In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Bloodguzzler Garb is great clothing for the barbarian class, and you can get it in Act 1 – this short Guide Explains everything you need to know about Bloodguzzler Garb in BG3.

Bloodguzzler Garb Baldur’s Gate 3
In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Bloodguzzler Garb is a fantastic early-game clothing for the barbarian class. It gains Wrath to the wearer each time the enemy damages them. While Barbarian is good at dealing damage, but it’s also fantastic at enduring it. Your raging character will often be in the middle of the battlefield and often get hit, so the Wrath effect will be active almost all the time, providing a +1 bonus to damage stacking per turn – a fantastic boost for your barbarian.
You can equip it to your character’s chest slot in the inventory, providing additional bonuses and buffs. There are no requirements for this item. You can equip it on any class, companion, or character.
The Bloodguzzler Garb features in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Armor Type: Clothing, Robe
- Armour: 10 AC
- Proficiency Requirement: No Requirements
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 1.8 kg
- Value: 250
- Location: Located in the Underdark, from killing and looting Bulette (X: -40 Y: -193), Act 1
- Grievous Retribution: When an enemy damages the wearer, they gain Wrath for 1 Turn.
- Wrath: Adrenaline courses through your veins. You have a +1 bonus to melee damage stacking per turn.
- Classes and Races That Can Equip It: All characters can equip this robe.
How to Get The Bloodguzzler Garb in Baldur’s Gate 3
You can get the Bloodguzzler Garb from the defeated Bulette, a creature living in the Underdark (X: -40 Y: -193) during Act 1. Here is a short overview of how to get the Bloodguzzler Garb in BG3:
- Complete the prologue
- Head West from Emerald Grove to reach Blighted Village
- Enter the Underdark – The easiest way is to use the well in the center of the Blighted Village and jump down the hole in Whispering Depths.
- Head west and pass through the Myconid Colony to the Sussur Tree to find a Bulette near it (X: -40 Y: -193)
- Kill the Bulette (you can spot the creature by the ground shaking and the soil moving).
- Loot defeated Bullette to get the Bloodguzzler Garb in BG3.
Find the Underdark

To get Bloodguzzler Garb, you must first enter the Underdark. There are a few entrances, including trying the Shattered Sanctum and Auntie Ethel’s house, but I’ll quickly explain how to get there through the Whispering Depths underneath Blighted Village. You’ll need the potion, scroll, or spell of Feather Fall, so ensure you have one before proceeding.

Set your course west from Emerald Grove, and you’ll easily find the Blighted Village and a well in the middle. You must pass an Investigation skill check of 10 DC, to use it and climb down to the Whispering Depths. Inside the cave system, there are giant Spiders and Spider Matriarchs (X: -543 Y: -366). You must defeat them first, so we advise you to reach at least level 3 so you’ll have no problem with the fight and surviving in the Underdark.
Defeat the Bulette

Once you are ready and defeated the spiders, you need to jump down the big tunnel (X: -543 Y: -366) leading straight down to the Underdark, and that’s when you need the Feather Fall spell. Use it so you won’t take any fall damage. In the Underdark, you must find the Bulette (X: -36 Y: -190), a creature living underground near the Sussur Tree in the Dread Hollow area. To reach it, head west from where you started in the Underdark. You will notice the ground moving and shaking around you as you approach. Try to attack the creature while it’s underground by aiming at the big mole’s mound. It’ll jump up, knock one of your characters down and attack.

Bulette has 162 hit points. Try to stay away from it with all your spellcasters and range characters, only getting close with melee warriors. There is no high ground you can take, and the area is pretty limited so the battle can be challenging, depending on your level. After you defeat the creature, loot its body to get the Bloodguzzler Garb in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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