How To Find and Defeat The Onryo Samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Here’s a quick guide to help you find and defeat The Onryo Samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows efficiently.

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Hunting The Onryo Samurai (Image via Ubisoft)

The Onryo Samurai is the first Onryo boss in Assassin’s Creed Shadows that you will find and put down. He is a part of The Onryo/Shinbakufu. As per the game lore, they are supposedly the “Templars” of feudal Japan, and the protagonists are driven by both creed and personal agendas to hunt these Onryos.

Bad luck follows The Onryo Samurai, the first in the game. He first shows up in the prologue, where Naoe plans on retrieving her father’s stolen red box. After fighting against Ido Yoshihiro, things go south for the protagonist. Her father dies at the hands of the remaining Shinbakufu leaders, and she is left injured.

Where To Find The Onryo Samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Overlooking Onryo Samurai (Source: Ubisoft/YouTube@I.Eat.Games.)

Out of all the Chapters in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, players don’t face Yoshihiro until the quest The Onryo Samurai during the World At War Chapter. To find The Onryo Samurai, you are required to head to the Katano Castle. However, your starting position will remain the same as the mission starts at Tomiko Homestead.

You can’t get lost as of now because you will still be in “tutorial mode.” So, simply activate the Pathfinder and follow the white line on the ground to the castle. Naoe can call her horse by holding the down button on the D-pad on the consoles and riding it to her destination. We suggest that you get off the horse right when you see the main gate because there will be guards there.

Assassinating The Onryo Samurai is a “canon” event in this mission and is part of the tutorial. So, you have to set your eyes on the stolen red box. Look for a bamboo structure against the wall in the northwest area of the castle. Take out all guards here for your own safety. Now, climb up the hanging pole via the roof of the building and use the Observation to track The Onryo Samurai, who is already marked with a blue orb.

How To Defeat The Onryo Samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Successfully Assassinating Ido (Source: Ubisoft/YouTube@I.Eat.Games.)

Once you have used your Observation, the game will play a small cinematic scene, re-introducing the Onryo Samurai. Now, you must check the prompted button on top of you, asking you to use your Grappling Hook. This is the LB/L1 button on consoles. Use it and swing to the highest point possible while looking down on the Samurai. When the prompt appears, press the Assassination prompt to execute an Air Assassination.

A short scene will play out, and Naoe will take the red box from this fellow. Now, all you have to do is escape the castle. It is fairly easy. However, you must remember that you cannot fight all the reinforcements alone at this stage in the game. So, simply run forward and climb atop the buildings on the right, which are built against the castle walls. Climb on the ledges and jump straight into the water outside to ensure Naoe’s safety.

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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