Fallout 4 has a wide variety of available perks, so we ranked the twenty best perks to help you decide which are most suited for you.

As you progress through each level in the game, you will earn a perk point. These points can be used to obtain S.P.E.C.I.A.L. perks that enhance your character’s abilities. However, before selecting any of these perks, you must have the required number of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes. For instance, to acquire the Heavy Gunner perk, which boosts damage with heavy weapons, your character must have at least 5 strength.
Each Perk in the game has multiple ranks that offer increasing bonuses as you level up. For instance, the Heavy Gunner perk provides 40% more damage at rank 2, 60% more damage at rank 3, and a whopping 80% damage bonus at rank 4. These rank updates are a great way to improve your character’s abilities and become more powerful in the game.

Also, leveling is not the only method to increase your SPECIAL stats, attributes, and perks. You can also get new points if you find amusing figures called Bobbleheads (Bobblehead Locations Guide here) and when reading “You’re SPECIAL!” magazines.
Finally, each perk has a unique ID number that can be used to add that specific perk to your character using console cheats. For example, the command “player.addperk [Perk ID]” will add the corresponding perk to your character. We provide an ID of each discussed perk below.
In this guide, you will find the best SPECIAL Perks ranked, including ranks and required stats (attributes) in Fallout 4.
What Are the Best Perks in Fallout 4?
Sniper, Science, and Lone Wanderer are the best perks for almost every build in Fallout 4. The sniper playstyle is the best and most damage-producing build in Fallout 4. With the Sniper perk, you gain a devastating boost to an already powerful setup. Science will give you powerful mods and advanced technology that you can use regardless of your build, making it a crucial perk. While Lone Wanderer might not be for everyone, this perk is very worth sacrificing the companionship of Fallout 4 characters for buffs it offers while traveling alone.

Below are the top twenty perks in Fallout 4 ranked from the best to useful:
- Sniper: Best build Must-Have perk
- Science: Crafting Perk
- Lone Wanderer: For playing Solo
- Intimidation: Best persuasion perk
- Bloody Mess: Can explode instantly, dealing increased damage to multiple Enemies.
- Nuclear Physicist: Must have for a power armor.
- Ninja: Makes sneak attacks overpowered.
- Gun Nut: Fantastic for weapon mods.
- Critical Banker: Save criticals for big boss fights.
- Demolition Expert: Helpful AoE for every build.
- Local Leader: Great perk if you enjoy settlement gameplay.
- Locksmith: Helps open locked loot.
- Armorer: Needed for crafting armor mods.
- Medic: Great for high difficulty and overall survival.
- Hacker: Helps hack into systems.
- Scrapper: Helpful to find all sorts of good junk for building and equipment.
- Action Boy: Increase AP, which is helpful in all aspects of combat.
- Scrounger: Great for refilling ammo
- Chemist: Chems are incredibly powerful and underrated
- Lead Belly: Helpful for survival mode
20 Lead Belly

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Endurance 2
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: 10 Radiation Resistance against rads from irradiated food and water (ID: 0004A0B9)
- Level 6: 20 Radiation Resistance against rads from irradiated food and water. (ID: 00024B00)
- Level 17: Immunity to rads from irradiated food and water. (ID: 00024B01)
Survival is your number one concern in Fallout 4. Load Belly is a good starting perk regardless of your build. It’s helpful for survival mode, especially before you start producing items to filter your food and water.
Lead Belly gives you 3 ranks of extra immunity against radiation in water and food.
19 Chemist

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 7
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Any chems you take last 50% longer. Far out. (ID: 000E36FF)
- Level 16: Any chems you take now last twice as long. (ID: 000E3700)
- Level 32: Any chems you take now last an additional 150% longer. (ID: 000E3701)
- Level 45: Any chems you take now last an additional 200% longer. (ID: 001D2458)
As in any RPG, consumables are extremely helpful and powerful sources of extra buffs, boosts, and refills of resources. Sometimes, those Chems in Fallout 4 are underrated, and we highly recommend you use them.
The Chemist perk and its ranks require you to get only 7 intelligence SPECIAL attributes, which may seem like a lot but will provide a significant boost to the time the chems last.
18 Scrounger

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Luck 2
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: You know just how to scavenge to keep the fight going, and find more ammunition in containers. (ID: 0004A0B0)
- Level 7: You find even more ammunition in containers. (ID: 001ACF9A)
- Level 24: You find even more ammunition in containers. (ID: 001ACF9B)
- Level 37: There is a chance to gain ammo when firing the last round in your magazine. (ID: 001EB99C)
You only need to invest two points into the Luck attribute to get Scourger level one. However, this will help you find ammo, especially at the start of the game. Pick this perk as soon as possible, and you won’t struggle to find ammo for the rest of your gameplay. Ammunition in Fallout 4 is absolutely essential. That’s why we ranked Scrounger and included it in our best perks for Fallout 4 list.
Each level of Scrounger perk will give you an additional chance of finding the ammo in the world.
17 Action Boy

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Agility 5
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: There’s no time to waste! Action Points regenerate 25% faster. (ID: 0004D869 or 0004D872)
- Level 18: Your Action Points now regenerate 50% faster. (ID: 00065DF5 or 00065DF6)
- Level 38: Your Action Points now regenerate 75% faster. (ID: depends on DLCs, check here)
Action Boy or Action Girl perks increase AP, which is helpful in all aspects of combat. Additionally, the regeneration is noticeable, so if you like combat in Fallout 4, it’s definitely worth considering because your action points can regenerate up to 75% faster.
16 Scrapper

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 5
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Waste not, want not! You can salvage uncommon components like screws, aluminum, and copper when scrapping weapons and armor. (ID: 00065E65)
- Level 23: You can salvage rare components like circuitry, nuclear material, and fiber optics when scrapping weapons and armor. Items with favorited components are highlighted. (ID: 001D2483)
- Level 40: You get more from salvaging. Appears to only apply to uncommon components, i.e., those affected by the first level of the perk. (ID: depends on DLCs, check here)
This perk is for “loot goblins.” If you are like me and enjoy not only looting everything but also building bases and crafting equipment, you will find the Scrapper perk extremely useful. Thanks to it, you will find all sorts of good junk. Each rank will increase the quality and amount of items. However, even if you don’t like any of those things as much, you still will probably do them regardless, so getting them will give you better items.
15 Hacker

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 4
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Knowledge of cutting-edge computer encryption allows you to hack Advanced terminals (ID: 00052403)
- Level 9: You can hack Expert terminals. (ID: 00052404)
- Level 21: You can hack Master terminals. (ID: 00052405)
- Level 33: When hacking, you never get locked out of a terminal when things go wrong. (ID: 001D245D)
In Fallout 4, we ranked a few non-combat-related perks that are best and worth taking, and Hacker is one of them. Similar to Locksmith, it’s one of those perks that highly depend on your gameplay. Hacker is moderately helpful but will definitely enhance your gameplay.
14 Medic

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 2
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Is there a doctor in the house? Stimpaks restore 40% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 40% of radiation. (ID: 0004C926)
- Level 18: Stimpaks restore 60% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 60% of radiation. (ID: 0006FA1C)
- Level 30: Stimpaks restore 80% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 80% of radiation. (ID: 0006FA1D)
- Level 49: Stimpaks and RadAway restore all lost health and radiation, and work much more quickly. (ID: 00065E35)
Medic perk will restore health and remove the big chunk of radiation. Consequently, if you use a lot of healing consumables, play on high difficulty, or enjoy frequent combat, you should consider it. At level 30 in rank 3, a single Stimpeak can restore 80% of your health, which is a prominent boost. The first rank is also cheap because you only need intelligence attribute 2.
13 Armorer

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Strength 2
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Protect yourself from the dangers of the Wasteland with access to base level and Rank 1 armor mods. (ID: 0004B254)
- Level 13: You gain access to Rank 2 armor mods. (ID: 0004B255)
- Level 25: You gain access to Rank 3 armor mods. (ID: 0004B256)
- Level 39: You gain access to Rank 4 armor mods. (ID: 001797EA)
The armorer perk in Fallout 4 will give you access to additional mods, which is always handy. Those are needed for crafting armor mods. However, they aren’t as important as science! Perk, which we ranked a little higher in this Best Perks in Fallout 4 list.
12 Locksmith

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Perception 4
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Your nimble fingers allow you to pick Advanced locks. (ID: 000523FF)
- Level 7: You can pick Expert locks. (ID: 00052400)
- Level 18: You can pick Master locks. (ID: 00052401)
- Level 41: Your bobby pins never break during lockpicking. (ID: 001D246A)
A lot of good loot is hidden behind locked doors and chests. If you enjoy collecting items, the locksmith perk will be fantastic, especially at the beginning when getting extra items is essential. The loot will give you a nice boost, but it will also prove useful later.
11 Local Leader

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Charisma 6
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: As the ruler everyone turns to, you can establish supply lines between your workshop settlements. (ID: 0004D88D)
- Level 14: You can build stores and workstations at workshop settlements. (ID: 001D2468)
Fallout 4 has a complex and unique settlement system. Thanks to the Local Leader perk, you can easily buy bases, help communities, and establish supply chains. It does require charisma level 6, which may seem like a lot, but it will be useful if you like this type of gameplay.
10 Demolition Expert

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Perception 5
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: The bigger the boom, the better! Your explosives do 25% more damage, and you can craft explosives at any chemistry station. (ID: 0004C923)
- Level 10: Your explosives do 50% more damage, and grenades gain a throwing arc. (ID: 0004C924)
- Level 22: Your explosives do 75% more damage and affect a larger area. (ID: 0004C925)
- Level 34: Your explosives now do double damage. Mines and grenades shot in V.A.T.S explode for double damage, too. (ID: 00065E13)
Explosives are common, easy to find, and extremely helpful when you need something that simultaneously deals massive damage to multiple enemies. A demolition expert will buff the damage of grenades and other throwables, giving you a panic button if you get overwhelmed or deal with challenging opponents; we ranked it number 10 because there are more powerful options, still, Demolition Expert is one of the best perks regardless of your build.
9 Critical Banker

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Luck 7
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: You’re a patient battlefield tactician, and can save a Critical Hit, to be used in V.A.T.S. when you need it most. (ID: 0004C91F)
- Level 17: You can now save 2 Critical Hits, to be used in V.A.T.S. when you need them the most. (ID: 0004C920)
- Level 43: You can now save 3 Critical Hits, to be used in V.A.T.S. when you need them the most. Banking a Critical has a chance to save an additional Critical. (ID: 0004C921)
- Level 50: You can now save 4 Critical Hits, to be used in V.A.T.S. when you need them the most. (ID: depends on DLCs, check here)
It’s a unique mechanic that allows you to save critical when you need them for challenging fights or bosses. V.A.T.S. is essentially an autoaim feature in Fallout 4 and will also help you to get quick kills. Critical Banker is a fantastic perk overall, but you must properly utilize it to reach its maximum potential.
8 Gun Nut

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 3
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Shoot first, kill first, with access to base level and Rank 1 gun mods. (ID: 0004A0DA)
- Level 13: You gain access to Rank 2 gun mods (ID: 0004A0DB)
- Level 25: You gain access to Rank 3 gun mods (ID: 0004A0DC)
- Level 39: You gain access to Rank 4 gun mods. (ID: 0016578E)
Crafting perks are always worth taking. Gun Nut will give additional upgrades to your weapons, which, in many cases, are more important than armor. Thanks to higher-rank mods and other modifications, greater damage will allow you to kill enemies faster, even before you need armor for protection against them. Additionally, the most robust playstyle in Fallout 4 is the sniper build, which assumes you will never even go close to any enemies.
7 Ninja

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Agility 7
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Trained as a shadow warrior, your ranged sneak attack do 2.5x normal damage and your melee attacks do 4x normal damage. (ID: 0004D8A6)
- Level 16: Your ranged sneak attacks do 3x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 5x normal damage. (ID: 000E3704)
- Level 33: Your ranged sneak attacks do 3.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 10x normal damage. (ID: 000E3705)
Sneak attacks are so overpowered that it’s hard not to take Ninja Perk and rank it in the Best Perks in Fallout. As in many Bethesda games, attacks from the shadows offer double or even triple damage attacks. It’s a fun playstyle to strike from nothing, suspecting enemies, and extremely lethal. You can easily one-shot many weaker enemies and surprise the challenging ones. Yet, it requires Agility 7, which is considered a lot.
6 Nuclear Physicist

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 9
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: You’ve learned to split the atom… and command it. Radiation weapons do 50% more damage and Fusion Cores last an extra 25% longer. (ID: 001D246F)
- Level 14: Radiation weapons now do double damage and Fusion Cores last an extra 50% longer. (ID: 001D2470)
- Level 26: Fusion Cores can be ejected from Power Armor like devastating grenades and Fusion Cores last twice as long. (ID: 001D2471)
Nuclear Physicist is another useful and expensive perk. With an intelligence requirement of 9, you must have one if you use a power armor build and like power armor gameplay. It will extend the armor fusions and allow you to eject fusion cores and grenades for longer, which will save you resources in the long run.
5 Bloody Mess

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Luck 3
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: +5% bonus damage means enemies will sometimes explode into a gory red paste. Watch out for flying eyeballs! (ID: 0004A0BB)
- Level 9: You now inflict +10% damage in combat. (ID: 001D2453)
- Level 31: You now inflict +15% damage in combat. (ID: 001D2454)
- Level 47: When an enemy explodes, nearby enemies may suffer the same fate. (ID: 001F418E)
Bloody Mess is a fantastic perk for every player and every playstyle; that’s why it was ranked so high among the best Fallout 4 perks. Increased damage in flat value, regardless of the weapon you use, is useful, and at rank 4, it can explode instantly, killing enemies or even multiple enemies in the AoE area. It’s super cheap, only 3 luck attribute points, and you need it.
4 Intimidation

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Charisma 10
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: 10 Radiation Resistance against rads from irradiated food and water (ID: 0004A0B9)
- Level 6: 20 Radiation Resistance against rads from irradiated food and water. (ID: 00024B00)
- Level 17: Immunity to rads from irradiated food and water. (ID: 00024B01)
Firstly, intimidation is the best charisma perk in the game. However, it requires charisma at level 10, so you need to spend a lot of points on a perk that won’t increase your combat power. While it is the best, you shouldn’t spend all your points at the start of the game to boost one attribute just for this one bonus. As you play, focus on finding Bobbleheads (Bobblehead Locations Guide here) and reading “You’re SPECIAL!” magazines to increase stats and eventually invest in the Intimidation perk.
3 Lone Wanderer

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Charisma 3
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Who needs friends, anyway? When adventuring without a companion, you take 15% less damage and carry weight increases by 50. (ID: 001D246B)
- Level 17: When adventuring without a companion, you take 30% less damage and carry weight increases by 100 (ID: 001D246D)
- Level 40: When adventuring without a companion, you do 25% more damage. (ID: 001D246E)
- Level 50: When adventuring without a companion, you have 25 more action points. (ID: depends on DLCs, check here)
Lone Wanderer is a much cheaper perk requiring only 3 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. charisma attributes, making playing solo incredibly powerful. As a result, if you don’t mind exploring solo and leaving your companions behind, this will give you good bonuses to carry capacity, defenses, and damage. Moreover, your dog doesn’t count as a companion, so you can use everyone’s favorite pet and still enjoy all the bonuses.
2 Science!

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Intelligence 6
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: Take full advantage of advanced technology with access to base level and Rank 1 high-tech mods. (ID: 000264D9)
- Level 17: You gain access to Rank 2 high-tech mods. (ID: 000264DA)
- Level 28: You gain access to Rank 3 high-tech mods. (ID: 000264DB)
- Level 41: You gain access to Rank 4 high-tech mods. (ID: 0016578F)
Science is the best and highest-ranked crafting perk in Fallout 4 because you must have it to obtain the highest-quality items. It’s an absolute must-have if you want to feel powerful in the end game. Crafting in the game is also a lot of fun, and having access to various overpowered options will give you satisfaction from it.
1 Sniper

- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Requirement: Perception 8
- Ranks and Level Requirement:
- Level 1: It’s all about focus. You have improved control and can hold your breath longer when aiming with scopes. (ID: 0004C92A)
- Level 13: “Non-automatic, scoped rifles have a chance of knocking down your target.” Chance is 15%. (ID: 0004C92B)
- Level 26: Non-automatic, scoped rifles gain +25% accuracy to head shot in V.A.T.S. (ID: 0004C92C)
Lastly, we have the Sniper perk, which complements the sniper playstyle, which is probably the game’s highest and most fun playstyle. Not only sniper rifles and their bonuses are powerful, but also you will, most of the time, stay out of the enemy’s range, so they most likely won’t even be able to hit you. Additionally, you can knock an enemy down and free-shot them without them returning fire (requires two points into Sniper.)
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