Throne and Liberty Builds and Classes: Complete Guide

Discover how classes and builds work in Throne and Liberty as we walk you through all the essential components in this complete guide.

Throne and Liberty Builds and Classes Complete Guide

Throne and Liberty is an MMORPG Developed by NCSOFT and Published by Amazon Games. The full version of Throne and Liberty launched in Korea in December 2023, while the Western version launched in October 2024. In Throne and Liberty, players will have the familiar MMORPG role system of tanks, healers, and DPS. Moreover, the game features a wide variety of content in PvE and PvP with a robust guild system.

Combat in Throne and Liberty is either action-oriented or a classic point-and-click tab target. Moreover, combat uses a global cooldown system of around one second, where players rotate through abilities that go on cooldown for a limited time. What separates Throne and Liberty’s combat from other MMORPGs is the ability to change the system to action or tab target on the fly. Furthermore, the pace of combat feels faster with lower cooldowns than in World of Warcraft or other older MMOs. If you’re a New World player, the game will feel familiar with the weapon and off-hand combinations without dodging and movement mechanics. In this guide, we walk you through all of the elements of classes and weapons in Throne and Liberty so you can make your powerful build.

Everything About Builds and Classes in Throne and Liberty

Everything About Builds and Classes in Throne and Liberty

Your equipped weapons, skills, equipment, and weapon mastery talents make a build and class in the Throne and Liberty. In Throne and Liberty, classes are determined by the weapons you are equipped with. Each of the seven weapons has active, passive, and defensive skills. You equip weapons in your main hand and off-hand. Where the weapon is equipped determines stats and scales abilities. Thus, the main hand vs. off-hand is a critical distinction. Additional skills like Guardian, Equipment, and Transcendent are unlocked as you progress. You can also upgrade skills through growth stones to increase their effect and bonuses.

With seven weapon choices, you can change main hand and off-hand weapons anytime and test new combinations. A weapon’s skills in synergy with your off-hand weapons and gear make it strong. Depending on your playstyle, various weapons will have more survivability, healing, damage, area damage (AOE), or crowd control. Moreover, PvE and PvP content determines weapons’ effectiveness and general usage.

Your skill bar has a limit of 12 skills, so you will only select limited skills from the main hand and off-hand. Furthermore, you can bar swap to either of your equipped weapons but always use the skills from either regardless of what weapon is being used. Throne and Liberty features light and heavy attacks. Light attacks are near instant auto attacks, while heavy require a charge or channel time with a bonus effect or more damage. Let us explore the elements of a build and classes further in our complete beginner’s guide for Throne and Liberty.

Best Classes and Weapons

Throne and Liberty Best Weapons (Classes) - Tier List

Unlike other MMORPGs, Throne and Liberty classes are determined by your equipped weapons and are not something selected at the creator creation menu. Players can select two of 7 weapons, each with 10 active, 7 passive, and 1 defensive skills to choose from. Earning Experience Points (EXP) increases your overall level and unlocks more skills. Each skill can further be enhanced with growth stones, another progression system within the game.

All weapon skills use Mana as their resource to cast. Unlike other MMORPGs, mana isn’t limited to spellcasting. Therefore, you want to continually have enough mana regeneration and max mana to cast skills between light and heavy attacks.

Players must select a main hand and off-hand weapon that fits their playstyle and role. Below are the individual weapons and their ideal build, classes, and role within Throne and Liberty:

  • Crossbow: mobility focused with weakened debuff, ideal for DPS and great off-hand weapon.
  • Dagger: best overall off-hand DPS weapon because of burst damage and stealth.
  • Greatsword: the best melee weapon with huge AOE damage and stuns. While it has DPS, Greatsword also has some tanking and survivability skills.
  • Longbow: highest single target damage ranged weapon but requires stationary gameplay. Longbow has some group utility and healing though a DPS weapon.
  • Staff: best-ranged AOE weapon but low survivability. The Staff is pure DPS with decent crowd control.
  • Sword and Shield: the highest survivability weapon and useful for playing solo. The Sword and Shield (SnS) is the true tank of the game.
  • Wand: damage over time and healing, this is only true healer weapon. The wand is helpful for leveling or playing solo where you have limited healing.


Crossbow Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The crossbow is excellent for players who favor a ranged playstyle with great mobility. Its unique because it offers mobility on demand and allow you to dodge or break free from stuns. The crossbow also has great single-target damage with debuffs and can restore mana on demand. The crossbow is an excellent off-hand weapon at any stage and is very helpful while leveling due to its mobility.

Crossbow Weapon and Class Pros

  • Mobility: On-demand dodge and removal of immobilization allows for awesome speed.
  • Single Target: you debuff and burst down single targets with ease.
  • Off-hand: The crossbow is a great off-hand weapon due to its mobility and single target.

Crossbow Weapon and Class Cons

  • Lower Survivability: you won’t have the survival of other classes and have only movement to aid you.
  • Weak AOE: while single target damage is great, AOE is lacking with the Crossbow.
  • Lacks Healing: unlike the Longbow or Tome, you have limited healing.

Players will want to select Crossbow for single-target damage and mobility. The best off-hand weapon combinations for the Crossbow are Dagger, Wand, and Longbow. Pairing the Crossbow with a Dagger offers strong close-range damage, allowing you to weaken enemies on the battlefield quickly. The Longbow gives you a full single-target melting setup, while the Wand allows you to heal and increase survivability.


Dagger Weapons in Throne and Liberty

Daggers rely on poison damage and lower enemy health to maximize their effectiveness. Dagger damage is amplified as enemies’ health drops below 50%, giving the skill line an inherited execute feature. Additionally, the Dagger weapon has a high critical hit chance and more damage against stun or status effect wet targets. The Dagger’s ability to stealth makes it one of the most powerful and popular weapons. This is the perfect weapon if you enjoy Rogue or Assassin gameplay.

Dagger Weapon and Class Pros

  • Burst: with high critical hit chance and damage, the Daggers provide an excellent burst.
  • Stealth: sneak up on targets or stealth away for survivability in PvE and PvP.
  • Execute: as the target’s health goes lower, you do more damage with certain skills.

Dagger Weapon and Class Cons

  • Survival: you won’t be as survivable as the Wand, SnS, or Longbow.
  • DOT Dependent: rotating through your poison DOTs requires careful uptime and can be hard for beginners.
  • Content Specific: stealth is helpful in PvP but becomes less effective in end-game PvE.

The Dagger weapon and class is perfect for burst damage in main or off-hand. Players who enjoy PvP will love the Dagger. For off-hand combinations, Dagger fits well with anything. The best choice for melee players is Dagger + Greatsword to gain defensive skills and AOE. To gain more mobility and range, the Crossbow can be used as well.


Greatsword Weapon in Throne and Liberty

The Greatsword is a potent weapon and class if you favor a heavy warrior playstyle. Its crowd-control abilities and raw area damage make it a powerful choice. However, playing in melee comes with risk, so pairing it with a proper off-hand weapon is critical. The Greatsword wants to charge in, stun, and do massive AOE. What’s nice about the Greatsword is that it has good survivability built in, and with proper defensive and perfect fury timing, you have high survivability. The Greatsword’s versatility in combat makes it another popular and robust choice for players who enjoy an aggressive playstyle.

Greatsword Weapon and Class Pros

  • Area Damage: the size and speed at which you can kill enemies in a group is second to none.
  • Survivability: unlike other DPS weapons, the Greatsword has built-in durability and toughness.
  • Versatility: if you enjoy PvP and PvE and want one weapon that can do it all, pick the Greatsword.

Greatsword Weapon and Class Cons

  • Melee: You have almost no range damage, unlike the Dagger, who has some throw skills.
  • Single Target: you’ll need a proper off-hand selection to get good single-target DPS.
  • Range: without any range, you’re relying on a gap closer to keep your time on target high.

Players who love charging in and nuking waves of mobs will love the Greatsword. The best off-hand combinations are Greatsword + Sword and Shield, Greatsword + Dagger, and Greatsword + Crossbow. With Sword and Shield, you can tank and do great AOE damage. Dagger adds single target damage to compliment your AOE. Lastly, the Crossbow is necessary if you want higher mobility and some range damage.


Longbow Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The Longbow is a powerful ranged weapon known for being among the highest damage dealers in Throne and Liberty. It excels in single-target damage and features skills centered around binding. Binding briefly immobilizes targets, allowing your attacks and abilities to damage them more. Moreover, the Longbow can heal, making it unique amongst pure DPS weapons.

Longbow Weapon and Class Pros

  • Damage: at max range, stationary, you destroy anything in seconds.
  • Healing: the ability to heal yourself and others is a huge perk for the Longbow.
  • Immobilizations: The Longbow roots target is in place to keep your distance and increase damage.

Longbow Weapon and Class Cons

  • Stationary: to gain the most DPS, you must stay stationary, which isn’t always possible.
  • Rotation Dependent: the rotation is critical, and hitting cooldowns triggers skills.
  • AOE: single target focus and can be slow leveling.

The Longbow is the best weapon and class for players who prefer the typical archer in MMORPGs. The best off-hand weapon combination with the Longbow Crossbow, Staff, or Wand.  Longbow and Crossbow give you even more range single target burst damage, and the passive synergies work well together. The Staff with Longbow makes up for AOE damage, while Wand is helpful for survivability and solo gameplay. Overa.l the Longbow is the premier single target range weapon, one of the best classes and builds in Throne and Liberty.


Staff Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

When using the Staff weapon and class, the gameplay is your typical Mage or Wizard in other games. When using a staff, it’s crucial to focus on boosting your max mana, as each spell consumes it and comes with relatively long cooldowns. Despite this, the staff is the most powerful AoE weapon in the game, with the greatsword being a close second. While it lacks the single-target burst damage that daggers or longbows offer, every group will need at least one player with a staff as a secondary weapon.

Staff Weapon and Class Pros

  • Area Damage: some of the best area damage in the game and casting its range.
  • Fast Leveling: destroy hordes of enemies before they can hit you.
  • Flashy: some of the best-looking animations; it’s just fun to play.

Staff Weapon and Class Cons

  • Long Cooldowns: the skills are on long cooldowns and require channeling Uninterrupted.
  • Terrible Survivability: the lowest survivability of all the weapons.
  • Lacks Single Target: mainly focused on AOE, off-hand weapon needed to boost single target.

The Staff is your go-to for flashy animations, big AOE, and quick kills. The downside it, you are very squishy. Selecting an off-hand like the Tome can help with healing and debuffs. The Dagger is also good for damage over time, or the Longbow for optimal range damage. What’s holding the staff back from being a better build is the sheer squishiness compared to other classes and weapons in Throne and Liberty.

Sword and Shield

Sword and Shield Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The Sword and Shield is the true tank weapon with the highest survivability. With the sword and shield, you can taunt, aggro, and crowd control. Using the SnS as a secondary weapon, you gain most of the defensive benefits, making it a strong choice for any build lacking survivability. The Sword and Shield has low DPS and isn’t as flashy as the Staff, but don’t sleep on this weapon for end-game or solo gameplay.

Sword and Shield Weapon and Class Pros

  • Survival: incredible damage reduction, absorption damage, and increased health make survival a breeze.
  • Taunt: PvE requires tanks, and this role will always find a home with Taunt and boss control.
  • Mobility: the Sword and Shield is quickly able to close the gap to enemies with skills.

Sword and Shield Weapon and Class Cons

  • Damage: you sacrifice damage for high survival.
  • AOE: Sword and Shield has almost zero AOE damage.
  • Leveling: Expect a very slow leveling process without AOE damage.

The Sword and Shield is perfect for tank players or anyone who wants increased survivability. Moreover, this is a huge carry for solo play or the tower and dungeons. The best off-hand choices are Greatsword to gain AOE damage or Tome for healing and survivability.


Wand and Tome Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The Wand is a weapon primarily designed for healing and causing the curse debuff, similar to the Sword and Shield, the Wand is another highly survivable choice. The Wand and Tome are great secondary weapons because of the off-healing and damage over time. Moreover, you get crowd control, which can be helpful in PvE and PvP. However, you will level slowly, and it’s meant for end-game healing. Remember, healing in Throne and Liberty isn’t possible for each class and weapon.

Wand Weapon and Class Pros

  • Survival: with healing limited in Throne and Liberty, the Wand has a role for every solo or group.
  • Group Utility: the ability to heal and buff other players in PvE and PvP is vital.
  • Debuff: the Curse debuff is a powerful tool to use against enemies.

Wand Weapon and Class Cons

  • Mana: the Wand requires massive mana regeneration to maintain skill casting.
  • Weak DPS: your DPS is lower than other weapons in exchange for healing.
  • Content Specific: the Wand and Tome is great for specific content and weak in others.

Players who love to heal, provide support, and never die should pick the Wand. You gain the ability to heal others and do decent damage at range. For off-hand choices, the Wand and Longbow make a great pairing for high survivability and single target at range. The Sword and Shield Wand build is ideal for players who never want to die. Lastly, Wand and staff can help you level up quickly and progress.

Best Stat Points

Best Stat Points Explained Throne and Liberty

In Throne and Liberty, stat points are earned while leveling and increasing your effectiveness.  When you spend a stat point, you increase the effectiveness of that related attribute. However, after a certain number of points, you reach diminishing returns, and two points are required to increase a stat rather than one. Moreover, once stats reach a certain level spent (30 or greater), you gain unique bonuses. Below are what stats influence which attribute of your class and build:

  • Strength affects defense, maximum health, maximum damage, and minimum damage.
  • Dexterity affects critical attack, evasion, and maximum damage.
  • Wisdom affects maximum mana and mana regeneration, skill cooldown, and maximum damage.
  • Perception effect accuracy of attacks, Crowd Control effects, enhancing time boost ability, maximum damage, and minimum damage.

The best way to spend your stat points is into two primary categories to reach bonuses at levels 30, 40, and so on. Strength is mainly for melee builds but is also helpful because it increases your max health. Dexterity is good for Dagger and Longbow. Wisdom is for spellcasters who frequently use skills like Tome and Staff. Perception is good for crowd control and accuracy.

Strength Stat

The strength stat serves as the source of physical power. Strength stat affects defense, maximum health, maximum damage, and minimum damage. Spend 30 points to gain damage reduction. Below are all the attributes affected by the strength Stat in Throne and Liberty:

  • Main Minimum Damage
  • Main Max Damage
  • Max Health
  • Health Regen
  • Melee Defense
  • Ranged Defense

Dexterity Stat

The dexterity stat serves as the source of nimbleness. Dexerity stat affects critical attack, evasion, and maximum damage. Below are all the attributes affected by the dexterity stat in Throne and Liberty:

  • Main Max Damage
  • Attack Speed
  • Melee Evasion
  • Ranged Evasion
  • Magic Evasion
  • Melee Critical Hit
  • Ranged Critical Hit
  • Magic Critical Hit

Wisdom Stat

The wisdom stat serves as the source of mental prowes. Wisdom stat affects maximum mana and mana regeneration, skill cooldown, and maximum damage. Below are all the attributes affected by the wisdom stat in Throne and Liberty:

  • Main Max Damage
  • Max Mana
  • Mana Regen
  • Cooldown Speed

Perception Stat

The perception stat servers as the source of insight and awareness. Perception stat affects accuracy of attacks, Crowd Control effects, enhancing time boost ability, maximum damage, and minimum damage. Below are all the attributes affected by the perception stat in Throne and Liberty:

  • Minimum damage
  • Max Damage
  • Melee hit
  • Ranged Hit
  • Magic Hit
  • Status Effect Chance
    • Weaken Chance
    • Stun Chance
    • Petrification Chance
    • Sleep Chance
    • Silence Chance
    • Bind Chance
    • Terror Chance
    • Collision Chance
    • Buff Duration

Best Skills

Skill Bar Throne and Liberty

In Throne and Liberty, each weapon has 10 active skills and seven passive skills to choose from, and one defensive. You unlock new skills by leveling up your character. Your skill and passive bar allows you to slot 12 active skills and eight passives. These skills and passives can be used from either your main or off-hand weapon and can be mixed and matched. You could have two skills from your main hand weapon and 10 from your off-hand. Moreover, you can use these skills regardless of what weapon is active in combat. Below, we detail each skill type with our Throne and Liberty Builds and Classes Complete Guide.

Active Skills

Active Skills Throne and Liberty

The active skill systems in Throne and Liberty are skills that grant immediate effects when used. Moreover, this skill system uses a roughly one-second global cooldown, and more powerful skills have a longer cooldown. Each weapon has an “auto-attack,” meaning you attack once, and the game will automatically re-attack after the one-second global cooldown.

Active skills should be used in combination with light and heavy attacks. Some weapons are more reliant on skills vs light attacks, such as the Tome. Therefore, your build and class will need higher mana regeneration to sustain the required resources to continually cast skills.

The cooldown system means you won’t be able to use a skill immediately following. The staff, for instance, has powerful skills with longer cooldowns. Various bonuses and gear can reduce skill cooldown, but this is why players need a rotation and priority of skills. When this is “off cooldown,” it should be used as a priority, and so on.

Passive Skills

Passive skills are only activated when equipped in the passive quick slot in the skills menu. These are designed to enhance your build with more damage, healing, resource sustain, and survivability. Like active skills, your weapon must be equipped on your main or off-hand for the passives to apply. You will increase your passive skills through the leveling process and be able to equip up to eight from the two weapons you have equipped.

This is one reason your off-hand weapon is critical to your class and build in Throne and Liberty. Your passive bonuses say Crossbow synergies well with a Longbow, which both reward you for playing at max distance. Therefore, don’t just equip weapons that look cool, understand the synergy between the passives.

Defense Skills

Landing a Perfect Fury Attack Example in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

Defensive skills are skills that allow you to defend against attacks. Enemies will have a “Fury Attack,” a purple circle drawing down to a central point. You can defend against the Furty Attack by using your defensive skill at the precious moment for a perfect defense. Each weapon has its defensive skill, which consumes stamina instead of mana, shown on the left of your User Interface when used. Special effects occur when you successfully defend against a Furty Attack; timing is vital for maximizing your build’s potential.

You can equip one with defensive skills from either of your equipped weapons. Look for a defensive skill that fits a missing gap in your build or class. For instance, crossbow defensive skills are a great way to create space for a build or weapon that lacks mobility.

Skill Upgrade Progression

Throne and Liberty - Weapons Skills leveling up

Skills come in different rarities and can be upgraded through growth stones. Upgrading skills increases their effectiveness and unlocks new perks and benefits like extra damage, more targets hit, etc. As you progress the skill from uncommon to rare to epic, the material required and cost increase. Therefore, players must select the most used and powerful skills to level first. This leveling skills system is RNG, and spending countless materials on a weak skill can be frustrating.

Below are how skills upgrade and progress in Throne and Liberty:

  • Skill 1: Level 1 Uncommon
  • Skill 2 Level 1 Uncommon
  • Skill 3 Level 1 Uncommon
  • Skill 4 Level 11 Rare
  • Skill 5 Level 21 Rare
  • Skill 6 Level 29 Epic
  • Skill 7 Level 37 Epic
  • Skill 8 Level 44 Epic
  • Skill 9 Level 50 Epic
  • Skill 10 Level 50 Epic
Throne and Liberty - Quality Training Book Longbow Green

Upgrading Skills in Throne and Liberty is a long process requiring crafting materials but increases the effectiveness of your skills. Moreover, you can increase your skill after reaching level five to gain a rare or epic bonus. These bonuses significantly impact the effectiveness of your skills, but you’ll only have so many materials, thus requiring a priority in skill progression.

Best Weapon Mastery

Weapon Mastery is a system that gives you experience for your weapon that is equipped proportional to the experience earned.  Thus, at the start of the game, Weapon Mastery points are limited, but you will start earning more as your experience per kill and quest increase with level and zones.  Your main hand weapon gains increased weapon mastery, while off-hand still gains some, just not as much. 

The Weapon Mastery system gives you three distinct trees to increase the effectiveness of your build type. While some are obvious to use, others are more geared for content-specific PvE and PvP gameplay. Often, you’ll see a resource sustain tree, damage, and healing/survival. Ideally, you want to max out one tree and increase another. The last bonus in each mastery tree provides the biggest bonus to your build.

Best Guardian

Eternal Barrier (Lady Knight Kamarshea) Throne and Liberty Best Guardian

Guardians act as a short-term ultimate or super ability with powerful effects and a long cooldown.  Ideally, you want to select a Guardian that either enhances a strength or covers up a weakness.  You obtain Guardians after level 25 and completing Chapter 5. From that point, you can learn how to obtain additional Guardians to enhance your class and build further. Moreover, these skills can only be used infrequently, once every 10 minutes, so save them for critical situations.

The best Guardian early in the game is Lady Knight Kamarshea because she gives you a burst shield. The shield size is based on your mana, so this is geared towards casters. However, this burst survivability tool is helpful in classes without healing.


Morphs Throne and Liberty

The morph system in Throne and Liberty are mounted. Morphs increase movement speed on land, air, or in water. You can progress and unlock new morphs as you play. However, these will only impact your build in terms of travel.


Amitoi Throne and Liberty

The Amitoi are NPC followers who interact with you in the environment. They pick up random junk lying around but, most importantly, heal you with World Tree Leaves. World Tree Leaves are a consumable item and the Amitoi gives passive small healing. You can adjust what percentage you want the Amitoi to heal you in the menu. The most important part of the Amitoi is ensuring you always have plenty of World Tree Leaves you can buy at a vendor.

Gear – Weapons, Armor, and Accessories

Tevent's Screaming Bow in Throne and Liberty MMORPG – TL

Equipment such as weapons, armor, and accessories can be found throughout Throne and Liberty questing or combat.  However, crafting specific equipment that rewards your build will be the most effective way to increase your power.  There are no light, medium, or heavy proficiency requirements, but specific equipment grants unique bonuses suited to a longbow or tome user, not a Greatsword wielder. 

Therefore, you must craft the correct equipment early in Throne and Liberty.  Then, you can upgrade to higher quality throughout your playthrough and end at the max level of 50 with a properly balanced set of gear designed for your build.

Just like skills, expect a lengthy progression of system upgrading parts.


In Throne and Liberty, consumables are essential to your build’s overall power. One-time use items like Stellarite and World Tree Leaf add damage or healing to the player. These items should always be stocked up and used throughout leveling and boss fights. Moreover, food and Remedy make a difference in challenging encounters.

  • Stellarite – adds 10% of weapon damage consumed on every attack.  Stock up at Sundries Merchant before adventuring, as the passive boost in damage is significant. 
  • World Tree Leaf – enables Amitoi to heal the player passively every 6 seconds.  World Tree Leafs are consumed per each heal.  Purchase these at Sundries Merchant and keep 1,000+ on you at all times.
  • Recovery Crystal – instantly restoring 750 of your health with a one-minute cooldown.  These come in a variety of forms, with more powerful versions.  You should combine this healing with any skill-based healing and be aware of the long one-minute cooldown.   
  • Food: Various foods give you 60-90 minute buffs. You’ll want to select based on your content like critical hits used while leveling and boss specific food in dungeons.
  • Remedy: are limited use of burst items for 15 seconds with a two-minute cooldown that increases damage output or decreases incoming damage.

Looking For More About Throne and Liberty?

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