How to Get Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

Lava-Forged Plate is a unique heavy armor set in Avowed, and you can find it by exploring the Mt. Forja Quarry in Galawain’s Tusks.

All missions you can play in Avowed (Image via Xbox Game Studios)

In Avowed, your character’s gear is just as crucial as their skills and abilities when it comes to surviving the perilous world of the Living Lands. Among these coveted items is the Lava-Forged Plate, a rare and formidable piece of armor known for its exceptional durability and fiery properties. However, acquiring this unique plate isn’t a simple task. It requires players to explore dangerous environments and overcome tough challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore the Lava-Forged Plate, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Avowed.

What is the Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

Avowed Lava-Forged Plate unique heavy armor tooltip and gear preview image

In Avowed, the Lava-Forged Plate is a set of unique heavy armor that can deal passive fire damage to enemies and increase your fire resistance. First, the Volcanic Outburst enchantment passive will deal Fire Damage to nearby enemies anytime you take a hit from melee damage.

Secondly, the Greater Burn-Proofed enchantment passive will give you a +45% resistance to Fire Accumulation. In Avowed, maximum fire accumulation will Ignite your enemy and they will take a damage-over-time burning effect.

Lava-Forged Plate Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of How to Get Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed in Avowed:

  • Armor Type: Heavy Armor, Unique
  • Item Weight: 22
  • Value: 16,250
  • Quality: Legendary
  • Location: Inside the Mt. Forja Quarry, inside a chest hidden in an alcove across the lava, in the Galawain’s Tusks region.
  • Base Stats:
    • 25% Damage Reduction
    • 72 Additional Damage Reduction
    • -45 Maximum Stamina
    • -45 Maximum Essence
  • Enchantments:
    • Volcanic Burst: Taking melee damage deals Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
    • Greater Burn-Proofed: +45% resistance to Fire Accumulation.

How to Get Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

How to Get How to Get Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed in Avowed

To get the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed you must thoroughly explore the Mt. Forja Quarry in the fourth region of Galawain’s Tusks. Moreover, the Mt. Forja Quarry has a lot of different passageways and tunnels. Consequently, you can easily get turned around. Here are the steps you take to reach the Lava-Forged Plate from the entrance of the Mt. Forja Quarry:

  1. Go straight ahead from the entrance, into a tunnel with white glowing mushrooms
  2. At the bottom of this tunnel, head straight ahead across the large cavern and into a short tunnel that goes up.
  3. Take a left at the top of the tunnel.
  4. Run all the way past the pool of lava on the right, up the short ramp, and then keep right.
  5. There will be a ‘lavafall’ head and a stream of lava on the right. Go past the large bolder, and through the tunnel entrance.
  6. Climb up the ledge on the left and follow this new greenish tunnel.
  7. You’ll come to an open space, with another lava flow on your right. Stop here.
  8. Turn to face the lava, and you should see ledges on the other side. Jump to them, climb up, and then head right.
  9. Keep going forward, across a wooden bridge, and you will see a room with a larger ‘lavafall’ ahead.
  10. Don’t go up the wooden plank. Just before it, turn to the right and jump across the rocks.
  11. Finally, climb up and you will find the golden chest with the Lava-Forged Plate at the top.

How to Use Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

The best way to use the Lava-Forged Plate is on an end-game Beginners build, or any melee playstyle build that will have you on the frontlines of combat. If you are in the thick of battle, you are much more likely to be taking damage from melee enemies. Consequently, you will deal more passive fire damage. Moreover, this fire damage will affect not just your attacker, but can also hit other enemies in a small area of effect.

Enchanting Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

The Lava-Forged Plate is an armor piece in Avowed, and consequently, you cannot upgrade the primary enchantment bonus on it. The upgrade mechanics in Avowed only allow you to upgrade the primary enchantment on your weapons.

Lava-Forged Plate Upgrade Materials in Avowed

Below is a table with a list of all of the crafting materials you will need to fully upgrade the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed. Additionally, because this heavy armor is already of Legendary quality, it will take less materials than something found in the early game.

QualityMaterials Required
+1 LegendaryDragon Hide x4
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x2
+2 LegendaryDragon Hide x16
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x4
+3 LegendaryDragon Hide x28
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x6

FAQs about Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

Where can I find the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

You can find the Lava-Forged Plate near the end of the game in the Galawain’s Tusks region. Due west of Solace is a location called Mt. Forja Quarry, where you can find this heavy armor in a treasure chest.

Which classes or builds benefit most from Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

Any melee build or playstyle could benefit from equipping the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed because it deals passive damage whenever you are hit.

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