Kujata is a summon you can acquire in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Here is everything you need to know to get this Summon.

Kujata is the legend of the Gongaga region. You can fight this deity as soon as you get to Chapter 9, by entering the Gongaga region. However, if unprepared, you can be in for a rough time against this Tri-Disaster wielding boss.
This guide will tell you everything about beating Kujata in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
How To Unlock Kujata in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Kujata can be unlocked via Chadley’s Combat Simulator as soon as you enter Chapter 9 of the main story i.e. the Gongaga region. You should not immediately jump into the fight, however. Instead, focusing on the Divine Intel first can lead to making the boss fight much easier for you. On top of this, the Divine Sanctuaries will also level up your Summoning Materia when you obtain them, which will strengthen the Kujata you summon.
Kujata Stats

At Full Might, Kujata will have a colossal 85,000 HP on Easy, while having 122,000 HP on Normal. These numbers are already enough to intimidate some people. However, after completing all 3 Divine Intel for Kujata, these stats are significantly lowered to 54,000 on Easy and 77,000 on Normal.
This guardian of the forest can freely change its elemental affinity. It has 3 forms which it can use in battle. These would be the Fire, Ice, and Lightning Form.
Each form has different weaknesses and immunities so be prepared for a lot of Elemental coverage. During its Fire Form, it is weak to Ice and absorbs Fire. Meanwhile, in its Ice Form, the weakness and immunity are reversed. Here he is weak to Fire and absorbs Ice. Lastly, in the Lightning form, Kujata is weak to Wind and absorbs Lightning.
Another important thing to know is that in all its forms, Kujata still has some Resistance and Immunity. Kujata has Lesser Resistance against Poison and Petrify and Greater Resistance against Sleep. Finally, it also has Immunities against Proportional Damage, Stone, Slow and Silence.
How To Defeat Kujata in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The main strategy to defeat Kujata will be to exploit its elemental weaknesses whenever it changes its forms. Capitalizing on its weakness will lead to Kujata getting pressured, and you can further increase this stagger by using any of the Focused moves from Barret, Tifa, or Cloud (Focused Shot, Strike, or Thrust).
Yuffie is a great unit for this boss fight due to her ability to switch her element on the fly. This gives her a lot of coverage, especially for this boss fight. Phoenix can also be a good Summon to use in this fight due to its magic stat-raising ability, along with casting Reraise on the party, which could come in handy in a pinch.
Saving your Limit Breaks for the boss being staggered is the recommended tactic.
Moves to Avoid
Kujata is mostly famous for 2 specific moves. These would be the Karma mechanic and Tri-Disaster. Kujata applies Karma from its attacks in certain cases which becomes extremely deadly for your party.
Tri-Disaster is most likely going to wipe out your entire party, so look to avoid this move altogether. This can be done by reducing the Karma stacks on your party by using Esuna. Be smart in your setup, use Fire and Ice Materia to have an extra slot for something else.
Try to stay away from him with Yuffie while spamming elemental attacks, and switch up your attacks when Kujata changes forms. He should go down if you don’t let him get off Tri-Disaster.
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