exotic piece grants us a timed stacking buff called Conduction Tines. Our arc abilities encompass our grenade, melee, super, and even Arc Soul. This setup ensures that the auto-firing arc turret can maintain an exotic buff without requiring any input from us. Conduction Tines can stack up to three times, and at max stacks, it gives us 500% increased grenade, melee, and super regeneration rates. With our weapons designed to either jolt or generate grenade energy, we are constantly feeding our abilities energy. As a result, this synergy enables exceptionally high uptimes on our abilities, leading to near-continuous ability usage.
Armor Stats
The best stats to focus on for the arc warlock build are Resilience, Discipline, and Recovery since these provide us with survivability or help us maintain our gameplay loop.
Here’s a list of the best stat priority for the Warlock Build:
- Mobility: 10
- Resilience: 100
- Recovery: 100
- Discipline: 100
- Intellect: 50
- Strength: 30

Armor Mods
The best armor mods for the arc warlock build are Ashes to Assets, Elemental Charge, Bomber, and Grenade Kickstart. These are important as they play directly into our build providing necessary tweaks to fill in any gaps the build may have.
Head | Arms | Chest | Legs | Class |
Harmonic Siphon | Firepower | Sniper Damage Resistance | Elemental Charge | Reaper |
Ashes to Assets | Grenade Kickstart | Concussive Damage Resistance | Recuperation | Bomber |
Ashes to Assets | Grenade Kickstart | Melee Damage Resistance | Innervation | Bomber |
Gameplay Tips
To fully utilize this build, you want to focus on one thing: spamming your abilities.
It’s insanely important to use your abilities as much as it is to generate them. Our abilities and weapons can keep our exotic buff alive as long as we are using them, so do not horde your abilities. Casting Rift on cooldown is also very important. Not only is it our most robust survivability tool by healing us while inside, but it also provides the arc souls. Those arc souls are essential for the build as they count as arc ability kills and keep our stacks of the exotic perk. Our other survivability comes from killing everything insanely fast. Furthermore, enemies will quickly disappear from the battlefield due to the powerful combination of area-damaging abilities on near-continuous uptime.
Our Chaos Reach super is one of the best single-target abilities in our kit. It can damage large health targets and cause AOE lightning strikes while you deal sustained damage. When using your super, one of the best damage combos you can do is be standing in your first for safety, throw a grenade at the enemy, hit the enemy with Witherhoard, and then cast your super. This allows two things to deal damage over time while your super also deals damage. This is sure to chunk even the most hearty boss health bars. While our super is fantastic for single-target damage, it can also clear entire rooms of enemies. With a low cooldown due to our exotic perk, feel free to use this as you need and not hold it for only high-health targets.
Overpowered Warlock Build Summary
Below is a complete summary of stats, weapons, mods, abilities, and fragments for the Overpowered Warlock build for Destiny 2:
- Healing Rift
- Pulse Grenade
- Ball Lightning
- Chaos Reach
- Arc Soul
- Electrostatic Mind
- Spark of Shock
- Spark of Ions
- Spark of Discharge
- Spark of Magnitude
- Witherhoard
- Tarnished Mettle
- Blowout
Head Mods
- Harmonic Siphon
- 2x Ashes to Assets
Arm Mods
- Fire Power
- 2x Grenade Kickstart
Chest Mods
- Sniper Damage Resistance
- Concussive Damage Resistance
- Melee Damage Resistance
Leg Mods
- Elemental Charge
- Recuperation
- Innervation
Class Mods
- Reaper
- 2x Bomber
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