In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Psychic Spark is a good necklace for spellcasters you can acquire during Act 1 – this short Guide explains everything you need to know about Psychic Spark in BG3.

Psychic Spark
The Psychic Spark necklace is a very good early game accessory because spellcasters are often low on spell slots in the early game of Baldur’s Gate 3. Magic Missile is a a low level Evocation spell which will has a 100% hit chance, and it can even angle around corners to avoid that pesky line of sight. However, the downside it is that it doesn’t hit very hard. With the Psychic Spark not only are you able to cast the spell once per Long Rest for free, but makes it do more damage with the bonus of an extra dart.
- Armor: Necklace
- Proficiency Requirement: N/A
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 156
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Location: Purchased from Blurg at the Myconid Colony in Underdark, Act 1
- Bonuses:
- Psychic Missiles: Shoot an additional dart whenever you cast Magic Missile.
- Magic Missile: Cast the spell Magic Missile once per Long Rest.
- All Classes, Companions, and Races Can Use This Item
- Recommended Builds for Psychic Spark: Evocation Wizard and Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Also Check:- BG3 Interactive Map
How to Get Psychic Spark in Baldur’s Gate 3
You can purchase Psychic Spark from a hobgoblin vendor named Blurg who is at the Myconid Colony in the Underdark. There are several ways to get into the Underdark but probably the shortest way to get to Blurg is to use the Well found in the Blighted Village. In order to take this route at least one of your characters will need to pass a DC10 Intelligence check in order for the well to become visible. There will be a cavern like area below where you will find lots of spider enemies. The biggest threat is the Phase Spider Matriach you can choose to fight or attempt to avoid.

You’ll then be looking for the Whispering Depth waypoint, which almost directly to the west. Nearby you should see an open chasm. Cast Feather Fall or consume a Feather Fall potion BEFORE jumping in. Doing so will let you float safely down into the Underdark. Once you land on your feet, head northwest and you should find the Myconid Colony. If you can pass a DC 5 Charisma check in order to convince them that you mean no harm, they’ll let you visit. You’ll find Blurg just a little to the north of the Colony waypoint.

If this is your first time speaking to Blurg there will be some story dialogue and an interesting character to meet. The conversation may end automatically, but you can immediately click to speak to Blurg again and get the option to ask if he has anything interesting to trade.
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