In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Spellmight Gloves are cloth gear item available from Lucretious in the Circus during Act 3. Here is how to get them.

Spellmight Gloves
In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Spellmight Gloves is a cloth gear from Lucretious in Act 3 that can deal additional damage for a cost of accuracy. Classes that will benefit from it are Warlock, Wizard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Bard, Druid, or any spellcaster classes. You can equip it to your character’s hand armour slot in the inventory, providing additional bonuses and buffs. There are no proficiency requirements for this item.
The Spellmight Gloves features in BG3:
- Armour Type: Gloves
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.5 kg
- Value: 300
- Location: Act 3: Can be stolen or looted from Lucretious or reward for Find Dribbles the Clown Quest.
- Bonuses:
- Spellmight: When casting a spell that requires an Attack roll, you can take a -5 penalty to the roll to deal an additional 1d8 damage.
- Classes with Martial Weapons Proficiency: All
- Companions Who Can Use This Weapon: All
How to Get The Spellmight Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3
In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Spellmight Gloves are a reward from Lucretious in the Circus in Act 3. Alternatively, you can try to steal the item or kill Lucretious and loot gloves from their body.
Go to the Circus

To find Lucretious and pick up the Find Dribbles the Clown quest, you must head to the Rivington circus during Act 3. You can sneak in through the back gate of the Open Hand Temple or jump over the broken fence (X: -22 Y: -34) further to the north from the main gate.

You can take a direct route and pass through the main gate, where you’ll meet Klaus and Benji. They check every guest to ensure no “vicious murders” enter the circus. Benji, the ghul, will sniff the player’s party and say they smell “iron and blood.” You must pass any available charisma skill checks to enter the circus. You may see different options: persuasion, intimidation, or deception, depending on your class. If you fail, you can take any of the alternative entrances.
Steal the gloves or kill Lucretious (Solution 1)
Enjoy the circus of the Last Wish and its many wonders. Don’t forget that the Akabi, the djin on the west side of the circus, has a special quest that can reward you with Nyrulna, a legendary trident, and Bony and Stony in the tent further to the west offer a statue for 5000 gold that will give your character permanent bonus.

Lucretious stands just next to the gate to the Temple, training her undead performers. You can now kill her, triggering all nearby circus workers to attack you, or you can try to steal the Spellmight Gloves from them.
Pick up Find Dribbles the Clown Quest (Solution 2)

Alternatively, you can go through all the trouble and help Lucretious find Dribbles the Clown. In this case, you can speak with Lucretious or approach the stage (X: -41 Y: -36), where Clown and the dog perform the act. A cutscene will start, and regardless of your choices, it will turn out the clown is an imposter and another worshiper of the absolute. After the attack, Lucretious will approach you, asking to find the real Dribbles the Clown. Agree to help, and this will start the quest.

To complete the Dribbles the Clown Quest and get Spellmight Gloves, you must find all body parts of Dribbles scattered in various places in Baldur’s Gate and bring them to Lucretious.
Find the Hand

Clown Hand is in the circus, on the plate under the Popper’s store tent. You can find him on the west side of the circus. Steal the hand from the plate, or if you pick it up, Popper will offer it to you for 10,000 gold. Pass any available charisma skill checks or agree to pay the price.

Dribbles Torso is in the cave under Open Hand Temple. Head to the temple just north of the circus, and on the ground floor, locate the kitchen and hatch (X: -62 Y: 4) to the basement. Explore the area; your party should pass an automatic perception check that will reveal the buttons that open the crypt and the hidden tunnels. Next, go to the east until you reach a stone wall marked with blood and a few NPC around it. They are also doppelgangers who will attack you immediately. The Dribbles Torso is in Penela Lumpensicks (X: 64 Y: -1027) body.

Head to the Lower city in Baldur’s Gate. Clown pelvis is in the house (X: 125 Y: 5) north of the basilisk gate, where you first enter the city. The building is easy to spot, with a mailbox on the wall next to the door. Inside, you’ll find the body of Gohumberry Tresp in the pool of blood. Loot the pelvis from the corpse.

This one might be a little tricky to find. From Basilisk Gate, head west until you reach Sorcerous Sundries, a monumental oval building. The Clown Arm is in the Peartree House, located southeast of Sorcerous Sundries (X: 33 Y: -95). Wooden boards block the access, and you must destroy them before entering. The most efficient will be a two-handed sword, mace, or axe. Inside, move the Traveler’s chest that blocks the Hatch and go down to the basement. Dribble’s arm is in Courageous Little Kimmabeth’s corpse, along with another note from Orin.

Northwest of the Sorcerous Sundries is the Lower City Central Wall waypoint. Pass the gate next to it, immediately turn left, and go south. Leg is in Lavernica’s House (X: -76 Y: -70) basement. Also, look for a hatch and enter it to find yet another proof of Orin’s actions. The Clown’s leg is in the Incontinentia’s Figgin body.

Dribbles foot is in another basement accessible through the hatch, this time in the Rainforest’s House (X: -95 Y: -110) southwest of where the leg was or house west of Beehive General Goods. Loot the foot from Winslow Reginol.

Clawn’s head is in the Orin’s Temple of Bhaal. Accessing it will trigger important events in the main story, so ensure you are ready to enter Orin’s location before proceeding. The easiest way to the Temple of Bhaal is from the Lower City Sewers.

Regardless of where you enter, the Sewers head north until you reach the Undercity Ruins Waypoint. Look up and shoot the hanging corpses to the left, which will open the stone door to the Bhaal temple.
As you walk down the stone path into this space, you’ll be ambushed by assassins from the right. They shroud themselves and the Sanctuary spell but Call Lightning and other area-of-effect spells like Ice Storm, and Fireball will still damage them and push them out of invisibility. As you progress deeper and through the stone bridge, more assassins will attack on the left. Cast any AoE fire spell through the windows where they stand, blow up the barrels with oil, and hopefully hit enemies in the process. Assassins will use arrows to attempt to push you and your party off the bridge into the chasm.

Once you deal with the enemies in the temple, go to the northeast side to find the altar and another pile of corpses (X: -65 Y: 1040). The Dribble’s head is in Wilting Alex’s body.
Return for the reward: Spellmight Gloves
Return to Lucretious in Circus of the Last Wish and give them all the parts. The circus owner will reward you with Spellmight Gloves!

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