The First Descendant: Best Freyna Build Guide

Discover the Best Freyna Build Guide for The First Descendant and how to create a powerful character with Skills, modules, and weapons.

The First Descendant Best Freyna Build Guide

Creating an effective build in The First Descendant involves carefully selecting and optimizing various components of your character, including modules, reactor stats, weapons, weapon mods, and skills. For a Freyna build, we will focus on optimizing your skill power and survivability. Let us walk you through creating the best Freyna Build in the First Descendant with our guide below.

Best Freyna Build Guide for The First Descendant

Freyna is a damage-over-time (DOT) specialist who uses her Arche affinity for poisons to drain her enemies’ HP. Her abilities inflict Poison, and her passive ability increases damage against poisoned targets. As one of the most consistent damage dealers in The First Descendant, her gameplay loop involves applying Poison with abilities and swiftly eliminating enemies.

Freyna excels at inflicting poison through her Decomposed Poison or Toxic Trauma skills. These abilities enhance her passive, Contagion Links, which boosts damage when attacking poisoned enemies. While she may not have the highest DPS, her consistent DOT damage makes her highly effective across various content.

Although Freyna is not a starter character, she is a solid choice for beginners willing to unlock her. Her damage ceiling may not match Bunny’s, but her simpler and less risky rotation makes her accessible. Players of all skill levels can quickly learn to deal decent damage with Freyna after some practice.

Freyna Build ProFreyna Build Cons
Consistent DamageWeaker Boss Damage
Great Skill KitLower Mobility
Massive AOEPosion Reliant
Best Freyna Build Pros and Cons – The First Descendant Guide

Features and Mechanics for Freyna Build in The First Descendant

Freyna Skills and Combat Gameplay The First Descendant

The following list presents all the essential Freyna Build Features and Mechanics for the First Descendant:

  • Best Modules: Contagion, Toxic Specialist, and Toxic Master
  • Best Reactor Stats: Toxic and Tech
  • Best Weapon: Fallen Hope Assault Rifle
  • Best Weapon Mods: Toxic Enhancement
  • Best External Component: Max Shields
  • Skills
    • Venom Trauma
    • Defense Mechanism
    • Putrid Venom
    • Decomposed Poison
    • Contagion Links (Passive)
  • Playstyle: DoT Damage dealer
  • How to Unlock: Can be purchased or crafted
  • Story:  known as ‘No. 6’, Freyna was drafted into the military.

How to play Freyna in The First Descendant

The First Descendant Freyna Character

Your overall goal when playing Freyna is to debuff as many enemies as possible to boost your passive toxic skill power and inflict 0 Room Trauma, her unique debuff. Freyna utilizes her Arche abilities to poison as many enemies as possible, enhancing her Toxic Damage. She also possesses defensive skills that provide temporary protection by increasing her DEF.

Area Damage: Your main goal is to poison as many enemies as possible due to your passive ability, which increases skill power. Rotate between your two skills that spread toxins on the ground, maintaining high uptime on debuffs. Then, use Venomous Baptism and eliminate enemies while they suffer from DOT damage.

Single-Target Damage: Freyna excels in single-target damage if you maintain a rotation of poison DOT skills. Keep the DOT ticking, cycle between skills, and avoid spamming them for sustained damage.

Movement and Speed: Freyna’s mobility is average compared to other characters in The First Descendant. She doesn’t have abilities that boost her speed, but activating the Defense Mechanism can increase her defense stat.

Bosses and Ultimates: For boss fights, maintain DOT for consistent damage. Don’t expect a lot of bursts; instead, focus on sustained damage over time.

Defenses and Survival Tips: In tight situations, rely on Freyna’s Defense Mechanism ability. This grants temporary Bodyarmor, raising your DEF and passively inflicting poison on attackers.

How to unlock Freyna in The First Descendant

How to Unlock Freyna in The First Descendant

To unlock the Freyna character in the First Descendant, you should speak with the Magister Anais in the Albion Mountains to conduct research with collected materials. Below are the required research/crafting materials for Freyna:

  • Freyna Enhanced Cells
    • Metal Accelerant x519
    • Semiconstant Plasma x290
    • Organic Biogel x31
    • Freyna Enhanced Cell Blueprint
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Freyna Stabilizer
    • Repton x422
    • Superfluid x571
    • Data Processing Neural Circuit x38
    • Freyna Stabilizer Blueprint x1
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Freyna Spiral Catalyst
    • Monad Shard x246
    • Hardener x386
    • Artificial Biometal x39
    • Freyna Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
  • Freyna Code


The premise of Freyna’s skill kit is to inflict “Room 0 Trauma” debuff, which deals with continuous damage and poisoning of nearby enemies at fixed intervals. Your passive Contagion Links, gives you more Toxic Skill Power for the number of enemies inflicted by poison. Therefore, you want to focus on debuffing as many enemies as possible to boost your overall power. Your skills use Toxic and Tech and are geared towards AOE, but you can do good single-target damage if you maintain poison on an individual target.

Below are the skills for best Freyna build in the First Descendant guide:

  • Toxic Trauma: Throws poison to attack target enemy with damage and inflict Room 0 Trauma onto nearby enemies.
  • Defense Mechanism: Significantly increases DEF. There is chance of inflicting Room 0 Trauma to enemies upon attack.
  • Decomposed Poison: Throws poison to create a Poison Swamp. Enemies entering the Poison Swamp are inflicted with constant damage and Poisoned Footprints state. When enemies in Poisoned Footprints state walk around, they create footprints that poison other enemies.
  • Venomous Baptism: Switches gun to Venom Baptism. Enemies hit by Venom Baptism are inflicted with Room 0 Trauma.
  • Contagion Links (passive): Increases Freyna’s Toxic skill power based on the number of nearby enemies afflicted with Poison.

Toxic Trauma

Venom Trauma - Freyna Skill The First Descendant

Toxic Trauma Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Throws poison to attack target enemy with damage and inflict Room 0 Trauma onto nearby enemies.
  • Descendant Attribute: Toxic – Tech
  • Cooldown: 11 seconds
  • MP Cost: 30
  • Damage: Skill Power x 196.2%

How to Use Venom Trauma: The goal of using Venom Trauma is to inflict your primary target with Room 0 Trauma and poison nearby enemies. The puddle lasts five seconds, and the radius is only three meters, so it’s more of your single target debuff. Moreover, the cooldown is only 11 seconds and can be lowered further to spam this ability and keep DOT pressure high.

Your passive rewards inflicting poison, so make sure to cycle this skill in between weapon kills to keep damage high.

Toxic Trauma Advanced Stats
  • Projectile Speed Increase: 0%
  • Toxic Puddle Duration: 5 seconds
  • Toxic Puddle Effect Range: 3-meter Radius
  • Room 0 Trauma
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 11.8%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 0.5 seconds
    • Duration: 6.0 seconds
    • Effect Range: 4.0m Radius
    • Max Expandable Range: 300%
  • Poison
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 70.4%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 1.0 seconds
    • Duration: 10 seconds

Defense Mechanism

Defense Mechanism - Freyna Skill The First Descendant

Defense Mechanism Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Gains Plague Bodyarmor for a certain period of time. Plague Bodyarmor increases DEF and has a chance to inflict Room 0 Trauma on the attacking enemy. Room 0 Trauma deals continuous damage and inflicts poison on nearby enemies at fixed intervals.
  • Descendant Attribute: Toxic – Dimension
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • MP Cost: 40
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • DEF Increase amount: 5%
  • Imbue Rate: 20%

How to Use Defense Mechanism: The Defense Mechanism serves two purposes: one is to increase your DEF stat and lower damage, and another is to inflict Poison on nearby enemies. Therefore, if you’re on the front lines pushing into packs, use the Defense Mechanism. The Duration is 10 seconds with a 20-second cooldown, so you can use this frequently when needing defensive skill or AOE debuff.

The range of this skill is around 4-meters, so don’t expect a massive area to be inflicted. However, it can be helpful when enemies are charging you, or you want to move in for close quarters kills.

Defense Mechanism Advanced Stats
  • Room 0 Trauma
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 11.8%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 0.5 seconds
    • Duration: 6 seconds
    • Effect Range: 4-meter Radius
    • Max Expandable Range: 300%
  • Poison
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 70.4%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 1 seconds
    • Duration: 10 seconds

Decomposed Poison

Putrid Venom - Freyna Skill The First Descendant

Decomposed Poison Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Throws toxins to create a Toxic Swamp. Enemies entering the Toxic Swamp receive continuous damage, and become inflicted with Poison and Venom-Soaked. Enemies inflicted with Venom-Soaked leave Toxic Footprints as they move, and enemies that touch Toxic Footprints also become inflicted with Poison.
  • Descendant Attribute: Toxic – Tech
  • Cooldown: 25 seconds
  • MP Cost: 35
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • Effect Range: 4-meter Radius

How to Use Decomposed Poison: this skill is your best AOE poison damage skill. The cooldown is 25 seconds with 12-second duration and 4-meter radius. This is meant to lob a grenade-type explosion that leaves a toxic swap area where it hits. Obviously, target mobs of creatures, but also choke points where you expect enemies to advance.

While Decomposed Poison is an AOE skill, make sure to use it in conjunction with Toxic Trauma on boss fights. Between these two skills, you should have near 100% up-time on 0 Room Trauma debuff and ramp up your passive poison damage dramatically.

Decomposed Poison Advanced Stats
  • Toxic Swamp Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 19.6%
  • Damage Interval: 1.0 second
  • Duration: 12.0 seconds
  • Effect Range: 4m Radius
  • Max Expandable Range: 300%
  • Toxic Footprint Duration: 8.0 seconds
  • Venom-Soaked: 10.0 seconds
  • Poison
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 70.4%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 1.0 seconds
    • Duration: 10.0 seconds

Venomous Baptism

Venom Baptism - Freyna Skill The First Descendant

Venomous Baptism Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Switches the equipped weapon to Venom Baptism. The original weapon returns when all bullets have been used or a certain period of time has passed. Enemies hit by Venom Baptism bullets receive damage and become inflicted with Room 0 Trauma. Room 0 Trauma deals continuous damage and inflicts poison on nearby enemies at fixed intervals.
  • Descendant Attribute: Toxic – Tech
  • Cooldown: 110 seconds
  • MP Cost: 55
  • Damage: Skill Power x 405.6% (per shot)
  • Max Bullets: 30 Shots
  • Duration: 10 seconds

How to Use Venomous Baptism: With your ultimate Venom Baptism, you switch to a weapon that shoots bullets automatically, applying Room 0 Trauma and poison debuff. The cooldown is 110 seconds, making it one of the longest in the game, but you have 30 seconds over 10 seconds. This skill is an obvious choice to use in AOE fights, or when running low on ammo and needing to keep your damage high.

Venom Baptism Advanced Stats
  • Room 0 Trauma
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 77.0%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 0.5 seconds
    • Duration: 6.0 seconds
    • Effect Range: 4.0m Radius
    • Max Expandable Range: 300%
  • Poison
    • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 457.3%
    • Continuous Damage Interval: 1.0 seconds
    • Duration: 10.0 seconds
Contagion Links - Freyna Skill The First Descendant

Contagion Links Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Increases Freyna’s Toxic Skill Power by the number of nearby enemies inflicted with Poison.
  • Descendant Attribute: Toxic
  • Max Stacks: 15
  • Toxic Skill Power Increase: 3%

How to Use Contagion Links: This passive incentivizes you to dramatically poison as many targets as possible to increase your toxic skill power. This passive can stack up to 15 times, each giving a 3% bonus or a maximum of 45% damage increase to toxic skill power. Therefore, don’t rely solely on weapon-based kills, even in trash mob fights. You’ll want to keep the debuff high by rotating your two best skills, Toxic Trauma and Decomposed Poison.

Descendant Modules for Freyna Build

Contagion, Toxic Specialist, and Toxic Master are the best modules (mods) for a Freyna Build in the First Descendant. Contagion allows Room 0 Trauma to contagion other enemies near them with poison. More poisoned enemies mean more toxic skill power due to the passive and help add the most damage possible. Toxic Specialist and Toxic Master both boost skill power using Toxin and should be used.

In The First Descendant, modules are essential components that enhance and customize your character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Modules can be acquired through questing, missions, loot drops, and vendor items. Moreover, you have limited resources to slot mods; therefore, some slots may be empty depending on your chosen setup.

Freyna Best Modules for Leveling

Below is a list of the best leveling mods for x(character name) Build in the First Descendant:

  • Dual Claw– Attacks using Dual Claws during Sub Attack and increases the Module Capacity.
  • Nimble Fingers – Reduces your Skill Cooldown.
  • Skill Expansion – Increases your Skill Effect Range for valid Skills.
  • HP Concentration – Improved HP and Skill Critical Rate.
  • Skill Extention – Improves Skill Duration.
  • Strong Mentality – Reduces the Resource Cost when you use Skills.
  • Toxic Specialist – Increases Toxic Skill Power Boost Ratio.
1 (Skill Module)EmptyEmpty
2Nimble FingersStandard
3Skill ExpansionStandard
4HP ConcentrationRare
5Skill Extention Standard
6Strong MentalityStandard
7 (Sub Module)Dual ClawStandard
8Toxic SpecialistStandard
Best Leveling Mods for Freyna Build Guide – The First Descendant

Freyna Best Modules

Below is a list of the best mods for Freyna Build in the First Descendant:

  • Contagion – When an enemy afflicted with Room 0 Trauma is killed, they leave a contagion of Poison around them.
  • HP Concentration – Improved HP and Skill Critical Rate.
  • Range HP Calculator – Improves your Skill Effect Range, and slightly improves HP.
  • Nimble Fingers – Reduces your Skill Cooldown.
  • Skill Cost Optimise – Reduces your Skill Cooldown, and slightly reduces your Skill Cost
  • Skill Expansion – Increases your Skill Effect Range for valid Skills.
  • Dual Claw– Attacks using Dual Claws during Sub Attack and increases the Module Capacity.
  • Skill Extention – Improves Skill Duration.
  • Entropy Acceleration – Slightly increases max MP and Skill Critical Hit Damage.
  • Strong Mentality – Reduces the Resource Cost when you use Skills.
  • Toxic Specialist – Increases Toxic Skill Power Boost Ratio.
  • Toxic Master – Increases your Skill Power, with an additional increase for Toxic Skills.
1 (Skill Module)ContagionTranscendent
2HP ConcentrationRare
3Range HP CalculatorRare
4Nimble FingersStandard
5Skill Cost Optimise Rare
6Skill ExpansionStandard
7 (Sub Module)Dual ClawStandard
8Skill ExtentionStandard
9Entropy AccelerationRare
10Strong MentalityStandard
11Toxic SpecialistStandard
12Toxic MasterRare
Best Mods for Freyna Build Guide – The First Descendant

Best Reactor Stats for Freyna in The First Descendant

Example Reactor - The First Descendant

The best reactors for a Freyna build give you a boost in Toxic and Tech. This will increase your overall skills power. A second option is Skill Power and Sub Attack power which generally increase your builds power.

In The First Descendant, reactors are powerful enhancements significantly impacting a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Each reactor comes with an “optimal condition,” which requires a specific weapon type to be equipped to activate. Therefore, this should be your primary weapon for the build. They function as core components that provide substantial boosts and unique effects, enabling players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies. Do your best to prioritize at end game when using the Freyna Best Build Guide for the First Descendant.

Weapons for Freyna Build

Fallen Hope, Python, and Enduring Legacy are the best weapons for Freyna build. Fallen Hope Assault Rifle is the best weapon for Freyna because it increases Firearm ATK when hitting a poisoned enemy and explosion when defeating the poisoned enemy. This increases your overall single target and AOE damage and fits with the Freyna toxic poison kit. The Python submachine gun is a good choice due to the stacking debuff prey. Prey lowers resistance, specifically to toxic by -10% per stack and can overall add a lot of damage passively. What makes the Enduring Legacy effective is the more damage you do, the more you increase firearm ATK and vulnerability to status effects. We want as many toxic debuffs as possible, which is a good option if you don’t have the first two weapon choices.

The following list presents the best weapon choices for Freyna Build:

  • Fallen Hope – Assault Rifle
  • Python – Submachine Gun
  • Enduring Legacy – Machine Gun

Fallen Hope

Fallen Hope Assault Rifle - the First Descendant

Fallen Hope features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 27
  • Fire Rate: 600
  • Reload Speed: 1.7 seconds
  • Effective Range: 35 meters
  • Perdition: On hitting a Poisoned enemy, increase Firearm ATK and apply this buff to the attack. On defeating a Poisoned enemy, the defeated enemy will trigger an Explosion with a certain chance, inflicting additional damage to nearby enemies. Inflicts Poison on enemies damaged by this explosion.

This is the best weapon for Freyna because it increases Firearm ATK when hitting a poisoned enemy and explosion when defeating the poisoned enemy. This increases your overall single target and AOE damage and fits with the Freyna toxic poison kit.

The best mods for the Fallen Hope Gun are:

  • Concentrate Support Ammo – More bullets per magazine and increased Critical Hit Damage
  • Weak Point Sight – Increased Weak Point Damage
  • Rifling Reinforcement – Increased Firearm ATK
  • Concentration Stabilizer – Lower Recoil, Increased Critical Hit Damage
  • Reload Priority – Increased Reload Speed
  • Sharpshooter – Increased Firearm ATK and Critical Hit Rate
  • Fire Rate Priority – Increased Fire Rate
  • Defense Master – DEF increases by a lot after defeating an enemy for 10 seconds
  • Toxic Enhancement – Adds Toxic ATK to bullets.


Python Submachine Gun - the First Descendant

Python features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 21
  • Fire Rate: 923
  • Reload Speed: 1.5 seconds
  • Effective Range: 23 meters
  • Python Instinct: On hitting an enemy’s Weak Point, inflicts the unique ability Prey on the target enemy.

The Python Submachine gun makes a good choice due to the stacking debuff Prey. Prey lowers resistance, specifically to toxic by -10% per stack and can overall add a lot of damage passively.

Enduring Legacy

Enduring Legacy Machine Gun - the First Descendant

Endurance Legacy Machine Gun features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 28
  • Fire Rate: 571
  • Reload Speed: 2.7 seconds
  • Effective Range: 40 meters
  • Craftmanship: On hitting an enemy, increase Status effect Trigger Rate corresponding to the element (Fire/Chill/electric/Toxic) and inflicts the unique ability Quenching to the target enemy. On hitting a Burned enemy, increase Firearm ATK and apply this buff to the attack.

What makes the Enduring Legacy effective is the more damage you do, the more you increase firearm ATK and vulnerability to status effects. We want as many toxic debuffs as possible, and it makes a good option if you don’t have the first two weapon choices.

The best mods for the Enduring Legacy Machine Gun are:

  • Rapid Fire – Improves Fire Rate, but decreases Accuracy.
  • Rifling Reinforcement – Significantly increases Firearm ATK.
  • Action and Reaction – Significantly increases Firearm ATK, but also increases Recoil.
  • Concentrate Support Ammo – More Rounds per Magazine, and improved Critical Hit Damage.
  • Marksman – Considerably improves Firearm Critical Hit Rate, and slightly improves Firearm ATK.
  • Fire Enhancement – Adds Fire ATK equal to a portion of Firearm ATK.
  • Concentration Priority – Greatly increased Critical Hit Damage. Increased Reload Time.
  • Concentrated Fire – Slightly improved Weak Point Damage, and increased Critical Hit Damage.

External Component

Unlike other parts of our build, you cannot enhance External Components. These are random (RNG) based drops only when you are at max level. Therefore, they are the finishing touches on your build. Prioritize the following stats for External Components when using the Freyna Best Build Guide for the First Descendant:

  • Max Shields
  • Max HP
  • HP Recovery
  • DEF

Freyna Story in the First Descendant

Every single movement, however trivial, is considered classified for Albion Headquarters’ Special Forces, ‘Colon’.
Their identities are so heavily guarded, even mentioning their real names to one another was forbidden. Thus, they resorted to communicating through their code names, even within Albion.
This applied to Freyna, also known as ‘No. 6’, as well. Even with her long-time partner, ‘No. 9,’ or O’Neill, no names were ever used.
The moment they joined Colon, Freyna and O’Neill, who had been subsequently drafted into Colon after graduating from the military academy, were not allowed to call each other by their names.

‘Kill without hesitation.’ Under the teachings of the organization, Freyna carried out her given missions with impressive efficiency.
Regardless of who the target was, killing them came naturally to her. So much so, it became second nature to her, and in the process, any room for hesitation disappeared. That is, until the ‘Room 0 Incident’.

Intel was received that a Priest of the Order of Truth would be making an appearance to oversee the Vulgus experiments being carried out in Echo Swamp. Four agents, including Freyna and O’Neill, were deployed to assassinate them. Although everyone sustained injuries after unexpectedly encountering enemy forces, they were able to complete their mission. Upon their return, they entered ‘Room 0’, which could only be entered by the Colon, together with an officer and they reported the information they had gathered.

Freyna’s Story Continued

Shortly after they began their operation report, the agents who had been deployed, except for Freyna, complained of pain before collapsing to the ground, only to begin transforming into Vulgus.
Naturally, Freyna did what she had to do, without hesitation. After all, it was Colon’s duty to eliminate any threats, even if they had just been human; be they teammates or lovers.
After a few gunshots, the agents, including O’Neill, fell to the ground. Freyna frantically rushed to O’Neill.
With a contorted face, O’Neill grimacingly said “You must live, Freyna.” As soon as he uttered these words, he began to swell up, his body eventually rupturing.
The venomous spores spread from O’Neill’s corpse, filling up Room 0. The bewildered officer quickly grabbed Freyna’s arm and dragged her out, firmly locking Room 0.

Of the four agents who were deployed for this operation, only Freyna was spared, thanks to her Arche. Her Arche produced a venom much more toxic than the one discovered in Room 0. But Freyna did not feel like she survived. She suffered from terrible trauma and insomnia, and was quarantined after she was unable to control the Arche being emitted from her body. The guilt of killing her lover with her own hands was as terrible and fatal as her Arche. However, she was determined to continue living, just as her partner had hoped. Freyna had a responsibility to fulfill his final request to her. With time, a neutralizer capable of suppressing her Arche was developed, and soon after, Freyna was able to leave quarantine.

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