How to Heal in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Discover everything you need to know about how to heal in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and what are its unique mechanics.

How to Heal in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
How to Heal in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Source: Plaion)

Healing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a process of restoring lost health after taking damage. The game offers different methods to recover health, treat wounds, and prevent further damage. You start bleeding after taking massive damage. Several potions help heal injuries over time and eating restores a small amount of health. It requires careful management of resources and strategies to use in the game. Bandages are used to stop the bleeding and prevent health loss. In this guide, we’ll discuss how healing works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and what are the best ways to heal your character.

How does Healing Work in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Healing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a process by which a character recovers health after taking damage. There’s a realistic approach to health and healing in the game. The more you heal the more your character becomes powerful and the survivability also increases. You need to drink healing potions which can be crafted through alchemy to heal in the game. These potions can also be used during combat when you’re low on health. Eat certain foods to gain a small amount of healing. The other way to heal your character is to rest in a bed which restores health to a degree. Be aware of drinking animation that can leave you vulnerable.

You need to use a bandage to stop the bleeding. Food restores your health as well, especially if you are hungry or weak. Most food items grant more health recovery than others, so grab the best one and add it to your inventory to use it later. Several herbal remedies and potions are available in the game that restore health over time. The primary healing method is sleeping on the bed. The Saviour Schnapps allows you to save the game and it also grants a healing effect to your character.  

Heal using Bandages

bandage for healing
bandage for healing

You start bleeding when you take damage in combat. Bleeding causes continuous health loss over time, so it’s crucial to use bandages to stop the bleeding and prevent further health loss. You can get the bandages from the shopkeepers or from dead Cumans. You should have a few bandages in your inventory from the beginning of the game. The wound becomes infected, making recovery slower and more difficult if the wound is not treated with bandages.

Heal Using Potions

healing potion kcd2

Potions are generally obtained from the Alchemy.  You can find these or brew them yourself if you have the required ingredients. Each potion has its own effect on the gameplay. Select the potions that heal your character during the combat or outside the combat. Here are the best potions you can use in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Strong Aqua Vitalis- You lose 50% less health and slow bleeding by 50%. Lasts 10 minutes.
  • Strong Artemisia- Increases strength by 4 and both attack and defense cost 25% less stamina, lasts 10 minutes.
  •  Strong Chamomile Brew- For one day, sleep will heal you four times and restore energy two times faster.
  • Strong Marigold Decoction- Heals 40 health over one minute and instantly cures a hangover.
  • Strong Saviour Schnapps- Save the game, heals 20 health points, and increases strength, vitality, and agility by 2 for 5 minutes.

Sleep for Healing

sleep to save kcd2
sleep to save kcd2

Sleeping in KCD 2 allows you to regain lost health points slowly over time. Sleep is essential to fully recover health. You need to find a bed to sleep in your own house and inns. Sleeping is one of the best ways to recover health in the game, especially when you’re injured. Inns are scattered across the game world and you can find the bed in most of them. You need to approach the innkeeper and pay a fee to sleep on the bed. You can also find a bed to sleep in the camp of bandits. Sleeping on the bed not only recovers your health but also passes the time, which is useful for quests and character regeneration.

Take a Bath to treat Wounds

bath services for heal kcd2

Wash yourself from time to time, too, at the bathhouse or the vat or pier. You can also increase your charisma by using perfumes, which can be prepared in alchemy. Taking a bath in the bathhouse allows you to heal your wound. Use the perks like Next to Godliness as washing at a tub or pier or taking a bath in a bathhouse will cure 10 points of your health. If you go to bed clean, you will heal 25% faster while you sleep.

Health and Healing Mechanics in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explained

The healing mechanics in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 are designed to be realistic and immersive. This makes survival and recovery a more challenging and rewarding experience. You have a health bar that depletes when you take damage in combat or fall from height. You may start bleeding when you take serious damage. Your health will continue to decrease over time if bleeding isn’t stopped. You can find several bandages in the game that help to stop the bleeding effect in your character.

Bandages don’t directly heal your health but they stop further damage by bleeding. You can also use potions to treat injuries and stop health loss. Use the healing potions to restore health quickly but it doesn’t work instantly as they need a little time to take effect. Eating food restores a small amount of health. Some foods like meats will heal you better than others. Regularly eating is crucial to maintain your health and energy.  Make sure to have a good supply of bandages and healing items in your inventory.

Healing Tips and Tricks in KCD2

Here are all the tips and tricks for healing your character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Overeating allows you to run out of stamina which can make you more slow and vulnerable.
  • Always carry a good supply of potions in your inventory, which are readily available at most merchants.
  • Eating the food will replenish a decent amount of health, especially when you’re hungry.
  • Sleeping in a bed is the most effective way to fully heal your character but it takes time.
  • You can also visit a bathhouse where you can pay to have your wounds treated.
  • Several perks can passively regenerate your health or provide additional healing benefits.
  • Try to focus on dodging and parrying attacks to minimize damage taken.
  • Retreat to a safe spot to heal with potions or bandages if you’re heavily injured.
  • Consume a healing potion before jumping into any combat.
  • Use Savior Schnapps to save your game and gain a small health boost when consumed.
  • Don’t let your hunger or energy levels fall too low, so eating the foods is essential.

FAQs About Healing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is healing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Healing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a process of restoring lost health after taking damage. The more you heal the more your character becomes powerful and the survivability also increases.

How to heal your character in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

You need to use a bandage to stop the bleeding. Food restores your health as well, especially if you are hungry or weak. Taking a bath also treats your wounds and stops bleeding.

Can You heal while sleeping on the bed in KCD 2?

Yes, your character heals while sleeping on the bed. The beds are found in your house and inn that you can use to sleep over.

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