The First Descendant: Best Yujin Build Guide

Discover the Best Yujin Build Guide for The First Descendant and how to create a powerful character with Skills, modules, and weapons.

The First Descendant Best Yujin Build Guide

Creating an effective build in The First Descendant involves carefully selecting and optimizing various components of your character, including modules, reactor stats, weapons, weapon mods, and skills. For a Yujin build, we will focus on optimizing your skill power and survivability. Let us walk you through creating the best Yujin Build in the First Descendant with our guide below.

This guide has been updated for Season 1, Hotfix 1.1.0 of the First Descendant.

Best Yujin Build Guide for The First Descendant

Yujin is unique amongst the First Descendant characters, fulfilling the role of a pure healer and support character. With Yujin, you bring massive utility, healing, buffs, and debuffs to your party. However, you lack the raw firepower that other characters bring and will be geared toward group play. Moreover, Yujin is highly sought after at max-level end-game content due to his unique debuffs and buffs. Therefore, this is a great character to pick if you intend to do challenging group content.

The major downside to Yujin is his weak damage, making solo leveling slow and painful. However, we suggest using Bunny throughout the initial campaign, then power-leveling Yujin to the maximum level. He will immediately fit in any group, providing healing, buffs, and support. Consider Yujin one of the best, harder content characters to pick and players who enjoy group play.

Yujin Build ProYujin Build Cons
Incredible BuffsWeak Solo
Group PlayLow Damage
Harder ContentSkills Require Allies
Best Yujin Build Pros and Cons – The First Descendant Guide

Features and Mechanics for Yujin Build in The First Descendant

Yujin Skills and Combat Gameplay The First Descendant

The following list presents all the Best Yujin Build Guide Features and Mechanics for the First Descendant:

  • Best Modules: Proliferating Allergy, Conditional Recharge, Stim Accelerant
  • Best Reactor: Materialized Mixture
  • Best Weapon: Divine Punishment
  • Best External Component: Bravery set
  • Skills
    • Solidarity Healing
    • Restructure Serum
    • Stimulant Spray
    • Hyperreactive Healing Ground
    • Stop Overreacting (Passive)
  • Playstyle: Healing and Support
  • How to Unlock: crafted or bought in the store
  • Story: Yujin, a doctor at Albion’s only civilian hospital, found himself serving as a medic on the battlefield.

How to play Yujin in The First Descendant

The First Descendant Yujin Character

The best way to play Yujin is in group content by playing the support healer. Your goal is to buff your party constantly with Solidarity Healing and Restructure Serum. Solidarity Healing attaches a drone to a target and must stay in range. However, once the duration has expired, you and the party member gain a massive boost to Firearm ATK and a skill power bonus for five seconds. Therefore, this skill should be used not only for healing but also for damage.

The Restructure Serum skill debuffs enemies, making them take 10% more damage over 5 seconds. This should kill bosses quickly while providing healing if within close range (8 meters). You gain two stacks, so you can use this debuff back to back for 10 seconds of boss burst damage.

For self-healing, use the Hyperreactive Healing Ground. This skill has to be manually activated and scales in how many allies and enemies are around you in an 8-meter radius. Therefore, use to heal yourself or allies when mobs are surrounding you. The second heal for allies is Stimulant Spray, which grants damage reduction in healing but isn’t mobile. Once you use this, it stays stationary and scales the healing based on how often allies are hit. Therefore, you want to use this during stationary gameplay or when resurrecting an ally.

Your positioning should be mid to rear and close to a ranged damage dealer or someone who needs healing. Focus on buffing your highest damage dealer and keeping them alive to optimize damage output. In solo play, it will be rough playing Yujin. We suggest power-leveling him with Special Operations.

How to unlock Yujin in The First Descendant

How to unlock Yujin in The First Descendant

Yujin can be researched at the Magisters Anasi in Albion or bought from the store for 900 caliber. Below are all the crafting materials needed to craft Yujin in the First Descendant:

  • 1x Yujin Enhanced Cells
    • 292x Flectorite
    • 455x Reverse Charging Coil
    • 22x Divided Plasma Battery
    • 1x Yujin Enhanced Cells Blueprint
  • 1x Yujin Stabilizer
    • 239x Compound Coating Material
    • 554x Carbon Crystal
    • 40x Pure Energy Residue
    • 1x Yujin Stabilizer Blueprint
  • 1x Yujin Spiral Catalyst
    • 386x Hardener
    • 408x Ceramic Composite
    • 27x Anode Ion Particle
    • 1x Yujin Spiral catalyst Blueprint
  • 1x Yujin Code
    • Location 1: Echo Swamp Hard – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
    • Location 2: Fortress Hard – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – Fortress Fallen Ark
    • Location 3: Sterile Land hard – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – Sterile Land Restricted Zone
    • Location 4: White-night Gulch Hard – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – White-night Gulch Observatory
  • 400,000 Credits

Yujin’s Exclusive Equipment

Yujin Exclusive Arche - Cellular Regeneration Boost Factor Generator

Rather than exclusive equipment, Yujin has an exclusive Arche the Cellular Regeneration Boost Factor Generator. You can access it by clicking details in the Descendant menu and customizing the appearance of his suit. Below are the details on Yujin’s Exclusive Arche:

“Depending on a Descendant’s own Arche, it is common for normal Arche to increase abilities or immunity. But Yujin’s Arche had no effect on him at all. The healing mechanism in Yujin’s Arche only applied to other people. The Arche was of no help to him. Everyone in the testing lab fell silent for a moment. Yujin was the first to open his mouth. Casually joking this was reason why he was delicate, he said since he was a doctor, it naturally made sense. However, since he absolutely hated being bothered, Yujin requested the healing device be developed so that he would be bothered less.”


The general premise of Yujin’s build is to rotate buffs and healing. Solidarity Healing is a single target heal on an ally within range. However, it grants a powerful buff to you and the ally, briefly increasing firearm ATK and skill power. Restructure Serum is the best way to burst down bosses with a 10% damage received debuff alongside healing near the target. Stimulant Spray is your stationary damage reduction and heals just for allies. Lastly, Hyperactive Healing Ground is a burst heal for you and allies based on how many players and enemies are around you in an 8-meter radius.

Below are the skills for the Best Yujin Build Guide in the First Descendant:

  • Solidarity Healing: Summons a Recovery Drone that attaches to allies to heal them. Recovers target and increases their ATK through an Accelerant effect upon dismissal.
  • Restructure Serum: Fires a Restructure Serum forward, decreasing DEF and inflicting Allergy. When attacking enemies with Allergy, heals nearby allies and grants additional healing to allies who kill the enemy.
  • Stimulant Spray: Grants Stimulation to allies. While Stimulation is active, incoming DMG is reduced and recovery is received when Stimulation ends.
  • Hyperreactive Healing Ground: Heals self and allies, granting Purification and Immunity to remove and prevent debuffs. Additional recovery is based on the number of allies and enemies within range. Yujin is granted Hyper Activity effect, increasing his ATK and skill power.
  • Stop Overreacting (passive): Significantly reduces the time to rescue allies. Targets rescued by Yujin increases to Max HP for a certain period of time.

Best Skill For Yujin

Best Skill For Yujin - The First Descendant

The best skill for Yujin is Restructure Serum because it provides a unique debuff to enemies, causing them to take 10% more damage. This skill is a projectile and requires a target to be hit, similar to a grenade or Viessa’s Ice Frost Shards skill. Restructure Serum is unique because it increases any damage source, making it one of the best skills to use in higher-level content where damage against single-target bosses is critical. Moreover, allies gain additional healing and recovery when attacking the target in an 8-meter range. The range can be expanded, making it easier to gain the benefits without being so close.

Proliferating Allergy Transcendent Mod – The First Descendant

Restructure serum is a Non-attribution and fusion skill, and reactors and stats aren’t important for optimizing the skill. However, mods with increased range, cooldown reduction, and duration increase will help optimize your build. The Transcendent mod Proliferating Allergy adds an AOE damage component to this skill and can help increase Yujin’s damage.

Your goal is to rotate Solidary Healing and Restructure Serum for optimal damage. Solidary Healing grants Accelerant, increasing both your target and you increase Firearm ATK and Skill Power boost. While this buff only lasts for five seconds, you can then activate Reconstructive Serum for another 5-second debuff, ramping up your damage. Restrictive Serum also has two stacks. Therefore, you can save them for a boss burn and use them back to back for 10 seconds of increased damage.

Restructure Serum is the best skill in hard content to debuff bosses and increase your team’s overall damage. When activated, save up your stacks and burn down a boss.

Solidarity Healing

The First Descendant - Yujin - Solidarity Healing Skill

Solidarity Healing Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Attaches a healing drone to an ally. The drone is dismissed if it gets too far from the target or when its duration expires.  The drone grants sustained recovery. Upon dismissal, grants stimulate to both the ally and self. 
  • Descendant Attribute: Singular
  • Cooldown: 40 seconds
  • MP Cost: 40 seconds

How to Use Solidarity Healing: activate Solidarity Healing by pressing the button, then when a target is green with the laser, hit the trigger to lock onto the target. This deploys the drone and begins activating the healing. The healing range is 15 meters, which can be expanded with mods. The drone will light up green when in range and yellow or red when out of range. Ideally, you want to attach this to someone needing healing or a damage boost.

After the 8-second sustain recovery drone fades, you and the party member gain stimulation (an accelerant). This increases your Firearm ATK and skill power by 34% and 23%, respectively. Therefore, you should constantly use this ability to heal resources, sustain, and buff damage, even if the duration is 5 seconds.

Restructure Serum

The First Descendant - Yujin - Restructure Serum Skill

Restructure Serum Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Fires a restructure serum forward. Enemies hit with Restructured Serum are inflicted with Allergy.  Attacking enemies with Allergy heals nearby allies. Defeating an enemy with Allergy further heals the descendant.
  • Descendant Attribute: Fusion
  • Max Stacks: 2
  • Stack Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • MP Cost: 32

How to Use Restructure Serum: Use this skill to debuff enemies, increasing their damage take. Restructure Serum is a projectile with two max stacks and a 30-second cooldown per stack. Duration is 5 seconds of the debuff. the duration of the debuff is 5 seconds, and the range is 8 meters to get the healing and recovery. This can be expanded with mods. The Allergy debuff is critical because it increases damage taken by that enemy by 10%. Therefore, you can use this in boss battles to burn down HP in critical moments. Attacking and killing an enemy will heal you or whoever hits the enemy; just make sure to be in close range.

Stimulant Spray

The First Descendant - Yujin - Stimulant Spray Skill

Stimulant Spray Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Grants Stimulation to allies. While Stimulation is active, incoming DMG is reduced and recovery is received when Stimulation ends.
  • Descendant Attribute: Singular
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
  • MP Cost: 55

How to Use Stimulant Spray: this skill is your stationary healing that gets stronger the more hits an ally takes. Ideally, you want to use this on capture points where movement is limited or when resurrecting a downed ally to support them upon getting up. The duration is 10 seconds by default with a range of 6 meters, so plant this down when it is unlikely to move and take pressure.

Another benefit of Stimulant Spray is the damage reduction of 15%. Therefore, you can use this in high-pressure situations in conjunction with healing to reduce the amount of damage your party takes.

Hyperreactive Healing Ground

The First Descendant - Yujin - Hyperreactive Healing Ground Skill

Hyperreactive Skill Healing Ground Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Enters skill standby mode. Upon use. The skill can be used with the attack button and canceled it with the aim button.  Heals allies and self with a circular range, grants purification, and provides immunity to debuffs.  The amount healed increases based on the number of allies and enemies within range. When the skill ends, grants self hyperactivity.
  • Descendant Attribute: Fusion
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
  • MP Cost: 70

How to Use Hyperreactive Healing Ground: this skill is activated but not immediately used. You can cancel the skill with aim, and activate it with trigger button. Once activated, it will calculate healing based on enemies and allies within an 8-meter radius. Therefore, you want to use this in critical situations where mobs and allies are dense.

The best way to use Hyperactive Healing Ground is to activate the skill pre-emptively, then run into the fray with many enemies and allies and activate with the trigger for a burst heal. If no one needs a heal, you can still activate this for a self-heal and burst damage increase due to the Hyper Activity bonus. This bonus gives the same as Solidarity Healing, just for 10 seconds, boosts everyone’s Firearm Attack and SKill power.

Stop Overreacting (Passive)

The First Descendant - Yujin - Stop Overreacting Skill

Stop Overreacting Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Significantly reduces the time to rescue allies. Targets rescued by Yujin increases to Max HP for a certain period of time.

How to Use Stop Overreacting: a simple passive that helps when playing allies who get downed. Next, discuss the best module for a Yujin build guide in the First Descendant.

Descendant Modules for Yujin Build

Safe Recovery, Time Distribution, and Spear and Shield are the best modules (mods) for a Yujin Build in the First Descendant. As a healer support character the boost to all outgoing heals make Safe Recovery the most important mode in your toolkit. Time Distribution lowers your skill cooldown so you can do more of that healing, while also giving you an overall boost to HP. Finally, Spear and Shield provides you with an increase in defense, which keeps you in the game providing your allies with support.

In The First Descendant, modules are essential components that enhance and customize your character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Modules can be acquired through questing, missions, loot drops, and vendor items. Moreover, you have limited resources to slot mods; therefore, some slots may be empty depending on your chosen setup.

Yujin Best Modules for Leveling

Yujin Best Modules for Leveling in The First Descendant

Below is a list of the best leveling mods for Yujin Build in the First Descendant:

  • Nimble Fingers – Skill Cooldown -6%.
  • Skill Extension – Skill Duration +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
  • Increased HP – Max HP +22%.
  • Dual Claw – Attack with Dual Claws during Sub Attack and increase your Max Module Capacity.
  • Fusion Specialist – Fusion Skill Power Modifier +X%
  • Safe Recovery – Outgoing Heal +X%, Incoming Final DMG -X%
  • Fusion Master – Skill Power +X%, Fusion Skill Power Modifier +X%
  • Increased DEF – DEF +16%.
1 (Skill Module)EmptyN/A
4Nimble FingersStandard
5Skill ExtensionStandard
6Increased HPStandard
7 (Sub Module)Dual ClawStandard
9Fusion SpecialistStandard
10Safe RecoveryRare
11Fusion MasterRare
12Increased DEFStandard
Best Leveling Mods for Yujin Build Guide – The First Descendant

Yujin Best Modules

Yujin Best Modules Advanced in The First Descendant

Below is a list of the best mods for Yujin Build in the First Descendant:

  • Time Distribution – Skill Cooldown -4%, Max HP +13%
  • Increased HP – Max HP 22%
  • Long-Distance Maneuvering: Modifies grappling hook range to 25 meters but increases charge time. Also allows more module capacity.
    • Dual Claw remains a good alternative until you find Long-Distance Maneuvering
  • Spear and Shield – DEF +22%, Skill Power +8.1%
  • Safe Recovery – Outgoing Heal +X%, Incoming Final DMG -X%
  • Fusion Master – Skill Power +X%, Fusion Skill Power Modifier +X%
  • Increased DEF – DEF +16%.
1 (Skill Module)EmptyN/A
4Time DistributionRare
6Increased HPStandard
7 (Sub Module)Long-Distance ManeuveringUltimate
9Spear and ShieldRare
10Safe RecoveryRare
11Fusion MasterRare
12Increased DEFStandard
Best Mods for Yujin Build Guide – The First Descendant

Best Reactor Stats for Yujin in The First Descendant

Best Reactor Stats for Yujin in The First Descendant

Materialized Mixture is the best reactor for a Yujin build in the First Descendant because it buffs your Non-Attribute and Fusion-type skills. Non-Attribute is your descendant attribute, and Fusion buffs Restructure Serum and Hyperreactive Healing Ground skills. The second choice is Materialized Singularity, which buffs Non-Attribute and Singular-type skills, effective Solidarity Healing, and Stimulant Spray skills. Below is our recommendation for the best Yujin reactors:

  • Optimization Condition: Assault Rifle (Divine Punishment)
  • Skill Power Boost Ratio
    • Materialized Mixture: Boost to Non-Attribute and Fusion type
    • Materialized Singularity: Boost to Non-Attribute and Singular type
  • Bonus Conditions: Chill skill power boost ratio and Skill critical hit rate

In The First Descendant, reactors are powerful enhancements significantly impacting a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Each reactor comes with an “optimal condition,” which requires a specific weapon type to be equipped to activate. Therefore, this should be your primary weapon for the build. They function as core components that provide substantial boosts and unique effects, enabling players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies. Next, let’s discuss the best weapons for a Yujin Build Guide.

Weapons for Yujin Build

Divine Punishment, Nazeistra’s Devotion, and the Afterglow Sword are the best weapons for a Yujin build in the First Descendant. Divine Punishment grants unique buffs or debuffs based on buffing or debuffing. These include a boost to Firearm ATK, def increase, and skill cooldowns. Yujin’s entire kit is built to buff and debuff, gaining even more utility as a support to the character. Nazeistra’s Devotion hand cannon and Afterglow Sword sniper rifle are helpful for weak-point attacks. The hand cannon is great for medium range, while the sniper rifle is best for long distances.

The following list presents the best weapon choices for Yujin Build:

  • Divine Punishment – Assault Rifle
  • Nazeistra’s Devotion – Hand Cannon
  • Afterglow Sword – Sniper Rifle

Divine Punishment

Divine Punishment Ultimate Assault Rifle - The First Descendant

Divine Punishment features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 23
  • Fire Rate: 705
  • Reload Speed: 1.55 seconds
  • Effective Range: 30 meters
  • Prayer: Granting a buff to allies excluding yourself will grant the unique ability Meditation to yourself. Recovering an ally’s (HP/Shield/MP/Resources), excluding yourself, will grant the unique ability Prase to yourself. Inflicting a debuff on an enemy will grant the unique ability Glory to yourself.

Nazeistra’s Devotion

Nazeistra’s Devotion features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 400
  • Fire Rate: 150
  • Reload Speed: 25 meters
  • Effective Range: 1.5 seconds
  • Fanaticism: On hitting an enemy’s Weak Point, inflicts the unique ability Devotion Mark on the target enemy. On hitting an ally, that ally’s shield is restored at the cost of your MP. If your current MP is less than the MP cost, this effect is not triggered.

Great to combo with Sniper for weak point damage.

Afterglow Sword

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle - the First Descendant

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 240
  • Fire Rate: 66
  • Reload Speed: 2.5 seconds
  • Effective Range: 55 meters
  • Nightmare Reaper: on hitting an enemy’s weak point, inflicts the unique ability death propagation. On hitting an enemy commander or collossi, increase firearm critical hit rate and apply the effect to the attack.

The Afterglow Sword is the best choice for ranged precision weak point damage. Once you trigger Death Propagation, you gain increased reload and damage on weak points. Use this weapon for ranged headshots if possible.

External Component

Unlike other parts of our build, you cannot enhance External Components. These are random (RNG) based drops only when you are at max level. Therefore, they are the finishing touches on your build. Prioritize the following stats for External Components:

  • Max Shields
  • Max HP
  • HP Recovery
  • DEF

There are set bonuses, and Yujin’s best is the Bravey set. Lastly, let’s touch on Yujin’s story for the best build guide in the First Descendant.

Recent Updates and Changes for Yujin Build

All Season 1 Invasion Cosmetics for The First Descendant

The biggest change and update to Yujin during Season One is the addition of Invasions and Inversion Reinforcement. Yujin is great for group play but suffers in solo content making him not a great choice for Invasions. Players are rewarded for completion time and materials used for the newest Descendant Hailey. What you should know is to work towards unlocking the Inversion and completing Invasions to progress this new piece of equipment.

Yujin Story in the First Descendant

Yujin, a doctor at Albion’s only civilian hospital, found himself serving as a medic on the battlefield, where life always hangs in the balance, all because of his mother. After declaring her own intent to serve as a medic, she also submitted an application to HQ on his behalf. Yujin wanted to scream in frustration over his enlistment, which was decided upon without his consent. Given his nature as being particularly lazy and quick-tempered, he was hardly the type to embrace military life earnestly. His mother always disapproved of this about her son, which often led to countless arguments. It would get to the point where even Medical Corps Captain Gley would throw her hands up in resignation while trying to mediate.

“Then you treat ’em, mom. Nothing I do seems to satisfy you anyway. I don’t see why I should bother saving those who have no hope. I’m not sure why I have to make that much of an effort!”

As soon as Yujin finished speaking, he was met with a hard slap. “Because you’re a doctor! It’s your job to save people until the very end!” Just as he was about to respond, his mother hurried away upon hearing news of Vespers force casualties flooding in. After the argument and the slap, Yujin was initially silent but soon felt overwhelmed with regret when his anger faded. He decided he would apologize when his mother returned. However, he learned that his mother, as well as the medical unit members, had become casualties as well and rushed out to the battlefield.

Yujin’s Story Continued – Best Yujin Build Guide for the First Descendant

He didn’t want to live the rest of his life without apologizing. Despite their daily quarrels, he loved his mother dearly. Losing her was unimaginable. When Yujin reached the battlefield, he found his mother on the verge of death. He sobbed uncontrollably and begged her to hold on, saying that he’d treat her right away. Through this, his mother imparts her final words to him.

“My child, I know it’s hard on you… Still, you must do all you can for your patients… until their last moments.”

After leaving these last words, Yujin’s mother passed away. Yujin stayed up all night crying. That night he wrote up the report that all except those who were kidnapped by the Vulgus had died, including his mother, who had died in his arms. He vowed never to give up on those who wished to live. This vow was tested when his commander, Gley, returned after being missing for 100 days. She had been used as a Vulgus experiment and was struggling wildly.

Yujin, in the process of physically restraining her, sustained four broken ribs. Yet, he didn’t give up. Holding Gley’s blood-soaked hand, he asserted, “Commander! We’re the Medical Corps. We can’t give up until the very end!” At his words, Gley calmed down, and Yujin’s warm Arche filled the walls of the closed ward. Driven by his intense desire to save a life, his healing capabilities reached their full potential in that moment.

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