In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Joltshooter is a Longbow you can acquire in Act 1 – this short Guide Explains everything you need to know about The Joltshooter in BG3.

The Joltshooter
In Baldur’s Gate 3 The Joltshooter is a Longbow you can acquire during Act 1 as you follow the Rescue the Grand Duke quest to the burning inn of Waukeen’s Rest. The Joltshooter has a special feature which grants the wielder 2 Lightning Charges each time they successfully attack and enemy. Lightning Charges provide:
- Lightning courses through you. You have +1 to Attack Rolls and deal an additional 1 Lightning damage.
- If you gain 5 charges, they are consumed the next time you deal damage, and you deal an additional 1d8 Lightning damage.
- You lose 1 charge per turn.
What this means is that you want to be sure that the character who equips this weapon uses it to deal direct damage at least once per turn. If you miss a turn then you will start to loose lightning charges. You should try to gain the full 5 charges, which will then allow you to deal an additional 1d8 Lightning damage. This will require four successful hits in a row, where on the fourth hit you will trigger the additional Lightning damage.
Here are all The Joltshooter features in BG3:
- Weapon Type: Longbow
- Damage: 1d8+5 Piercing
- Requirements: Martial Weapons Proficiency
- Rarity: Rare
- Location: One of 3 possible rewards for rescuing Counsellor Florrick.
- Weight: 1.1 kg
- Value: 310
- Bonuses:
- Electric Blood: When the wielder deals damage using this weapon, they gain 2 Lightning Charges.
- Classes with Martial Weapons Proficiency: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger
- Companions Who Can Use This Weapon: Karlach, Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Minthara, Minsc
How to The Joltshooter in Baldur’s Gate 3
NOTE: Potential spoilers for Act 1 below.
To receive the Joltshooter you’ll need to travel to Waukeen’s Rest in the northwestern area of the Risen Road. When you first arrive you’ll find the inn and surrounding structures burning. Walk into the main courtyard and north past the fountain to see a group of Fist recruits trying to break open the doors in an attempt to save Duke Ravengard. Interact with the leader and you’ll be given a chance to encourage the soldiers in their efforts.
Don’t immediately follow the soldiers through the big double doors and into the main building. Instead, turn to the east and head over to a door which is blocked by a very large Shattered Wine Barrel. Using a high Strength character (if you aren’t strong enough, try Lae’zel), have them move the barrel out of the way. You’ll need to push it forward, because it’s too large to pull out through the door.

Once you can get in the room, look over to the left and you’ll see the remains for a second floor. Again, you’ll need to use a character with higher Strength to jump up there.
After successfully jumping up, move forward a little ways to find a short hallway you can travel down. At the end of it you’ll find a locked, sturdy oak door. Interact with it and Counsellor Florrick will speak to you through the door and ask for your help. A dialogue prompt will let you choose to use your Strength to break down the door (10DC check).

The Counsellor won’t talk much, wanting to leave immediately before the building collapses. Head back out and jump back down to return to your party. When you speak to Counsellor Florrick back out in the courtyard she will thank you for saving her. She’ll offer you a single reward from a choice of three. The Joltshooter is the second of these. The full list of possible rewards are:
- The Sparky Points
- The Joltshooter
- The Spellsparkler
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