Assassin’s Creed Shadows Tsuruga Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

In this Assassin’s Creed Shadows Tsuruga Castle guide, we shall discuss all the Samurai Daisho locations, rewards, and more.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Tsuruga Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More (Source: Ubisoft)
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Tsuruga Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More (Source: Ubisoft)

Assassin’s Creed Shadows has a ton of side activities for you to sink hours into, but if you want a moderate challenge while also seeking legendary gear, then the castles are what you want to infiltrate. Castles in AC Shadows are reskinned forts/camps from previous games, where you have to infiltrate and kill key targets in the area. Along the way, you also have to loot chests and obtain valuable gear. 

The Tsuruga Castle is one of the castles you stumble across in Wakasa. In this stronghold, your job is to infiltrate a heavily guarded stronghold and assassinate two Samurai Daisho, with some Legendary armor as your reward. If you’re struggling on this castle and need help, we have you covered. In this Assassin’s Creed Shadows Tsuruga Castle guide, we shall go over all the Samurai Daisho locations, rewards, and more.

Related: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Himeji Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

Where Is Tsuruga Castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

As stated earlier, you find the Tsuruga Castle in the Wakasa region of AC Shadows. The castle lies on the eastern side of Sotomo Gate prefecture. Venture southwest across the coast from the Kanegasaki Tower viewpoint, and you will discover the castle. Alternatively, follow the stream northwest from the Hijidan-Jo Ruins fast-travel point to approach the castle from the southern end. 

Tsuruga Castle Samurai Daisho Locations in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Find and hunt your targets (Source: Ubisoft)
Find and hunt your targets (Source: Ubisoft)

You have to assassinate two Samurai Daisho when inside Tsuruga Castle. This castle is heavily guarded, so you are advised to find a vantage point and scout the area beforehand. Marking the Samurai Daisho pings them with a helmet icon above their heads, making them easier to track. If you can’t spot the Daisho, we recommend narrowing down your search to the following locations: 

  • Samurai Daisho #1: The first Samurai Daisho is in a courtyard at the southeastern end of the castle. 
  • Samurai Daisho #2: Kill the first Samurai Daisho and vault over the fence to your north to find another courtyard to find the second Samurai Daisho in the courtyard.  

Also Read: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Kameyama Castle Guide: All Samurai Daisho Location, Rewards, and More

Tsuruga Castle Legendary Chest Location and Rewards in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

The Tsuruga Castle Legendary Chest is in a building along the northeastern perimeter wall of the castle. Loot the red chest in this building to get the following items: 

  • 3,000 XP
  • 2 Mastery Points
  • Master Archer Outfit – Legendary Armor

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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