This ESO Daily Guild Quests Guide will explain how to unlock the dailies, locate the quest giver and how to use them to level your companion!

When it comes to leveling the skill lines for the in-game guilds in the Elder Scrolls Online, most players tend to focus on playing either the storyline quests for each guild or perhaps running dungeons or farming dolmens. But with the addition of Companions in the Blackwood chapter, there is now an additional benefit to running the often-neglected guild daily quests. This ESO Daily Guild Quests Guide will give you all information you need on how to unlock the dailies, where to find the quest givers, and how to efficiently use them to level your new companion!
The Fighters Guild
How to Unlock
In order to accept daily quests from the Fighters Guild you will first need to be a member. If you have a new character which hasn’t already joined, visit the Fighters Guild Hall in your alliance’s starter city. This would be Daggerfall in Glenumbra, Davon’s Watch in Stonefalls, or Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. Once inside the Hall, you will need to speak with an NPC to officially join the guild. This will unlock both the Fighters Guild skill line, as well as the daily quests.
Quest Giver
Now that you are a member of the guild, you will need to travel to your alliance’s capital city in order to find the quest giver for the dailies. These cities would be Wayrest in Stormhaven, Mournhold in Deshaan, and Elden Root in Grahtwood (you’ll need to go inside the tree to find the entrance to the guild here).
Inside you will find a blue arrow above the quest giver Cardea Gallus. Interact with her to accept a daily quest. Fighters Guild quests will always require the destruction of three Dark Anchors in a specific zone. Travel to the zone, and get to cracking some deadric skulls! You can do each anchor in the zone once, or just sit and wait for a single anchor to spawn three times.
After breaking three Dark Anchors return to Cardea Gallus in the Fighters Guild Hall to turn in the competed quest. You will be rewarded with a Fighters Guild Merits container, which typically contains some basic items such as potions or food, along with a piece of equipment and even possibly a Draugr style motif.
Your character will also receive 10 XP on the Fighters Guild skill line. This isn’t much and if you’re just trying to level up a character’s Fighters Guild skill line – a much more efficient way of doing that would be to farm dolmens or run the Skyreach Catacombs repeatedly. So why do the quest at all?? Because:
Companions are the real reason for doing the Fighters Guild dailies! Companions can unlock a simplified version of the Fighters Guild skill line, which gives them the option of three different abilities: Sniping Silver, Ritual of Salvation and Biting Trap.
Completing the Fighters Guild daily quests is the ONLY way to level the Fighters Guild skill line on companions. Remember to have your companion out and active before turning in the quest or they will not receive the XP reward!
Pro Tip
While your character may only pick up one Fighters Guild Quest per day, you are not actually limited to only turning in a single quest per day! There are actually 15 different quests which rotate from day to day. If you group up with friends or guildmates, have one person pick up the quest, then share it with the group. Everyone goes out and completes said quest. Come back, turn in, and then a different friend picks up another quest. Share, rinse, repeat!
The Mages Guild
How to Unlock
In order to accept daily quests from the Mages Guild you will first need to be a member. If you have a new character which hasn’t already joined, visit the Mages Guild Hall in your alliance’s starter city. This would be Daggerfall in Glenumbra, Davon’s Watch in Stonefalls, or Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. Once inside the Hall, you will need to speak with an NPC to officially join the guild. This will unlock both the Mages Guild skill line, as well as the daily quests.
Quest Giver
Now that you are a member of the guild, you will need to travel to your alliance’s capital city in order to find the quest giver for the dailies. These cities would be Wayrest in Stormhaven, Mournhold in Deshaan, and Elden Root in Grahtwood (you’ll need to go inside the tree to find the entrance to the guild here).
Inside you will find a blue arrow above the quest giver Alvur Baren. Interact with him to accept a daily quest. Mages Guild quests will always require you to retrieve a relic in one of the base game public dungeons.
After successfully retrieving the artifact, return to Alvur Baren in the Mages Guild Hall to turn in the competed quest. You will be rewarded with a Mages Guild Merits container, which typically contains some basic items such as potions or food, along with a piece of equipment and even possibly a Draugr style motif.
Your character will also receive 10 XP on the Mages Guild skill line. This isn’t much and if you’re just trying to level up a character’s Mages Guild skill line a much more efficient way of doing that would be to download an addon to help you find all of the lorebooks. So why do the quest at all?? Because:
Companions are the real reason for doing the Mages Guild dailies! Companions can unlock a simplified version of the Mages Guild skill line, which gives them the option of three different abilities: Starfall, Reverse Entropy and Parallel.
Completing the Mages Guild daily quests is the ONLY way to level the Mages Guild skill line on companions. Remember to have your companion out and active before turning in the quest or they will not receive the XP reward!
Pro Tip
While your character may only pick up one Mages Guild Quest per day, you are not actually limited to only turning in a single quest per day! There are actually 15 different quests which rotate from day to day. If you group up with friends or guildmates, have one person pick up the quest, then share it with the group. Everyone goes out and completes said quest. Come back, turn in, and then a different friend picks up another quest. Share, rinse, repeat!
The Undaunted
How to Unlock
In order to accept daily quests from the Undaunted you will first need to be a member. To join them, you will need to find the recruiter at the Tavern within your faction’s starting city (Daggerfall in Glenumbra, Davon’s Watch in Stonefalls, or Vulkhel Guard in Auridon). There will be an initiate quest to complete, and then you will be part of the guild. This will unlock both the Undaunted skill line, as well as the daily quests.
Quest Giver
Now that you are a member of the guild, you will need to travel to your alliance’s capital city in order to find to find the quest giver for the dailies. These cities would be Wayrest in Stormhaven, Mournhold in Deshaan, and Elden Root in Grahtwood. Note that the Undaunted Daily Quests are NOT the same as pledges! You should do those, too (see our full Pledges Guide here), but the daily quests are separate from them.
Around the same Undaunted Enclave where you find the pledge NPCs, you will also find a blue arrow above the quest giver Bolgrul. Interact with him to accept a daily quest. Undaunted quests will always require you to explore and defeat the final boss of specific base game delves.
After conquering your foe, return to Bolgrul at the Undaunted Enclave to turn in the competed quest. You will be rewarded with an Undaunted Merits container, which typically contains some basic items such as potions or food, along with a piece of equipment and even possibly a Draugr style motif.
Your character will also receive 10 XP on the Undaunted skill line. This isn’t much and if you’re just trying to level up a character’s Undaunted skill line – a much more efficient way of doing that would be simply take pledges and grind dungeon achievements. So why do the quest at all?? Because:
Companions are the real reason for doing the Undaunted dailies! Companions can unlock a simplified version of the Undaunted skill line, which gives them the option of three different abilities: Crimson Font, Savage Instinct and Skeletal Aegis.
Completing the Undaunted daily quests is not the only way to level the Undaunted skill line on companions. If you think your companion is good enough, take them with you into dungeons and complete pledges. But no matter what, always remember to have your companion out and active before turning in the quest or they will not receive the XP reward!
Pro Tip
While your character may only pick up one Undaunted Quest per day, you are not actually limited to only turning in a single quest per day! There are actually 15 different quests which rotate from day to day. If you group up with friends or guildmates, have one person pick up the quest, then share it with the group. Everyone goes out and completes said quest. Come back, turn in, and then a different friend picks up another quest. Share, rinse, repeat!
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