How To Find and Defeat Pathway Yamabushi in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

The Pathway Yamabushi is a high-level boss you will have to overcome in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Here is where to find him.

Travel far and wide to reach this enemy (Image via Ubisoft)
Travel far and wide to reach this enemy (Image via Ubisoft)

The Pathway Yamabushi, who is situated in Kii, is not too hard to find. However, defeating him may prove to be a challenge to some. The Pathway Yamabushi can be difficult to locate as he might change locations based on the time of the day.

Here is a guide on how you can find, and therefore, defeat the Pathway Yamabushi in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

How To Find the Pathway Yamabushi in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Use the Observe feature when you get close to be able to locate him properly (Image via Ubisoft)
Use the Observe feature when you get close to being able to locate him properly (Image via Ubisoft)

This imposter is located in Shingu, on the eastern end of the Kii region. His location may vary based on the time of the day, so once you get closer, you can use the Observe feature to locate him. This is because he becomes marked with a blue light while you use the observe feature.

Either way, just walk up to him (or behind him) to initiate the next part of your objective, which is to fight and kill him.

How To Defeat the Pathway Yamabushi

You get an epic Naginata for your efforts (Image via Ubisoft and @Lootward/YouTube)
You get an epic Naginata for your efforts (Image via Ubisoft and @Lootward/YouTube)

This enemy emerges as a high-level encounter. Additionally, he uses a naginata in battle, which may be tricky to face for some people. However, if you are dealing good damage, then you should consider an aggressive approach to not give him much of an opportunity to attack back.

Alternatively, you can also consider sneaking up on him at night and assassinating him for a bunch of his health. This will make your life easier. Like the other Yamabushi fights, be patient and wait for a good opportunity to deflect the enemy’s attacks and obliterate them afterward.

Defeating this boss will get you the following items:

  • 2,000 XP
  • 2 Mastery Points
  • Epic Naginata – Izanagi’s Reach
  • 290 Mon

That was the complete guide on defeating the Pathway Yamabushi in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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