Assassin’s Creed Shadows Nijo Palace Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

Discover the Samurai Daisho locations, rewards, infiltration points, and more in our guide about the Nijo Palace in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Naoe infiltrating a castle
Naoe infiltrating a castle (Source: Deltias Gaming/Ubisoft)

Castles are an integral open-world activity in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Completing these will lead you to legendary gears with unique and powerful traits. Each castle has a few Samurai Daishos for you to kill. After you’ve slain these elite enemies patrolling the castle grounds, you can move towards the Legendary Chest to claim the main loot.

This article will be a guide on the Nijo Palace in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, providing all Samurai Daisho locations, and information about the rewards you can earn here.

Samurai Daisho Locations for Nijo Palace in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Look for the helmet icon to identify a Samurai Daisho (Source: Ubisoft)
Look for the helmet icon to identify a Samurai Daisho (Source: Ubisoft)

Located in the middle of Kyoto city, the castle is home to two Samurai Daishos that you’ll need to kill. Besides that, you can also claim a Kano Painting from inside the castle.

To infiltrate the castle, head to the southern side. There’s a patch of dry land just after you cross the moat here. Naoe can use her grapple hook to climb up and over the boundary wall of the palace in this manner. Inside, use the observe mechanic to mark the different enemies. The ones with the helmet icon over their heads are the Daishos you need to take out.

Here are their locations.

  • Samurai Daisho 1: Go to the northwest corner of the castle until you reach a training area. This is where you’ll discover the first Samurai Daisho patrolling.
  • Samurai Daisho 2: Head to the largest building in the northern corner of this palace. You’ll find the next target behind this building in a garden.

There’s a Kano Painting inside this castle for you to collect. After assassinating the first Samurai Daisho, look east to find a building. The Kano Painting is inside. You’ll need to be careful to avoid the watchful eyes of the many servants walking around. Kill the Samurai inside the building before claiming the painting.

Also Read: Assassin’s Creed Shadows: The Onryo / Shinbakufu Target Guide – Identity, Rewards, and More

All Rewards for Completing Nijo Palace in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Find the legendary chest in a castle to claim gear with powerful perks (Source: Ubisoft)
Find the legendary chest in a castle to claim gear with powerful perks (Source: Ubisoft)

After murdering the two Samurai Daisho in the castle, head to the top of the castle keep. The roof will have a trapdoor that will allow you access inside. Vault down into a room with the Legendary Chest and loot its content. The Nijo Palace offers the following rewards to players.

  • Legendary Chest: Protector’s Armor for Yasuke. The gear has a unique perk that allows Yasuke to parry the red-glowing attacks, which can’t be parried normally.
  • 2x Mastery Points
  • 3000 XP

Also Read: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Miki Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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