All Starmetal Weapons in Avowed Listed

Discover everything you need to know about the Starmetal weapons in Avowed and how to obtain them while progressing.

Avowed end game return to Paradis through portal

Avowed is a first-person RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Xbox Game Studios. Set in the Pillars of Eternity universe, the game takes place in the Living Lands, where you are uncovering a secret mystery. Starmetal weapons in Avowed are rare weapons forged from Starmetal. These weapons have exceptional stats and unique enchantments, making them the best one to include in your build. Collect four Starmetal fragments found in different locations across the world. Bring the Starmetal Fragments to Forgemaster Dela at Solace Keep to forge and upgrade the weapons. This weapon type has high damage and stun values. Most of them come with Frost-based enchantments that allow you to slow or weaken the enemies. In this guide, we’ll discuss all Starmetal weapons in Avowed and which are the best ones to use in endgame combats.

Starmetal Weapons Overview in Avowed

Starmetal in Avowed is a rare and valuable material that you can use to craft powerful weapons. You can obtain and upgrade unique weapons by collecting fragments of Starmetal scattered across the world. Meteor Blade, Moonstrike, Ondra’s Offense, and Heavenstrike are the Starmetal weapons in Avowed and each has distinct stats. You need to collect Starmetal fragments found in the following locations to forge and upgrade these weapons.

  • Dawnshore: At the Godless Altar in the southeastern region, guarded by Xaurips.
  • Emerald Stair: Inside a cave south of the Rolling Crags Party Camp.
  • Shatterscarp: Within the Abandoned Mine north of Thirdborn.
  • Galawain’s Tusks: In the Ash Forest at the center of a crater.

Each of these Starmetals comes with unique enchantments that increase their combat effectiveness. Meteor Blade has Lamenting Fury and Freezing Lash enchantments that boost its damage potential. Moonstrike, on the other hand, has enchantments that allow you to deal frost damage.

Dawnshore Starmetal Location

Head to the Dawnshore, the first zone in the game. There’s a chance you’ve already found your first Fragment of Starmetal here. East of Paradise is a point of interest called the Godless Altar. Inside you will find the enemy guarding an Altar. Take care of them in whatever manner you see fit. Once you get the Starmetal, a quest will trigger called Forged of Star-Stuff. The game will push you to discover its use. There’s nothing much you can do at this point except ask around. Talking to various blacksmiths at each of the cities reveals that the smith capable of forging such a rare metal is in the Solace keep.

Emerald Stair Starmetal Location

Once you reach Emerald Stair, you have another opportunity to pick up a Fragment of Starmetal. This time we’re looking for Damp Burrow, near the abandoned Home. This is a relatively secluded cave and you will know you’re in the right place when a massive Iscern attacks you. If you’re just at level, this is one heck of a fight, so make sure your gear is up to par before you take him on. Once you defeat the Ogre, you can loot the cave, including the Fragment of Starmetal found nestled against the wall.

Shattersnarp Starmetal Location

Continue progressing through the game until you reach Shattersnarp, the third zone. The Fragment here is a bit more out in the open, but the zone itself is a bit tricky to navigate. Your goal is to reach the Abandoned Mine which you can access by going east of the Ancient Lakebed. After that, climb a series of rocks and scaffolding until you reach the cliffside above. There out in the desert is the Fragment waiting for you to find.

Galawain’s Tusk Starmetal Location

The final Fragment of Starmetal is found in the fourth zone, Galawain’s Tusk. This also happens to be where the secret concludes. The reason you want to find all of these Fragments before you get here is because you will need to create two of the best weapons in the game. The Fourth Fragment is found deep in the Ash Forest. If you pick up the bounty quest in Solace Keep, you can track the Bounty Destul quest which leaves you right on the Fragment’s location. Loot them and the boss will spawn.

All Starmetal Weapons in Avowed Explored

Here are all the Starmetal weapons in Avowed.

NameWeapon TypeDamageStunStaminaCrit.Enchantment
Meteor BladeSword120100113%Lamenting Flurry A Full Combo Attack gives the hit enemy -20% Damage for 15 seconds Freezing Lash Hits deal +10% bonus Frost Damage
MoonstrikeArquebus308280253%Ondra’s Scorn Power Attacks deal moderate Frost Accumulation to nearby Enemies Freezing Lash Hits deal +10% bonus Frost Damage
Ondra’s OffenseSword168130113%Lamenting Flurry A Full Combo Attack gives the hit enemy -20% Damage for 15 seconds Freezing Lash Hits deal +10% bonus Frost Damage
HeavenstrikeArquebus431364253%Ondra’s Scorn Power Attacks deal moderate frost accumulation to nearby enemies Freezing Lash Hits deal +10 bonus Frost Damage

Meteor Blade

meteor blade avowed

Meteor Blade is a Starmetal weapon that deals frost damage and has decent attack speed. This weapon has a Freezing Lash passive ability that allows you to deal 10% more bonus frost damage in combat. The base enchantment of Meteor Blade is Lamenting Flurry. This enchantment allows you to gain the hit enemy -20% damage for 15 seconds while completing a full combo attack. You can further upgrade the Meteor Blade into further upgrades like Tidecaller’s Revenge and Crashing Tide. The first upgrade allows you to stun and build frost accumulation after parrying an enemy attack. Crashing Tide offers -40% damage for 15 seconds when completing the full combo.

Complete the Forged of Star-Stuff side quest to progress in completing the Meteor Blade. Progress through the storyline to get into the Solace Keep, located east of Galawain’s Tusks. You can find the Fragment of Starmetal at Godless Altar on top of a table in a Dawnshore. Collect the Fragment of Starmetal and bring them to the Forgemaster Dela, and tell him to forge a sword. Forging a sword allows you to receive the Meteor Blade by exchanging Fragment of Starmetal. It has lower offensive and defensive capabilities than the Ondra’s Offense.  


moonstrike avowed

Moonstrike is a Starmetal that offers frost-based abilities and high damage output. It’s Ondra’s Scorn enchantment allows the power attacks to inflict moderate frost accumulation on nearby enemies, potentially slowing or freezing them. Freezing Lash enchantment makes each hit deal an additional 10% frost damage, enhancing overall damage output. Moonstrike can be upgraded to Heavenstrike by providing Forgemaster Dela with an additional Fragment of Starmetal. This enhances the base stats and increases its frost-related effects, making it even more formidable in combat. The lunar champion enchantment allows you to kill an enemy to gain +5 damage reduction for 10 seconds.  

You need to collect a Fragment of Starmetal to obtain this Starmetal weapon. You can find these rare fragments in various locations across the game world. One known location is at the Godless Altar in Dawnshore. After obtaining it, make your way to the Solace Keep in the Galawain’s Tusks region. Give the Fragment of Starmetal to Forgemaster Dela, who will offer to forge a unique weapon for you. Choosing the arquebus resulted in the creation of Moonstrike. Buffs like Ondra’s Scorn and Freezing Lash make this arquebus more deadly against fast-moving enemies and ideal for crowd control.

Use the Moonstrike to deal high damage, making it the best armor-piercing weapon. It can outperform many melee weapons with frost debuffs and high DPS. You can upgrade it with a second Fragment of Starmetal, enhancing damage and reload speed.

Ondra’s Offense

ondra's offence avowed
ondra’s offence avowed

Ondra’s Offense has high defensive capabilities and synergy with frost build in Avowed. This unique sword has a passive ability called Freezing Lash. Use this passive to deal+10% bonus frost damage. The base enchantment of Ondra’s Offense is Lamenting Flurry. This enchantment allows you to gain the hit enemy -20% damage for 15 seconds while completing a full combo attack. You can further upgrade Ondra’s Offense into further upgrades like Tidecaller’s Revenge and Crashing Tide. The first upgrade allows you to stun and build frost accumulation after parrying an enemy attack.

Crashing Tide offers -40% damage for 15 seconds when completing the full combo. Increase the offensive and Defensive potential of Ondra’s Offense by upgrading it on the workbench. Make sure to collect all the required materials for upgrading the Ondra’s Offense. Ondra’s Offense is a must-have weapon for the freezing builds. You can use this sword for sustained fights, especially against tough enemies or bosses. It’s best to pair it with the shield to make it more effective in combat.

You must turn the Meteor Blade using the Fragment of Starmetal to acquire Ondra’s Offense. Forge the Meteor Blade and then speak to the Forgemaster Dela to refine it. Forgemaster Dela is located at the Solace Keep, east of the Galawain’s Tusks region. We recommend you complete the Forged of Star-Stuff side quest and forge Meteor Blade. Make sure you have a Fragment of Starmetal to refine the Meteor Blade. Unlike Last Light of Day or Carnet’s Cutlass, this weapon has no direct healing or attack speed buffs.


heavenstrike avowed
heavenstrike avowed

The Heavenstrike is another Starmetal in Avowed that can slow or freeze multiple foes, providing a tactical approach in battles. Heavenstrike excels in both single-target and area damage due to its substantial base damage and frost enhancements. Ondra’s Anger enchantment allows your power attacks to deal high Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies. Lunar Champion enchantment allows you to gain +5% Damage Reduction for 10 seconds when killing an enemy. This is a Moonstrike but with improved stats and dark color.

Heavenstrike is a Superb quality and can be upgraded to Legendary, significantly boosting its physical damage and stun capabilities. You need to give the Fragment of Starmetal to the Forgemaster Dela. He is available in the Solace Keep in the Galawain’s Tusks region. Provide the Fragment of Starmetal to craft the Moonstrike arquebus. Heavenstrike has higher damage per shot than most arquebuses in the game. You can combo it with the frost magic or can be used with melee weapons like daggers or one-handed swords. This weapon is great for sniping & precision shots and is effective for crowd control. However, this weapon has a slower fire rate than some ranged weapons.

Starmetal Smithy in Avowed

Once you locate the first Starmetal Fragment, your quest to find the Starmetal Smithy will initiate. You can find one in Dawnshore, which is the starting area of the game. However, you will not come across the Starmetal Smithy until you reach the very late-game area of Solace Keep in Galawain’s Task. So, unfortunately, there is no way to use the Fragment of Starmetal before this phase of the game. You will find Forgemaster Dela in the Solace Keep location. Talk to him to know more about the Starmetal Fragment.

At the end of the dialogue, you will get a choice to use the special crafting resource to create one of two weapons. You can either craft the Starmetal Arquebus (Moonstrike) or the Starmetal Sword (Meteor Blade). The weapon you choose to create will depend on your particular play style and preference. Also, if you acquire enough Starmetal Fragments, you can create both of these weapons and more. The Fragments can also help you to upgrade this specialized weaponry that Forgemaster Dela crafts.

Best tips and tricks for Starmetal Weapons in Avowed

Here are the best tips and tricks for Starmetal weapons in Avowed.

  • Equip the best Starmetal weapon according to your build.
  • Gather all the Starmetal Fragments scattered across the world to forge the Starmetal weapons.
  • You need to invest in upgrading these weapons after forging as it improves base stats and enhances enchantments.
  • It’s best to align the weapon’s enchantments with your character’s abilities.
  • Pair Starmetal weapons with armor to boost their effectiveness and elemental resistance in combat.
  • Learn the weapon attack pattern to maximize damage output.
  • Use Moonstrike’s Ondra’s Scorn to inflict frost accumulation on nearby foes.
  • Use Meteor Blade’s Lamenting Fury to mitigate enemy damage after a full combo.

FAQs about Starmetal Weapons in Avowed

What is the Starmetal weapon in Avowed?

Starmetal weapons in Avowed are rare weapons forged from Starmetal. These weapons have exceptional stats and unique enchantments, making them the best one to include in your build.

Which is the best Starmetal weapon in Avowed?

Heavenstrike is the best Starmetal weapon in Avowed because it can slow or freeze multiple foes, providing a tactical approach in battles. Heavenstrike excels in both single-target and area damage due to its substantial base damage and frost enhancements.

Can you upgrade the Starmetal Weapons in Avowed?

Yes, you can upgrade the Starmetal weapons in Avowed to increase their physical damage and stun attributes. The more you upgrade the weapon, the more powerful it becomes in combat.

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