Avowed: The Wasteland Courier Mission Guide

This guide explains how to complete the Wasteland Courier mission you obtain from the merchant Daiko in Avowed.

Daiko is a merchant in Thirdborn, a city in Avowed
Daiko is a merchant in Thirdborn, a city in Avowed (Image via Xbox Game Studios)

Avowed has many missions you can take on in all of its regions. One particular quest in Scatterscrap, the third region in Avowed, has you go on a trail of clues to find a package. To pick up this quest, you have to reach Thirdborn, the main city of Scatterscrap. Here, talk to the NPC named Daiko, who can be found standing to the right of the bounty board.

In this guide, we explain how you can complete the Wasteland Courier mission given to you by Daiko in Avowed.

Following the White Arrows in Scatterscrap

Follow these white arrows throughout the Wasteland Courier mission
Follow these white arrows throughout the Wasteland Courier mission (Image via Xbox Game Studios)

Once you accept the quest from Daiko, he instructs you to follow the white arrow markers throughout the mission area to find a certain graffiti. Following the markers does not gain you anything except taking you through a longer path to the mission area. Additionally, you can always ignore the markings and head directly to where the trail of arrows ends. The markers lead you to the Deadfall Highlands in Scatterscrap.

You are looking for a pillar with strange writings on top of it. Open the map and head to the location right above where the text of Deadfall Highlands end on the map. There, you can find the pillar that you are looking for. Near it is a cave entrance that leads you to the further quest area. Inside it, you have to fight with six Crystal Eater Spiderlings. Go deeper in the cave by breaking destructible barriers indicated with a weapon symbol on them.

Soon, you can find yourself in Aiko’s Camp. He is the twin brother of Daiko and carries the package you are looking for. After a small talk, he dies due to a bite from the spiders you fought earlier. Finally, you can loot the package off Aiko’s body and leave the camp. Upon leaving, you get the option to taste the contents of the package, which does not affect the mission in any way.

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Ending Choices of Wasteland Courier Mission in Avowed

Aiko is the twin brother of Daiko
Aiko is the twin brother of Daiko (Image via Xbox Game Studios)

Once you have the package with you, there are two choices you can make that end the mission in different ways. You can either deliver the package back to Daiko and end the quest, or you can hand over the package to Tira Nui. Here are the consequences of these choices:

  • You end the mission as you are supposed to, which is by delivering the package back to Daiko. He doesn’t mind if you taste the contents of the package and rewards you with a Poisoner’s Kit. This piece of equipment makes you deal 5% more poison damage. 
  • You can go to Tira Nui in Thirdborn to hand him the package instead. He can be found near the bounty board in the Leviathan Market. After a small talk, he rewards you with the Thirdborn Tira Nui badge, which gives you +2 Might when worn. This choice is recommended in case you are going with a melee-focused build.

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