Discover where you can find the Scavenger Matron Helmet in Enshrouded, a necessary resource for strengthening your Flame Alter.

In the mysterious realm of Enshrouded, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. For beginning explorers, the Scavenger Matron Helmet is a coveted treasure. Moreover, you will need to collect to advance in the game. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to locate and acquire this elusive helmet, uncovering the secrets hidden within the depths of Enshrouded.
How to Get Scavenger Matron Helmet in Enshrouded
You can get the Scavenger Matron Helmet in Enshrouded by defeating the Scavenger Gorger Matron at The Hill of Scavengers location in the starting region of Springlands. Additionally, later on, you can also find a similar enemy type in the region of Revelwood. They can be found at Glennwood’s End and Fawnsong Frontier.

The easiest way to get to The Hill of Scavengers where the Scavenger Gorger Matron resides is by using the fast travel point in the Springlands Ancient Spire and gliding to the northeast. You’ll know that you’re in the right location when you see a large, wooden fortification. This location is a whole camp full of scavengers, so be prepared to fight even before you get to the boss.
The Scavenger Gorger Matron is at the top of the hill in the center, and it’s best that you avoid her until after you’ve defeated all the lesser minions. There will be a mix of rogue, range, and animal enemies here to defeat. When you have finally cleared out the rabble, head up to the top to face the boss for the Scavenger Matron Helmet.
Fighting the Scavenger Matron Helmet Boss
The Scavenger Gorger Matron is not as difficult as some later bosses, but she can be troublesome in the early game. Come prepared with health potions, health regen food, and with antidote. She will repeatedly attack by throwing three projectiles of poison in your direction. Consequently, this can make it very hard to kite her and attack with ranged weapons, because you have to constantly be on the move.
Melee can be challenging too, because she has no problems dropping all her poison close-up, too. Therefore, this is why you’ll need to be prepared to manage a good chunk of the damage she does with consumables.
Additionally, if you’re still having trouble with this boss, you can try getting on the very top of the stone pillars surrounding the area. This is too high up for her projectiles to reach and you can safely attack from range with a wand or bow.
Finally, when the Gorger is finally defeated, you can loot the body for the Scavenger Matron Helmet!
What is a Scavenger Matron Helmet, and what is it used for?

The most important use of the first Scavenger Matron Helmet you collect will be to strengthen your Flame Alter. It will be one of several ingredients you will need to collect to strengthen the Flame to a Level 3.
To Strengthen your Flame to Level 8 you will need:
- 2 Survivors
5 Spark - 10 Wax
- 10 Salt
- 10 Shroud Wood
- 10 Flintstone
- 10 Charcoal
- 1 Scavenger Matron Helmet

Finally, with a second Scavenger Matron Helmet, you can craft a trophy head for your housing. You can craft this with the Hunter by bringing her 2 Wood Planks, 2 Nails, and the Head. Placing this item on the wall of a shelter will provide additional comfort to any craftsperson inside.
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