The Best Hogwarts Legacy Fire Build

The Best Hogwarts Legacy Fire Build is designed for as much fire damage as possible. Unlike other Hogwarts Legacy builds, this one will have you up close and personal with the enemy and doing fire area damage with spells.

Fire Build Hogwarts Legacy

This Hogwarts Legacy Guide was updated for the June 2024 Summer update.

Hogwarts Legacy Fire Build Basics

This Fire Build in Hogwarts Legacy will zip around the battlefield, control targets, and fire them with multiple fire spells. The best part, most of the skills and combinations can be obtained early in the game and become even more potent over time. This build is ideal for destroying bosses, infamous monsters, and trolls!

The following list presents all the essential Fire Build Features and Mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy:

Builds in Hogwarts Legacy follow a general formula to get more powerful: Spells, Consumables (Potions/Plants), Armor, Armor Traits, and Talents.  Below we will detail various parts of your build and why they are important.

Best Hogwarts House for the Fire Build

Houses are primarily relevant for the story and role play. Consider picking a house, wand, or playstyle that fits your character’s story. This will not increase or decrease the performance of your build.

If you want to know how House and Wand influence a Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, consider checking out:

Spell Combinations Explained

Below are the best spell combinations for a fire build in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • Accio obtained after completing the Charms Class quest. This pulls enemies towards you, which is perfect with Incendio.  Use first prior to Incendio cast to get as many enemies hit as possible.
  • Incendio obtained after completing Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1.  Incedio is an early damage-dealing fire spell in Hogwarts Legacy.  The issue with it is, the range is on top of you. Making the Accio combination along with speed doge rolling with the swift talent critical for landing huge fire damage.
  • Glacius obtained after completing Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 1.  This spell is ice, which seems odd with a fire-type of build. However, it has the best debuff to targets in the game and any follow-up attack will do much more damage.  Thus it makes a great one-two-punch combination skill.
  • Confringo obtained after Professor Zouwu’s Assignment. Confringo acts as a great range damage skill that hits pretty hard and can be cast frequently. Taking it’s talent makes the skill hit multiple targets giving you a good ranged AoE spell combined with the melee-focused Incedio.
  • Levioso obtained after Defense Against the Dark Arts Class Main Quest. Levioso is great because it controls enemies by lifting them up and can be combined with Bombarda for a huge knockback.
  • Bombarda obtained after Professor Howin’s Assignment.  As stated up above, there is a huge knockback if combined correctly.  Additionally, Bombarda is one of the strongest overall damage skills in the game and obtained later through the main story.

Accio + Incendio = pulling in multiple enemies and using Incedio for massive fire AoE and your primary damage-dealing combo.

Glacius + Confringo = an ice and fire combination with Glacius to debuff and increase damage, then Confringo (or Bombarda) for huge follow-up damage.

Levioso + Bombarda = lift up enemies, then knock them back or off ledges with this combination.

Important Talents Explained

Below are the most important talents for a Fire build in Hogwarts Legacy:

Incendio Mastery Talent (required level 5) – casting Incendio unleashes a ring of flame around you.

  • Why? a great massive fire AoE spell that will fire the build and make you feel like a fire mage!

Accio Mastery (required level 5) – enemies near a target summoned by Accio are also pulled to you.

  • Why? Required in order to hit the most targets and make Incedio impactful.

Confringo Mastery (required level 5)Confringo impacts produce fiery bolts that seek enemy targets.

  • Why? Adds AoE damage or multiple mobs hit making it more valuable spell.

Swift talent (required level 5) – Holding down dodge allows you to vanish quickly and reappear nearby.

  • Why? This will allow you to quicking get in and out of action.  I use holding dodge roll to get on top of targets, Incendio, and zoom out.

Levioso Mastery (required level 5) – enemies near a target levitated by Levioso are also levitated.

  • Why? Ideal for controlling multiple enemies and using attacks while airborne.

Bombarda Mastery talent (required level 16) – Bombarda causes an explosive blast with a massive area of effect.

  • Why? One of the best damage abilities in the game with a huge knockback and area damage.

Maxima Potion Potency talent (required level 16) – maxima potion causes attacks to have additional increased damage and break enemy shields.

  • Why? insane damage combined with other parts of the build.

Level Progression for The Hogwarts Legacy Fire Build

The following list includes all talents and levels for The Hogwarts Legacy Fire Build. Remember that you may not have all the spells at the listed level, so be flexible with your selection. This level selection will optimize the type of build we are going for, but feel free to swap around as you see fit.

Consumables Explained

Potions and plants arrive very early in the game and are strong aids in combat.  Once you start to unlock the room of requirement and beast taming through the main story quest, you will be able to farm a lot of materials making the mats much easier to obtain.

  • Maxima Potion increases the drinker’s spell damage for a limited amount of time.  This adds a lot of damage for a short period of time and will be your primary potion for doing huge damage.
  • Focus Potion reduces cooldown on spells allowing you to use super long cooldown abilities quicker and less bar swaps.
  • Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for a short period. You can use this as an escape mechanism then blow up multiple mobs.

Armor Traits Explained

An important thing to note about Armor traits is that they are multiplicative.  Meaning that they get stronger the more you equip your armor.  You have 6 slots and generally want all 6 to be uniform for maximum results. With this build, you can go one of two ways.  Stack one specific trait x6 for a huge nuke.  Or spread it out.  Scorching x3 and 3x Concentration is a well-balanced approach that will give you great overall damage and a boost to your main damage spell. Hogwsmead Brood and Peck has materials for sale if your beast taming isn’t up to high enough level.

  1. Scorching III significantly increased damage with Incendio. If you want to build a fire build, then why not spec heavily into Incendio!  The spell you get access to early along with the level one trait.  The trick to making it work is pulling in multiple enemies with Accio so when you use the ability it his everyone since its range is only in a radius on top of you.  Pair it with the right combination or dive bomb in and it’s an early and late-game awesome skill.
  2. Concentration III significantly increased damage of all Damage spells. This trait is the safe approach if you rely more on a variety of spells for damage rather than just Incendio and Confringo.  You can even stack all 6 on armor for a balanced approach.
  3. Explosive III significantly increase damage with Bombarda.  Later in the game, Bombarda becomes one of the strongest damage skills in the game if you want to use this as an alternate spell for huge nuke, stack armor traits.

Combat & Rotation

Now that you have a general idea of the build, it will look like this.

  1. Pop Maxima potion before the big boss fight or tough enemy.
  2. Cast Accio to pull enemies to you.
  3. Cast Incendio to do big area damage.
  4. Hold dodge and zip out to safe range.
  5. Cast Glacius and Confringo combo for big ranged damage.
  6. Cast Levioso and Bombarda at range to knockback and stun targets.
  7. Now your Accio and Incendio combo should be back up.

Rinse and repeat!

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