How To Beat Merchant Ginroku (Iron Hand Guild) in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

Here is how to find and gather intel from the Merchant Ginroku, part of the Iron Hand Guild quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Gather intel from Merchant Ginroku in Assassin's Creed Shadows
Gather intel from Merchant Ginroku in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Ubisoft)

Among the multiple different goal boards of Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Iron Hand Guild is an important one. Among the five distinct members of this particular guild, we will examine how to locate and defeat Merchant Ginroku.

Merchant Ginroku is one of the four merchants working under the Iron Hand. As per the hints provided to you on the objective board, he is located in Tamba. He owns a shop that is located near the bridges in Miyazu Bay.

Find the Merchant Ginroku in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Find Merchant Ginroku near Miyazu Castle
Find Merchant Ginroku near Miyazu Castle (Image via Ubisoft, WoW Quests/YouTube)

On the world map, scroll toward the region of Tamba and look at the northwest side. To the top, by the stream near Fukuchiyama, you will see Miyazu Castle. Set a waypoint on the quest and fast-travel to the closest point on the map.

Once near the bridges around the castle, you will see a blue blip on your screen, which you should then approach.

Gather Intel From Merchant Ginroku

Assassinate or Spare Merchant Ginroku as part of the Iron Hand Guild quest
Assassinate or Spare Merchant Ginroku as part of the Iron Hand Guild quest (Image via Ubisoft, WoW Quests/YouTube)

Get closer to the merchant to be prompted with two choices, which show on his body. Grabbing him will let you gather the intel without having to kill him, and assassinating him will do the killing. The merchant’s avatar on the objective board will either be highlighted with a yellow or red color in contrast to the choice you make. The red color on the avatar states that the merchant was killed. If the merchant is spared, his avatar will be yellow.

Rewards After Finishing the Quest

You will receive the Letter Regarding Tamba as soon as you make the decision. Through this letter, you learn that the Iron Hand has named Fukuchiyama Castle as his base.

After finishing the quest, you receive:

  • Ammo on Kill – Engraving
  • 2 Mastery Points
  • Letter Regarding Tamba

Also read: How To Beat Merchant Tamao (Iron Hand Guild) in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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