The Unlucky Thief’s Gloves are an armour piece in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3), and you can get them from a game of chance in Act 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a highly acclaimed CRPG from the renowned developer Larian Studios. Released in the summer of 2023 on all major platforms, it features an engaging storyline, memorable companions, and tactical turn-based combat. Additionally, there are many pieces of unique armour, weapons, accessories, and other items to find as you explore the world of Faerun. Some of these items require conquering difficult boss fights, solving intricate puzzles, or looting treasure chests.
In this guide, we’ll explore the set of Unlucky Thief’s Gloves, how to acquire them, and tips for using them effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.
What are the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in BG3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves are an armour piece that any class or companion can use to gain a Sleight of Hand bonus at the cost of some Charcoal. In BG3, Sleight of Hand is a Dexterity-based skill that allows a character to successfully pick locks, disarm traps, and pick NPC pockets. Typically, the best classes for this skill are either Rogues, Bards, or Rangers using the Charlatan or Urchin backgrounds. Your potential companion Astarion will be a good option for these tasks if your character has a low Dexterity score.
Additionally, the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves also have the amusing side-effect of giving the wearer a piece of Charcoal each time you are successful stealing. The Charcoal will automatically be added to your inventory, along with the item you stole. After you successfully steal 20 items, the next time you steal the gloves will give you a Coal Bucket instead. This item will apply one turn of Burning, thus causing you to take 1d4 of Fire damage.
Unlucky Thief’s Gloves Abilities and Effects
Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Armor: Gloves
- Proficiency Requirement: N/A
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 0.5 kg
- Value: 1
- Location: Given as a consolation prize by Akabi the Djinni at the Circus of the Last Days, Act 3.
- Bonuses:
- All Classes, Companions, and Races Can Use This Item
How to get Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in BG3?

To get the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3 you must enter the Circus of the Last Days in Act 3 and play the spin-the-wheel game offered by the Djinni named Akabi.
Step 1- Find Akabi at the Circus of the Last Days
The Circus of the Last Days is on the east side of the Rivington area where you begin Act 3. You can reach it by walking left/west from the Rivington waypoint. This street will eventually lead to the South Span Checkpoint, but the first location on your left will be the Circus of the Last Days. To get inside the main entrance you will have to convince Klaus and Benji that you mean no harm. However, if this doesn’t work there is a gap in the fence to the north that you can climb through.
Next, you can find Akabi on the south side of the Circus. The red Djinni will be hard to miss, as he is floating prominently next to his game of Spin the Wheel.
Step 2- Play Akabi’s Spin the Wheel Game
Finally, getting the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves will require you to play the Spin the Wheel chance game, possibly multiple times. You cannot win the final jackpot without first stealing the Djinni Ring from Akabi. Directly after that, he will banish you to a jungle area where you can find Nyrulna.
However, if you want any of the consolation prizes you must first spin the wheel normally. Do NOT steal the ring until you are ready to go to the jungle.
Moreover, spinning the wheel will cost you 500 gold each time. Akabi has 16 consolation prizes to reward, but some of them are just junk items. Therefore, this could be an expensive process. The prizes appear to be rewarded in random order, and you can’t guarantee when the item you want will pop up. Keep paying the fee and spinning the wheel, and eventually, the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves will be yours.
How to Use Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in BG3?

The best way to use the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in BG3 is by equipping them to a Rogue, Bard, or Ranger class. Whichever character or companion has the highest Dexterity score and the best Sleight of Hand skill will get a lot of good use out of these gloves.
However, you likely will not want to go into Act 3 combat situations with the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves on. There are other end-game arm pieces like Gloves of Soul Catching or Legacy of the Masters that will serve you better in fights. The Unlucky Thief’s Gloves can be switched in when you are out on the town for a bit of plundering and pick-pocketing instead.
FAQs about Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in BG3
Q1: Where can I find the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Answer: You can find the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in the Circus of the Last Days in Act 3 by playing the Spin the Wheel game offered by the Djinni Akabi.
Q2: Which classes or builds benefit most from Unlucky Thief’s Gloves?
Answer: A Rogue, Bard, or Ranger class will benefit the most from the +2 Sleight of Hand boost you receive from the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Q3: Is there any way to avoid the Fire damage from the Burning condition?
Answer: If you successfully steal 21 times using the Unlucky Thief’s Gloves you will automatically get hit with the Burning condition and take 1d4 Fire damage. However, if you are wearing the Reverse Rain Cloak (also a consolation prize from Akabi), then the Fire damage will not harm you.
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