How To Beat Fujichika Nakayama (The Betrayers) in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

Fujichika Nakayama is one of the Betrayers in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and you will be tasked with hunting and killing him.

How To Beat Fujichika Nakayama (The Betrayers) in Assassin's Creed Shadows
How To Beat Fujichika Nakayama in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Ubisoft)

The Betrayers is a side quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. They are one of many organizations in the game. However, this particular group helped Akechi Mitsuhide and was responsible for the death of Oda Nobunaga. There are a total of seven members in the Betrayers, and once you start this side quest, you must assassinate all of them.

In this article, we will discuss how you can find and deliver justice to Fujichika Nakayama in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. He is a samurai and one of the seven individuals we mentioned above, and you can gain some lucrative rewards after eliminating him.

How To Find and Assassinate Fujichika Nakayama in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Fujichika Nakayama's Location in Assassin's Creed Shadows
Fujichika Nakayama’s Location in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Ubisoft)

Since it is necessary to start the Betrayers questline to begin your hunt for the seven members, you must travel to the Omi Region first. There, you will have to talk to Hori Hidemasa as Yasuke. He will give you the names of your targets and some vague descriptions of where to find them. It is quite important that you use your scouts during this optional quest because they will make the searching process a lot easier.

Once you have started the mission, Fujichika Nakayama will be the first of your prey. You will be able to locate him in Takatsuki Castle. It is south of Yamazaki, east of Muggy Lands, north of Katano, and west of Yawata Plains.

Infiltrate the Castle

Take the wooden hatch on the rooftop
Take the wooden hatch on the rooftop (Image via Ubisoft)

Since it is a castle, it will be crawling with hostile NPCs, and Fujichika Nakayama will be heavily guarded. Additionally, it is evident that this mission calls for a stealthy approach, so we recommend that you play as Naoe. In addition to that, Takatsuki Castle has a viewpoint quite close to it in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, so if you have already unlocked it, you can just fast-travel to the location.

After you have reached the castle, the easiest way to reach Nakayama would be to climb to the top of the main building in the courtyard. There, you will find a wooden hatch on the rooftop, which will serve as a convenient way to enter the fortress. Once you have infiltrated the building from the roof, you will find yourself in a room with a ladder going downwards. Once you use it and climb down, you will notice a window and a wooden railing at the end of the corridor. Now, jump over the railing and drop down to the floor below.

Also Read: How To Beat Endo Tomoyasu (The Betrayers) in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

Defeat Fujichika Nakayama

Direct combat might be necessary
Direct combat might be necessary (Image via Ubisoft)

In the next area, you will find three goons guarding the room of Fujichika Nakayama, and you will have to defeat them to proceed. After killing them, take a right and use the staircase to go down once again. This is the area where the traitor Nakayama will be hiding behind some shoji doors.

However, before you try to assassinate him, we must tell you that he will have two samurai with him. In addition to that, if you are not on a high enough level, you won’t be able to take him out with one swift blow and will instead have to engage in combat. But despite these difficulties, once you take down some of Nakayama’s health segments, he will go down easily.

Rewards for Beating Fujichika Nakayama

The rewards for assassinating members of the Betrayers organization vary, so we will list the items you will gain for slaying Fujichika Nakayama in Assassin’s Creed Shadows below:

  • Ill-Fated String (Epic Bow)
  • 2000 XP
  • 2 Mastery points
  • 300 Mon

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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