Learn what to expect from this Hybrid Vocation (Class) in the upcoming sequel with Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand Gameplay Preview.

Traditional RPG classes are called Vocations in the Dragon’s Dogma franchise. So far, the developers of Dragon’s Dogma 2 have confirmed ten available Vocations for the sequel. These are divided into three categories: Starting, Advanced, and Hybrid. In this gameplay preview guide, we’ll look at the Mystic Spearhand vocation, its playstyle and abilities, its strengths and weaknesses, and its viability as a Pawn vocation.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand Gameplay Preview
In the Dragon’s Dogma series, the Mystic Spearhand Vocation is one of four hybrid classes that will be available in the sequel. These include the Mystic Spearhead, Magick Archer, Trickster and Warfarer.
The Mystic Spearhand is a brand new Hybrid vocation for Dragon’s Dogma II, though it resembles the original game’s Mystic Knight. This vocation specializes in both melee and magick. This means that you will have the ability to attack at close and long range. As a Mystic Spearhand, you will fight and do physical damage with your specialized weapon called the Duospear. This weapon is unique to this vocation, enabling you to attack multiple enemies simultaneously with the deadly points that cap both ends.

For a melee-focused vocation, the Mystic Spearhand appears surprisingly mobile. They appear to have a physical dash or charge ability which serves as an excellent gap closer. Additionally, they can activate a teleport ability which magickally blinks them from one point to another. Likely focused on the enemy they are currently targeting, this will allow the Mystic Spearhand to reach and attack flying foes.
Moreover, some of their magick spells also promise to give them crowd-control abilities. As a Mystic Spearhand, you can also paralyze your enemies with what looks like lightning energy, or throw the bodies of defeated foes directly at other attackers.
Mystic Spearhand Skills and Abilities

A new Mystic Spearhand trailer from Capcom gives us a look at some of the abilities that will be available to players of this Hybrid vocation. Currently, we do not have any official named skills for the Mystic Spearhand vocation. However, we can theorize about what attacks and abilities will be available based on the official Capcom descriptions and trailers:
Core Skills
- Light Attack – Basic melee attack, swinging the spear back and forth, so that each sharp end is causing damage.
- Heavy Attack – Single powerful stab with one end of the spear.
- Area of Effect Attack – Spinning the spear in large arcs, so that both ends are causing melee damage to all enemies surrounding you.
- Physical Dash Attack – Close the distance between you and your enemy quickly. Usually followed up with a quick attack.
Weapon Skills
- Teleport Attack – Use magick to pull yourself closer to your opponent. Especially useful against aerial attackers.
- Magick Bolt – Cast electrical/lightning energy at your enemies. Appears to provide a stagger/stun.
- Magick Shock – Throw electrical/light energy using your charged Duospear.
- Body Throw – Use magick to lift the body of a defeated foe and forcefully throw it at another enemy.
- Wild Fury – Creates a shadow double, which attacks in concert with you. Causes both physical melee and magickal damage.
Mystic Spearhand Strengths and Weaknesses
The following is a list of possible pros and cons of the Mystic Spearhand Vocation/Class in our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand Gameplay Preview:
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Can attack in melee and range | No defensive skills |
Highly mobile with dash and teleport | Little crowd control besides a single Stun |
Should You Choose the Mystic Spearhand Vocation For Your Pawn?

Unfortunately, you cannot choose the Mystic Spearhand vocation for your Pawn because the Hybrid classes are available to Arisen only. When starting the game, each player will get to create their own Arisen character. Additionally, at some point in the game, you will also get to make a custom-designed Pawn.
Within the world of Dragon’s Dogma, Pawns are said to lack emotion and a true will. Their one purpose is to follow and aid the Arisen. You can only create one single Pawn with the vocation of your choosing. However, you will be able to recruit other Pawns from within the game if you want to bring along a full party.
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