How to Get Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Bhaalist Armour is a very rare clothing piece, which you can get by unlocking a merchant at the Murder Tribunal in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3).

Baldur's Gate 3 Echo of Abazigal merchant vendor

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, powerful and unique armor sets can make all the difference in surviving the harshest battles and facing the most dangerous foes. One such coveted piece of gear is the Bhaalist Armour, a set that not only provides formidable protection but also carries a dark and intriguing history tied to the Lord of Murder, Bhaal. If you’re looking to don this legendary armor and harness its potent abilities, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore the Bhaalist Armour, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What is the Bhaalist in BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Bhaalist Armour BG3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Bhaalist Armour is a very good piece of light armour which has two very effective bonus perks. Aura of Murder will provide you will a big boost to Piercing damage. All kinds of weapons – rapiers, swords, bows – and even some spells can cause piercing damage. Just by wearing this armour, all enemies within 2m of you will become Vulnerable to Piercing. The Vulnerable condition in which the specified type of damage done is doubled. This is huge, especially for end-game fights on higher difficulties.

Finally, Ambusher is also a great bonus. It grants the wearer a +2 to Initiative Rolls. In Baldur’s Gate 3 Initiative is what determines the order of attack in combat. The higher your Initiative, the more likely you are to go first. This is especially helpful if multiple members of your party have high Initiative. It will give you a chance to take out enemies from the fight before they even get a chance to take their turn.

Bhaalist Armour Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of the Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Armour Type: Light
  • Armour Class: 14 AC
  • Requirements: Light Armour proficiency
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  • Weight: 5.85 kg
  • Value: 3600
  • Location: Unlock the vendor Echo of Abazigal at the Murder Tribunal in Act 3
  • Bonuses:
    • Aura of Murder: Enemies within 2m become Vulnerable to Piercing damage unless they are Resistant or Immune to it.
    • Ambusher: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls.
  • Classes with Light Armour Proficiency: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Warlock
  • Companions Who Can Use This Armour: Lae’zel, Astarion, Minthara, Karlach, Minsc, Jaheira, Halsin, Shadowheart

Note: There are major spoilers for Act 3 below.

How to Get the Bhaalist Armor in BG3? Explained

You can only get the Bhaalist Armor in Baldur’s Gate 3 by discovering the Murder Tribunal and choosing to side with Bhaal by becoming an Unholy Assassin. Doing so will unlock a merchant named Echo of Abazigal, who will have the Bhaalist Armour and other unique items for sale. Discovering the Murder Tribunal is part of the quest line you follow in order to confront Orin and gain her Netherstone. Orin herself also drops some good loot, including Bloodthirst and Crimson Mischief.

You can start the search for Orin in one of two ways. Either defeat Gortash first and she’ll give you the location and password for the discovering the Tribunal. Or follow and complete a quest called Investigate the Murders. That quest you can start by visiting the Open Hand Temple in Rivington. Afterward, the end of Investigate the Murders will provide you with the same location and password you need.

Find The Murder Tribunal

To find the Murder Tribunal you will need to use the location and password. This will lead you to Candulhallow’s Tombstones armed with the password ‘Sicarius’. Candulhallow’s Tombstones is located to the northeast of Elfsong Tavern, and the front door can be lock-picked if needed.

BG3 Candulhallow's Tombstones map
BG3 Candulhallow's Tombstones secret door to Murder Tribunal

Head towards the back office room in order to find the secret entrance. You’ll see a ‘Butterfly on Skull’ painting hanging on the wall. Remove it to find a button underneath. Pressing it will reveal a secret door where you can use the password. Ignore the sign beyond this door and keep to the brick path on the right, which will reveal the door to the Murder Tribunal and the way to the Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal

The Murder Tribunal is it’s own self-contained area and consequently, it’s easy to find your way forward. After arriving in the antechamber you’ll be stopped by guards who ask for proof of your right to be here. Essentially, they want to see proof that you have killed. Present them with a dismembered hand you should have picked up along the way. If you can’t, they will become hostile and you’ll have to fight.

Then head on inside to the Murder Tribunal audience hall. Fans of previous entries in the Baldur’s Gate series will meet a familiar face. You’ll have to make some critical story and character decisions here. Certain choices may instigate combat with members of the Tribunal. Basically, if you want the Bhaalist Armour you need to avoid this and agree to be judged by Bhaal. Sarevok will summon the shade of someone you killed and ask you how it was done. To pass the first test and take a step closer to the Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3, choose one of the three lines seen in the image below:

Baldur's Gate 3 How to Become and Unholy Assassin of Bhaal

There will be a second test following this. You will be lead into a chamber off to the side where Investigator Valeria is being held captive by the cultists. Killing her is the final test. When you have done so, you will be anointed in the nearby pool of blood as an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.

Echo of Abazigal Merchant

Baldur's Gate 3 Echo of Abazigal in Murder Tribunal

Finally, now that you are an Unholy Assassin, return to the main chamber of the Murder Tribunal. This is where Sarevok and the three Echos have their throne-like chairs on the raised dais. A new Echo will appear, just to the north. The Echo of Abazigal is a Dragonborn Bhaalspawn and he will have a number of items for sale meant to “aid in enacting your foul whims.”

You can find the Bhaalist Armour in his store, but purchasing it will cost you 3,600 gold!

Bhaalist Armor Set Stats in BG3

Baldur's Gate 3 Assassin of Bhaal Cowl BG3

The Bhaalist Armor Set is a three-piece that includes gloves, armor, and a cowl. When combined, you gain see in the dark and gain increased attack and initiative. Seeing in the dark is especially helpful when playing a GIthyanki or Human race that doesn’t have dark vision.

Below are the Bhaalist Armor set in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Armor PiecePriceBonus
Bhaalist Gloves702Attack +1 and Garrotte Action: Thanks to this action, you can wrap a rope around a target Humanoid’s throat, thanks to which you Silence it and deal good damage. It will also prevent the target from using spells that require a verbal component.
Bhaalist Armor2600Armor Class – 14, Initiative Rolls +2, Aura of Murder: All enemies within 2m become vulnerable to Piercing damage. This effect does not apply to characters and creatures with Resistant or Immune to this type of damage.
Assassin of Bhaal Cowl585Murderous Sight – You can see in the dark up to 3m and gain +2 to Initiative Rolls.See Invisibility (level 2 Divination spell) – Thanks to this spell, players can see invisible objects and creatures within a 9m radius.
Bhaalist Armor Set Stats in BG3

How to Use the Bhaalist Armour in BG3?

The best way to use the Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3 is by equipping it to a Rogue, Ranger, or even Warlock class build, depending on your playstyle. It’s not the best if you are playing any of these classes primarily at range. If you’re using the bow as your primary weapon, then there are other armours that are better.

However, if you are playing as a dual-wielding Rogue/Ranger, or as a Rapier wielding Warlock, then the passive benefits from the Bhaalist Armour are strong. The Aura of Murder bonus, doubles your pricing damage within a 2-meter range. Additionally, you can pair this with other gear such as the Bloodthirst dagger, Knife of the Undermountain King shortsword, andthe Shade-Slayer Cloak. This will lower your critical roll by 3 and will double damage!

Tips and Tricks for Bhaalist Armour in BG3

These are the best tips and tricks for finding and using Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • This armour is only available if you murder Valeria and become an unholy assassin. The Echo of Abazigal will only appear after you have been ‘baptized’ in Bhaal’s pool of blood.
  • The piercing vulnerability from Aura of Murder is not supposed to work on enemies who are resistant or immune to piercing damage. However, this appears to be bugged, and they will still become vulnerable.
  • Additionally, Aura of Murder is also a toggleable passive feature. Therefore, if needed you can turn it on and off.

FAQs about Bhaalist Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3

1. Is the Bhaalist Armor worth it in BG3?

Yes, it’s the highest damage-producing armor set in BG3 due to making targets vulnerable (double damage) to piercing damage. Melee builds can combine the legendary Trident Nyrulna because of its piercing damage and is considered one of the strongest builds in Baldur’s Gate 3.

2. Can you get the Bhaalist Armor in BG3?

Yes, but only if you side with Bhaal and become the unholy assassin.

3. Can you get Bhaalist armour without killing Valeria?

No, you must complete the sacrifice in order to become the unholy assassin.

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