How To Find and Defeat Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Depending on your skill and approach, it can be either easy or challenging to find and defeat Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

How To Find and Defeat Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Big Sueki is one of the Kabukimono in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Deltias Gaming | Ubisoft)

Assassin’s Creed Shadows features an expansive map filled with various side quests alongside the main story quests. Most side quests, such as the Hunters of Kyonyo, revolve around finding and hunting a group of members across a specific region.

Kabukimono is one such side quest, focusing on hunting a group of rogue ronin who defy all rules and act according to their own codes. Big Sueki is one of the eight Kabukimono. Hunting these ruthless Ronins is both an adventurous and rewarding experience. If you are having trouble finding or defeating Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, this guide got you covered.

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How To Find Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Big Sueki, a member of Kabukimono, can be found in a narrow alley in Muko Post Town, located northwest of Izumi Settsu. Since he loves to drink a lot, you can find him drinking and enjoying himself with a few other Ronins at the back of a tavern directly north of the North of Amagasaki Castle.

Once you reach Muko Post Town, use your observe mechanic to pinpoint his location, along with his fellow Ronins. This allows you to plan your next move based on your approach. 

Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image Via: Ubisoft and @ZaFrostPet/YouTube)

How To Defeat Big Sueki in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Big Sueki has only three health bars, which makes him the easiest Kabukimono to defeat. However, the challenge lies in the fact that he is accompanied by four other Ronins. Since even a slight mistake can reveal your location, approach them carefully. 

The best strategy to take out Big Sueki is to use the bushes to sneak up on him and perform a stealth assassination. However, you need the ability to assassinate enemies with three health bars to do so. If you have messed up, you will find yourself fighting all five enemies at once. Defeating Big Sueki rewards Tactless Parley Katana with the Damage with Affliction (Engraving Perk) and 260 Mon

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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