The Elder Scrolls Online is releasing its new chapter in June, and I tested the ESO Gold Road Chapter and previewed the trial, gear, and scribing feature.

I played The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road chapter in Amsterdam and attended the 10th anniversary of the ESO Celebration. Thanks to Bethesda for paying for my travel and accommodations. In this article, I share my impressions of the upcoming chapter, the 10-year event, and what to expect from ESO in the coming 15 months. If you wish to Pre-Order the Gold Road Chapter and support my content, please use this link (sponsored content).
What is Coming in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Gold Road Chapter
The ESO Gold Road chapter features a 30-hour story, new zone, trial, and Scribing feature. Below is all the content coming in the Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road Chapter launching on PC on June 3rd and Xbox and PlayStation on June 18th:
- Scribing Feature – allows players to customize special skills from existing skill lines, known as Grimoires, empowering them to shape their builds and playstyle like never before.
- The Return of Ithelia Story – unravel the mystery of Ithelia’s return, a previously unseen Daedric Prince, and thwart her devoted followers’ plans to disrupt Tamriel’s balance.
- West Weald New Zone – players will explore the long-awaited Southeast Cyrodiil, uncovering diverse regions such as the temperate Gold Road, encroaching jungles of Dawnwood, treacherous Wildburn, and majestic Colovian Highlands, each teeming with new challenges, characters, and rewards.
- Lucent Citadel 12-Player Trial – adventurers to a forgotten Daedric vault in Fargrave must overcome formidable foes, including bosses, to secure the elusive Reanimating Crux, earning rewards and vying for leaderboard supremacy.
- Gear Sets – discover new gear sets, three overland, three crafting, three mythics, four trials, and three Cyrodiil Monster helms.
ESO Roadmap 2024

The Elder Scrolls Online 15-month window is designed to celebrate the game’s original launch on PC 10 years ago, then 15 months later, on consoles. Currently, you can join in the Jubilee event and Prologue quest for the upcoming chapter, Gold Road. The Jubilee event is a fan favorite due to double XP and item farming. Go to the crown store under the quest starters section. Go to your home city, bake a cake by gathering ingredients, and boom, you have a new 2024 cake to eat.

The prologue quest is started by accessing the crown store, prologue question section, and Prisoner of Fate. The remaining content coming in April of 2024 is the Public Test Server for the Gold Road chapter, releasing April 15. In the PTS testing cycle, everyone with a PC account can test the new content and check out scribing for yourself, or let me figure it out for you.
An upcoming event in May is a housing spotlight and partner celebration. Then, the Gold Road Chapter will be released on June 3 for PC and June 18 for Xbox and PlayStation. The Gold Road Chapter will require a separate purchase and is not included in the base game.

The new zone is West Weald. On your map, the West Weald zone is southwest of Cyrodiil, and oblivion players will be familiar with the territory. But I’m sure you all want to know about Scribing and my perspective, so here we go.
ESO Scribing Feature

The Scribing feature allows players to modify one of 11 base skills or spells called Grimoires. These skills are sprinkled throughout skill lines like weapons, world, and guild. Scribing isn’t spellcasting because you will be limited to one of 11 spells already having a pre-defined range and function. However, there is a lot of variety, giving players flexibility in crafting a unique skill to fit their needs. The Scribing user interface is like Enchanting, which makes it easier to understand. You have four runes rather than three. The top is your Grimoire or your base skill. Then, you have three scripts: Focus, Signature, and Affix.
The Focus script is the central part of the skill or spell. Players design their skills to do damage, stun, target allies, etc. Signature Scripts is enhancing an effect or a secondary attribute. You may want a range spammable, so you select that in Focus, and then your Signature Script gives additional damage over time. Lastly, we have Affix Scripts, which provides buffs of debuffs. These are game-changing for healers, tanks, and PvPers because each class can now obtain buffs only relegated to other courses. These free up more options for support roles.
Scribing Progression

Lastly, touching on the Scribing feature is leveling and unlocking new scripts and grimoires. I prefer this system to others. As you progress the quest line, the Scholarium starts to change physically. You can unlock scripts by playing the game via delves, world bosses, and even PvP.
Grimoires are easy to obtain via a vendor further down the quest chain, and every type of player can find reliable and enjoyable ways to unlock customization options. You will also feel a heightened sense of progression as the quest unfolds and the Scholarium takes shape. The Scholarium is located in the northwestern part of your map and is unlocked via quest progression.
Gear Sets
Moreover, expect a lot of cool rewards, achievements, and collectibles in this chapter. I won’t spoil the gear sets, but there are three mythic, four new trials sets, three over lands, three crafting, and even PvP monster helms! The gear sets and everything tested are all subject to change as the build we played on was an older version, but people will enjoy an upcoming meta shift and change!
Lucent Citadel Trial Impressions

I also briefly played the new Lucent Citadel trial, making it to the first boss on normal. Expect a mechanic-heavy trial; even the first boss seemed complex compared to other trials on normal. ZOS continues to deliver incredible 12-player content with great rewards, and this one is no different. I didn’t complete the trial, but the look and feel reminded me of the first time I stepped into Rockgrove in awe.
10-Year Event Amsterdam

ESO’s 10-year event was a two-day-long celebration of the game in Amsterdam. The SugarFactor location was decorated to immerse you in Tamriel and The Elder Scrolls Online. Whether it was a replica of the white gold tower or the Elder Scroll in a glass case, you felt in the universe in a way that’s hard to describe. Additionally, there were many activities rather than your standard booths and vendors. You had axe throwing, calligraphy, potion making, leather working, and photo opportunities. The folks there also gamified the system, giving you punches for completing the workshops and giving you chances to win prizes.
Most importantly, meeting people worldwide and discussing ESO while exploring Amsterdam was great. It’s different from the cornfields of Nebraska, where I’m from, but I enjoyed the relaxing and active environment with everyone cycling and enjoying life. I’d highly recommend it if you can attend an ESO event over the next 15 months. You will be satisfied at the event with plenty to do and great people to meet.
Thanks so much to Bethesda and Zenimax Online Studios for supporting me over the past ten years. ESO and the people who play and consume my content have been a big part of my life. Here’s to another ten years; thanks for reading the ESO Gold Road Chapter Preview!
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