In Starfield the Freestar Collective is the rivaling power in the Settled Systems, and the individualistic nature of its members can lead to tensions and conflicts you’ll need to be sharp to navigate.
Starfield Freestar Collective

The Freestar Collective is the other major power in the Settled Systems. It is a loose confederation of three different star systems unified in their dedication to personal freedoms and individuality. As a non-centralized organization representing a lot of settlements on the frontier of space, the Collective has a heavier ‘space western’ character than their more strait-laced rivals.
The capital of the Freestar Collective is Akila City on the planet Cheyenne. It was was founded by Solomon Coe in 2167. Akila City is where you will find the military fortification called The Rock, which is the headquarters of the Freestar Rangers. They are responsible for carrying out the peacekeeping duties for the people of the Collective.
Little of Akila City has been seen in any of the gameplay reveals or trailers Bethesda Studios has shown so far. We don’t really know what exactly to expect when players visit, except that it will be a major hub for sidequests and likely a necessary stop along the way at some point during the main quest.
You’ll also learn that Constellation member and potential companion/romance partner Sam Coe is a decedent of Akila City’s founder.
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Starfield launches exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC on September 6, 2023. You can play it day one with Xbox Game Pass.
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