The First Descendant: Best Lepic Build Guide

Discover the Best Lepic Build Guide for The First Descendant and how to create a powerful character with Skills, modules, and weapons.

This guide has been updated for Season 1, Hotfix 1.1.0 of the First Descendant.

Lepic Build Guide for The First Descendant

Lepic is a solid character choice for beginners, with powerful grenade abilities and good survivability. He can be chosen at the start of the game and is your typical soldier grenade spammer with heavy AOE damage. His ultimate fires an artillery shell that deals damage over time. You want to trigger overlock first to add a burn effect to grenades before launching a grenade. Lepic’s passive, close calls give him a random chance of surviving fatal damage during battle.

The downside of Lepic is that he requires advanced mods and components to maximize his builds. Moreover, he won’t have the same mobility as Bunny or Valby, but he is one of the best all-around starting characters. Also, this build is focused on the mobbing potential of Lepic. Ultimate Lepic is better for boss nuking as he gains access to a module the base Lepic cannot use.

Lepic Build ProLepic Build Cons
Strong AOELower Mobility
Ultimate SpamModule Dependent
Easy to PlayRequires Gear
Lepic Build Pros and Cons

Features and Mechanics for Lepic Build in The First Descendant

The following list presents all the essential Lepic Build Guide Features and Mechanics for the First Descendant:

  • Best Modules: Regenerative Braking, Nimble Fingers, Maximize Range
  • Descendant Attribute: Fire
  • Best Reactor: Burning Mechanics (second Burning Singularity)
  • Best Weapons: Secret Garden, Thunder Cage, Afterglow Sword
  • Best Weapon Mods: Rifling Reinforcement, Fire Rate UP, Action and Reaction
  • Best External Component: Volcanic and Battle Aesthetics
  • Skills
    • Grenade Throw
    • Overlock
    • Traction Grenade
    • Overkill
    • Close Call (Passive)
  • Playstyle: Area of Effect Mobbing
  • How to Unlock: Base game or research
  • Story: Jonathan Lepic of the Dauntless 44th Grenadier Squad lost all his comrades and his right arm.

How to unlock Lepic in The First Descendant

To unlock Lepic in The First Descendant, choose him as your starting character, purchase him from the store, or research him. If you decide to pick another character at the start of the game, you can choose to craft Lepic later on to gain access to the character. Furthermore, to craft Lepic, you will need:

  • Lepic Enhanced Cells
    • Semiconstant Plasma x290
    • Monomolecular Extractor x499
    • Highly Concentrated Energy Residue x37
    • Lepic Enhanced Cell Blueprint x1
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Lepic Stabilizer
    • Superfluid x571
    • Shape Memory Alloy x4672
    • Crystal Biogel x39
    • Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint x1
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Lepic Spiral Catalyst
    • Metal Accelerant x519
    • Carbon Crystal x554
    • Complex Carbon Activator x60
    • Lepic Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
  • Lepic Code

To research and craft Lepic, you must speak to Anais in the Albion Mountains area. She will grant you access to the Research Institute, where you can choose to craft additional descendant characters. There is an ultimate Lepic character unlock, but it will require more farming and is an advanced character.

Lepic’s Exclusive Equipment

Lepic - Exclusive Equipment Arche Drive Tactical Prosthetic Arm

Lepic’s exclusive equipment is his Arche Drive Tactical Prosthetic Arm, which is his robotic arm that is automatically given to the player upon acquisition of the Descendant. You can access it by clicking details in the Descendant menu and customizing the appearance of his prosthetic. Below are the details on Lepic’s Exclusive Equipment:

“The Arche Drive Tactical Prosthetic Arm is a device created to compensate for the Descendants’ loss of limb and is linked to their Ecive.
Direct transmission of brain signals allows the Descendants to use it like their own limbs. It is also linked with their Arche, helping manifest a variety of abilities.

Among them, Lepic’s exclusive prosthetic arm has been designed to infuse explosive Arche into rounds and grenades, and also enables him to fire concentrated Arche when he focuses his mind.”

Best Skill for Lepic

Grenade Throw is the best skill for Lepic because it’s with the right mods. You can spam one every second, dealing with massive areas of effect damage. Before activating your Grenade Throw, you activate Overclock, which boosts your Skill Power modifier by 20% and adds burn to skills. This will increase your damage substantially and ensure maximum burst on mobs.

When throwing your grenade, try to aim at a specific enemy. Direct impacts cause an immediate explosion, while hitting the floor will cause it to detonate after a time. Also, with this build Traction Grenade is on a very short cooldown. So, utilize the pulling enemies and a single grenade to remove a whole horde.

For modules, we will focus on Skill Cooldown, Skill Range, and Skill Power. Also, with a mobbing build, you should pair some survivability, as you will likely have multiple enemies attacking you at once.

Moreover, your reactor needs to be Burning Mechanics, which increases Tech and Fire, both used in Grenade Throw damage calculations. Additionally, if your reactor requires a specific weapon to be equipped, make sure to have that weapon out when using Grenade Throw to get every bonus possible. Your weapon should be used to boost your damage or help kill anything left alive after your grenade’s explosion.

Grenade Throw

Grenade Throw Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Throws a grenade forward at the enemy.
  • Fire – Tech
  • Throws a grenade forward, inflicting AoE damage.
  • Cooldown – 6 seconds
  • MP Cost – 35
  • AOE Damage – Skill Power x 487.3%
  • Effect Range – 5 meters Radius
  • Max Expandable Range – 200%

How to Use Grenade Throw: this is your basic AOE damage ability in 5 meters with a low cooldown. You want to use Overlock before throwing a grenade so you gain burning damage over time effect. Essentially, you should open with Overlock and Grenade Throw because both skills can be used so frequently.


Overclock Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Increases all Skill ATK and adds a Burn effect to Grenade and Overkill for a set duration.
  • Fire – Singular
  • Gains Overclock for a period of time.
  • Overclock increases Skill Power Modifier and inflicts Burn on enemies damaged by Grenade Throw or Overkill.
  • Burn deals continuous damage for a certain period of time.
  • Cooldown – 20 seconds
  • MP Cost – 24


  • Duration – 18 seconds
  • Skill Power Modifier Increase – 20%


  • Duration – 3 seconds
  • Damage Interval – 1 second
  • Continuous Damage – Skill Power x 115.2%

How to Use Overclock: your goal is to activate Overlock prior to using other abilities to gain additional damage over time effect (burn). With a long duration of 18 seconds and a cooldown of 20 seconds, this should always be up as you cycle through grenades and skills. With lower cooldown mods, you can even get 100% uptime, allowing you to always add burning damage to your other abilities.

Traction Grenade

Traction Grenade Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Throws a Traction Grenade forward to pull the enemies within range.
  • Fire – Singular
  • Cooldown – 25 seconds
  • MP Cost – 45
  • Effect Range – 9-meter Radius
  • Duration – 2 seconds

How to Use Traction Grenade: Traction Grenade pulls in enemies within 9 meters and is a perfect way to deal massive damage to mobs. The downside of this skill is the longer cooldown, but when enemies are more spread (above 5 meters), use this prior to Grenade. The rotation would be, Overclock, Traction, Grenade in AOE trash mob fights.


Overkill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Fires a powerful shell at the enemy. The shell is maintained at the landing point for a set period of time, inflicting constant damage.
  • Fire – Tech
  • Switches the equipped weapon to Overkill.
  • While Overkill is active, MP is continuously consumed. When MP runs out, return to the original weapon.
  • Enemies hit by Overkill bullets receive AoE damage.
  • Overkill bullets create an AoE where they hit that deals continuous damage.
  • Cooldown – 65 seconds
  • MP Cost – 47

Exclusive Weapon Information

  • AoE Damage – Skill Power x 734.1%
  • Continuous Damage – Skill Power x 11.7%
  • Continuous Damage Duration – 4 seconds
  • Continuous Damage Interval – 0.5 seconds
  • Continuous Damage Range – 5 meter Radius
  • Max Expandable Range – 200%

How to Use Overkill: this skill is your “ultimate’ ability with a high MP cost and a long-duration cooldown. The trick to using this skill is saving up your MP because after you activate it, it will swap to an overkill weapon and gradually drain your MP. Therefore, activating it when you are almost drained of MP won’t help you because the duration will be short. Once the Overkill weapon is activate, start blasting enemies for AOE damage. While you can active Overclock before for more burning damage, it will significantly lower the duration of the skill in exchange for damage over time.

Close Call (Passive)

Close Call Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Recover HP when taking fatal damage.
  • Descendant Attribute: Fire
  • Upon receiving fatal damage, gain Close Call.
  • When Close Call is active, become immune to damage and Crowd Control effects for a period of time.
  • When Close Call ends, recover a portion of your Max HP.
  • This effect is not affected by Incoming Recovery or Outgoing Recovery.
  • Cooldown – 600 seconds
  • Duration – 5 seconds
  • Health Recovery Amount – 50% of Max HP

How to Use Close Call: this is an “oh crap” passive that helps you stay alive once in 10 minutes. This is one reason Lepic is such a strong starting character, due to grenade spam and a passive that helps if you make a mistake.

How to play Lepic in The First Descendant

Lepic’s primary gameplay revolves around his Overclock ability, which adds burn effects to his grenades and enhances his Overkill for a set duration. Overkill, his ultimate ability, fires a powerful artillery shell, while his grenades cause massive explosions. Timing Overclock before using a grenade or Overkill adds burning damage over time (DOT), making Lepic a potent grenade spammer with heavy AOE capabilities. The key to mastering him is reducing cooldowns and managing the Overclock ability effectively.

Area Damage and Single-Target Damage: Lepic excels at AOE damage, making him ideal for clearing groups of enemies. His Traction Grenade ability pulls enemies into the center, creating a perfect target for group damage abilities. Always activate Overclock before throwing a grenade for extra burning damage.

Movement and Speed: Lepic is your standard soldier character with average speed. While he won’t be as fast as Bunny, he’s also not a slow, lumbering tank.

Bosses and Ultimates: Although Lepic specializes in AOE damage, he’s also effective against single-target bosses. Amplify your damage by rotating grenades and the burning status effect with Overclock. Use a grenade to trigger burning, and as it fades, activate Overclock and your ultimate to maintain high pressure.

Defenses and Survival Tips: Lepic’s passive skill, Close Call, boosts his survivability by giving him a chance to automatically recover some health after sustaining otherwise fatal damage. This innate ability makes him more durable in prolonged battles.

Descendant Modules for Lepic Build

Regenerative Braking, Nimble Fingers, and Maximize Range are the best modules (mods) for a Lepic Build guide in the First Descendant. Regenerative Braking recovers MP after using a skill. Nimble Fingers massively decreases our skill cooldown. Lastly, Maximize Range gives a massive boost in the range of our skills.

Priority for obtaining Lepic Mods:

  1. Regenerative Braking
  2. Nimble Fingers
  3. MP Conversion
  4. Maximize Range
  5. Skill Expansion
  6. HP Amplification
  7. Focus on Fire
  8. Focus on Tech
  9. Maximize Conservation
  10. MP Collector
  11. Mid-Air Maneuvering
  12. Emergency Measures

In The First Descendant, modules are essential components that enhance and customize your character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Modules can be acquired through questing, missions, loot drops, and vendor items. Moreover, you have limited resources to slot mods; therefore, some slots may be empty depending on your chosen setup.

Lepic Best Modules for Leveling

Below is a list of the best leveling mods for Lepic Build in the First Descendant:

  • Regenerative Braking – Chance to recover MP when using skill
  • Nimble Fingers – Skill Cooldown -6%
  • MP Conversion – Skill Cooldown -9%, Max MP -4%
  • Maximize Range – Skill Effect Range +24%, Skill Power Modifier -5%
  • Skill Expansion – Skill Effect Range +12%
  • HP Amplification – Max HP +23%, Max Shield -9%
  • Maximize Conservation – Skill Cost -9%, Skill Power Modifier -5%
  • MP Collector – When defeating an enemy, instantly recovers 12.2% of Max MP at a 4% chance
  • Mid-Air Maneuvering – Modifies the Grappling Hook to be cast mid-air. However, it can only be used once, and Charge Time increases by 20%.

Lepic Best Modules

Below is a list of the best mods for Lepic Build in the First Descendant:

  • Regenerative Braking – Chance to recover MP when using skill
  • Nimble Fingers – Skill Cooldown -6%
  • MP Conversion – Skill Cooldown -9%, Max MP -4%
  • Maximize Range – Skill Effect Range +24%, Skill Power Modifier -5%
  • Skill Expansion – Skill Effect Range +12%
  • HP Amplification – Max HP +23%, Max Shield -9%
  • Focus on Fire – Fire Skill Power +19%, Skill Cooldown -6.1%
  • Focus on Tech – Tech Skill Power Modifier +17%, Skill Cooldown -6.1%
  • Maximize Conservation – Skill Cost -9%, Skill Power Modifier -5%
  • MP Collector – When defeating an enemy, instantly recovers 12.2% of Max MP at a 4% chance
  • Mid-Air Maneuvering – Modifies the Grappling Hook to be cast mid-air. However, it can only be used once, and Charge Time increases by 20%.
  • Emergency Measures – Skill Critical Hit Rate +16%, Skill Critical Hit Damage +7%

Best Reactor Stats for Lepic in The First Descendant

Burning Mechanics is the best reactor for a Lepic build in the First Descendant because it buffs your Fire and Tech type skills.  Fire is your descendant attribute and tech buffs Grenade and Overkill skill.  The second choice is Burning Mechanics, which buffs Fire and Singular type, effective Overclock and Traction Grenade skills.  Below is our recommendation for the best Lepic reactors:

  1. Optimization Condition: Secret Garden
  2. Skill Power Boost Ratio
    • Burning Mechanic: Fire and Tech
    • Burning Singularity: Fire and Singular
  3. Bonus Conditions: Skill Cooldown, Fire or Tech Skill Power Boost

In The First Descendant, reactors are powerful enhancements significantly impacting a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. They function as core components that provide substantial boosts and unique effects, enabling players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies.

Weapons for Lepic Build

The best weapons for Lepic build guide in the First Descendant are the Secret Garden Tactical Rifle, Thunder Cage Submachine Gun, and the Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle. Secret Garden is used as a stack-boosting weapon by giving Skill Power on using Tech Skills. Thunder Cages have a high rate of fire and an area of effect explosion on getting a kill. Afterglow Sword is perfect for weak point (headshot) damage and is great for ranged damage.

The following list presents the best weapon choices for Valby Build:

  • Secret Garden – Tactical Rifle
  • Thunder Cage – Submachine Gun
  • Afterglow Sword – Sniper Rifle

Secret Garden

Secret Garden Tactical Rifle - the First Descendant

Secret Garden features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 62
  • Fire Rate: 199
  • Reload Speed: 2 seconds
  • Effective Range: 35 meters
  • Gardener: When using a Dimension skill, recovers Custom Resource with a set chance. When using a Tech skill, grants the unique ability Pest Control with a set chance.

The Secret Garden tactical rifle is a good choice for a Lepic build because of the Pest Control buff. When using a tech skill, Pest Control increases Firearm ATK and skill power and can stack up to three times. You can lower cooldowns and spam Grenade Throw to gain this buff.

Thunder Cage Submachine Gun

Thunder Cage features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 18
  • Fire Rate: 666
  • Reload Speed: 1.4 seconds
  • Effective Range: 23 meter
  • Overcharge: defeating an enemy prompts that enemy to unleash electric shockwave, dealing firearm ATK to nearby enemies within 3 meters, with additional damage.

The Thunder Cage Submachine emits an electric shockwave and grants a bonus to damage after a kill. It’s the highest DPS weapon for a Lepic build due to its secondary Overcharge effect and rate of fire. Below are the best weapon mods for the Thunder Cage Submachine Gun:

  • Action and Reaction: Firearm ATK +15%, Recoil +5%
  • Fire Rate UP: Fire Rate +6%
  • Electric Enhancement: Adds Electric ATK equal to 8% of Firearm ATK
  • Better Concentration: Firearm Critical Hit Damage +19%
  • Edging Shot: Firearm critical hit rate +11%, firearm ATK -4%
  • Rifling Reinforcement: Firearm ATK +12%
  • Concentration Priority: Firearm Critical Hit Damage +30%, Reload Time Modifier -8%
  • Better Insight: Firearm Critical Hit Rate +10%
  • Flex: put an elemental type of your choice or rounds per magazine in this slot, depending on your socket.
  • Sweeping Squad: When defeating an enemy, Firearm ATK +10.6% for 5s at 33% chance (up to 3 stacks)

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 240
  • Fire Rate: 66
  • Reload Speed: 2.5 seconds
  • Effective Range: 55 meters
  • Nightmare Reaper: on hitting an enemy’s weak point, inflicts the unique ability death propagation. On hitting an enemy commander or collossi, increase firearm critical hit rate and apply the effect to the attack.

The Afterglow Sword is the best choice for ranged precision weak point damage. Once you trigger Death Propagation, you gain increased reload and damage on weak points. Use this weapon for ranged headshots if possible. Below are the recommended mods for the Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle:

  • Special Sight – Movement Speed when Aiming -8%, Weak Point DMG when Aiming +8%
  • Action and Reaction – Firearm ATK +15%, Recoil +5%
  • Rifling Reinforcement – Explosive ATK +12%
  • Better Insight – Firearm Critical Hit Rate +10%
  • Edging Shot – Firearm Critical Hit Rate +8%, Firearm ATK -4%
  • Better Concentration – Firearm Critical Hit Damage +19%
  • Concentration Priority – Firearm Critical Hit Damage +30%, Reload Time Modifier -8%
  • Fire Rate Concentration – Fire Rate +8%, Firearm Critical Hit Damage +6.5%
  • Focus Fire – Weak Point Damage +8%, Firearm Critical Hit Damage +6.5%
  • Weak Point Sight – Weak Point Damage +9%

External Components

The best External Component for a Lepic build is a 2 piece of the Volcanic and Battle Aesthetics Sets. This allows for additional fire skill power damage and skill critical hit rate.

The First Descendant External Component Volcanic Set Traits

Unlike other parts of our build, you cannot enhance External Components. These are random (RNG) based drops only when you are at max level. Therefore, they are the finishing touches on your build. Below is a list and chart of the best stats for your External Component Stats:

First Bonus:

  1. HP
  2. DEF
  3. Shields

Second Bonus

  1. Max Resource (HP, MP, DEF, Shields)
  2. Elemental resistance (fire, chill, electric, toxic)
Auxiliary PowerSensorMemoryProcessor
First Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus Priority
Second Bonus PrioritySecond Bonus PrioritySecond Bonus PrioritySecond Bonus Priority
Max HP
Fire Resistance
Max MP
Chill Resistance
Electric Resistance
Max Shields
Toxin Resistance
Best External Component Stats – Lepic Build Guide in the First Descendant

Recent Updates and Changes for Lepic Build

All Season 1 Invasion Cosmetics for The First Descendant

The biggest change and update to Lepic during Season One is the addition of Invasions and Inversion Reinforcement. Lepic is a decent choice for the new Invasion content because of his AoE abilities, but tends to be slower than other options. Players are rewarded for completion time and materials used for the newest Descendant Hailey. What you should know is to work towards unlocking the Inversion and completing Invasions to progress this new piece of equipment.

Lepic Story in the First Descendant

Jonathan Lepic of the Dauntless 44th Grenadier Squad lost all his comrades and his right arm, in a battle that became the final operation for his squad. Fighting until the bitter end, Lepic became a legendary soldier who annihilated the Vulgus corps with his one remaining arm. The dog tags of his fallen comrades clutched in his hands only added to his immeasurable grief after his lonely return.

The Magisters were interested in the physical capabilities of Lepic, the sole survivor. What if he were a Descendant that the Arche test missed? What if this were all a trial for a new Descendant?
Eventually, the Magisters offered an Arche Drive Tactical Prosthetic Arm transplant to Lepic, who, at that point, had given up on everything.

Although this device was only for Descendants, as those without Arche could die from a cerebral sensory overload, if Lepic was fated to prevail, it would be a golden opportunity for the Albion military to gain an exceptional Descendant… and for Lepic to return to the front lines. There was no need to ask Lepic twice.

Fortunately, the transplant was a success. Lepic’s dormant Arche was awakened by the pain from the surgery, and Lepic, who succeeded in controlling his prosthetic arm, officially became a Descendant. The last of the Grenadiers had returned to avenge his comrades.

Build Summary – The First Descendant: Best Lepic Build Guide

  • Reactor: Burning Mechanics
  • Weapons
    • Secret Garden – Tactical Rifle
    • Thunder Cage – Submachine Gun
    • Afterglow Sword – Sniper Rifle
  • Weapon Mods
    • Rifling Reinforcement
    • Sweeping Squad
    • Action and Reaction
  • External Component Set:
    • 2x Volcanic
    • 2x Battle Aesthetics
  • Skills
    • Grenade Throw
    • Overlock
    • Traction Grenade
    • Overkill
    • Close Call (Passive)

Best Mods

  • Regenerative Braking
  • Nimble Fingers
  • MP Conversion
  • Maximize Range
  • Skill Expansion
  • HP Amplification
  • Focus on Fire
  • Focus on Tech
  • Maximize Conservation
  • MP Collector
  • Mid-Air Maneuvering
  • Emergency Measures

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