In Enshrouded are 12 classes and 12 skill trees, each with distinct playstyles and skills.

This comprehensive guide explores the diverse skill trees of Enshrouded, explaining the intricacies of each class and their dedicated playstyles. From powerful spellcasters to agile rangers and stalwart tanks, this guide explores all skill trees, delving into every skill and passive available. Enshrouded is currently in early access on Steam, and this page will continue to be updated the developers at Keen Games release new content and class balances.
This guide has been updated for the Souls of the Frozen Frontier update.
All Skill Trees and Playstyles (Classes) in Enshrouded
Enshrouded has 3 skill tree categories: Blue, Green, and Red. Those split into specific playstyles or classes in Enshrouded. Additionally, the game has active skills that characters can use for attacking and passive boosts to various character statistics. The following ranking presents all skill trees and classes from the Enshrouded:
- Barbarian (Red): makes use of stunning enemies and Merciless Attack
- Wizard (Blue): great area damage, retaliation, and elemental amplification to damage
- Ranger (Green): the best for high-skill cap players who want damage at range and mobility
- Battlemage (Blue): complimentary to tanks and group play
- Tank (Red): idea for multiplayer damage reduction and buffs to the party
- Healer (Blue): passive survivability built in, group buffs, and mobility
- Assassin (Green): entirely centered on explosive arrows
- Warrior (Red): passive boost to specific types of melee weapon damage.
- Beast Master (Green): Wild animal-focused and situational bonuses
- Athlete (Red): good for jump attack combined with double jump melee build
- Arcane Archer (Blue): focuses on long-range stunning of enemies, and close-range wand magic
- Survivor (Green): incredible buffs, mobility, and stamina regeneration
- Trickster (Blue): overall weak with magic, but counterattack is useful
- Core (Gold): Utility-based skills with Sneak Attack and Overpowered.
As you can see, red skill trees and classes focus on melee damage and warrior playstyle. Blue skill trees offer magical and spellcasting classes, while green skill trees focus on exploration, survival, and range combat.
What Skills to Take in Enshrouded?
Many skills are good regardless of your class or preferred playstyle. Some are worth taking. While some skills are universally valuable, mixing and matching different skill trees is a good strategy. Choose based on your preferences and playstyle. Consider expanding your skill tree after maximizing damage with your primary weapon and class.

Magical users like Wizards excel with potent area-based spells and passives. Consider adding Healer to your mix for the Blink ability, replacing the dodge roll. With an extra skill, you gain bonus damage when utilizing Blink. Also, the healing skill should be added over time. The Counterstrike from Trickster skill tree allows retaliation, dealing damage equal to what you received, with a 20% chance. Combine this with Radiant Aura for constant area damage within a 10-meter radius. This setup mixes a few blue skill trees and provides high mobility, passive damage, and exceptional offensive capabilities.

Each tree has an orb-spawning mechanic that can restore resources for the player or their team members. Extremely valuable if you play co-op:
- Blue (Intelligence): Bloodletting
- Red (Strength): Blood Warrior
- Green (Dexterity): Swiftshot Sustenance
Players should coordinate these skills and more for both area-based passive boosts alongside healing.
Range and Dexterity (Green Skill Tree)
The Assassin skill tree revolves around the explosive arrow, emphasizing a playstyle focused on this type of damage. Additionally, the tree offers bonus damage to surprised enemies and improves stealth damage and mechanics.

Assassin Skills List:
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Airborne (2 points) – Gliders consume 30% less stamina
- Updraft (4 points): pressing the jump button while gliding will give you a small height boost. This skill can be used once per flight
- Cost: 120 mana
- Silent stride (3 points) – increases your movement speed while sneaking
- Endurance (1 point) – increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Sniper (2 points) – when attacking with a ranged weapon, your critical hit chance is increased by 10%
- Vitality Surge (3 points) – dealing a critical strike with ranged weapon restores 5 stamina
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Blessed Arrows (3 points) – when scoring a critical hit with a bow you will regenerate 20 mana
- Bounty Bonanza ( 3 points) after defeating a fell enemy with a headshot your group gains an additional 5 exp points.
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Shell Shock ( 5 points) infused your ranged explosives with mana, they now stun enemies for 1 second
- Mana cost 5 per stunned enemy
- Ricochets (4 points) for every target you hit with an exploding arrow, its damage is increased by 1%
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Graceful stride (5 point) – you will gain one dexterity for every two levels of the flame
- Chain Reaction (5 points) – every enemy hit with an exploding arrow has a 20% chance to trigger a secondary explosion for 50% damage in a small radius
Precision is key in the Ranger skill tree, rewarding players with proficient aiming skills. It allows for targeted shots, ensuring hits even without perfect aim, though headshots require precise aiming. The tree offers valuable skills and passives that enhance dexterity and critical hits. Notably, you can shoot while airborne, introducing the tactic of “death from above,” although be cautious and avoid fall damage. The tree amplifies passive ranged damage without the need for specific arrows. Additionally, it enables zooming in while aiming, and the Multishot skill spreads arrows, dealing damage twice for increased effectiveness.

Ranger Skills List:
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Marksman ( 2 points) – All damage dealt with ranged weapons is increased by 10%
- Silent stride (3 points) – increases your movement speed while sneaking
- Eagle eye (3 points) greatly increases the zoom while aiming with a bow
- To aim, hold down the (RMB) while a bow is selected in the action bar.
- Counter Battery (2 points) – 15% damage to ranged enemies
- Sharpshooter (2 points) all ranged damage is increased by an additional 20%
- Skill shot (3 points) all damage dealt to an enemy’s head is increased by 20%
- Eagle’s bane ( 3 point) damage against flying enemies increased by 30%
- Ranger (5 points)
- +2 endurance
- + 2 dexterity
- +5 stamina recharge
- +5% critical damage
- Bee sting (3 points) – you can draw and use your bow while gliding. You will fall slowly.
- Cost: 10 stamina per second
- Multi-Shot (3 points) adds a 20% chance to spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly.
The Beastmaster skill tree centers around animals, particularly wolves (Vukah), creating a situational playstyle. To benefit from this tree, having animals around is a must. The resistance to poison is a notable advantage, and you can acquire those extra resistances regardless of your preferred skill tree. With this tree, you can extend the enshrouded timer by 2 minutes. Animals and wolves will not attack you, and you can redirect their hostility toward your enemies when in combat. The tree offers decent stamina passives but lacks active abilities. Unless you find yourself fatigued by constant animal attacks during exploration, it’s worth considering other skills that offer better passive bonuses.

Beastmaster Skills List:
- Endurance (1 point) – increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Snake eater (2 skills) – increases your poison resistance which reduces the damage received from poison by 20%
- Inner fires (2) maximum Shroud time increased by 2 minutes, allowing you to explore for longer
- Shrouded Time – should this time run out, the shroud will consume you
- Mithridatist (3 points) your poison resistance is increased by an additional 10%
- You also gain a 25% chance to avoid being poisoned
- Eagle eye (3 points) greatly increases the zoom while aiming with a bow
- To aim, hold down the (RMB) while a bow is selected in the action bar.
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Calm Spirit (3 points) – wild animals with 50 meters will be pacified unless attacked. Does not affect animals corrupted by the shroud
- Relentless Flame (4 points) maximum shroud time increased by 5 minutes, allowing you to explore for longer
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Vukah Language (3 points) – Vukah within 50 meters will no longer attack you unless provoked.
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Beast Master (4 points) – when you are targeted by an attack, wild animals within 50 meters will attack the enemy.
- Vukah Culture (4 points) – when you are targeted by an attack, Vukah within 50 meters will attack the enemy.
- Endurance of the flame (5 points) – You will gain one endurance for every two levels of the flame.
The Survivor skill tree serves as a valuable complement to the Ranger and Assasin classes, adding depth to those playstyles in Enshrouded. It provides essential abilities such as a double jump and a 10% increase in speed. Attacking from the air grants a 20% damage boost, enhancing your offensive capabilities. Survival focuses on consumables, offering increased stamina regeneration—a beneficial addition to any class once you’ve established your preferred combat playstyle. Additionally, it grants an extra food slot, providing a significant advantage with additional buffs from food. This skill tree is particularly advantageous in group play, as killing an enemy with a bow has a chance to spawn a stamina orb that others can pick up to refill their stamina, benefiting melee warriors, for example.

Survivor Skills List:
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Double Jump (4 points) – allows jumping a second time while airborne
- Runner (2 points) – sprinting speed increased by 10%, and stamina consumption decreased by 10%
- Jump Attack 2 (3 points) – when equipped with a melee weapon attacking from a double jump, deals an additional 20% of weapon damage
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
- Inner Fires (2 points) – maximum shroud time increased by 2 minutes, allowing you to explore for longer
- Wanderlust (3 points) stamina consumption for sprinting on dirt roads is reduced from 90% to 80%. Stamina consumption for sprinting on stone roads is reduced from 75% to 50%
- Arachnoid 9 3 points) – stamina consumption while climbing reduced by 50%
- Swiftshot sustenance (2 points) – 30% chance to spawn a stamina orb when defeating an enemy with a bow
- Good metabolism – health, mana, and stamina orbs restore 30% instead of 10% of their respective resource
- Mana and health potions restore 20% more
- Rebound (4 points) increased base stamina regeneration by 50%
- Sweet Tooth(3 points) The stamina regeneration of sweets is increased by 50%
- Dexterity (1 point) – increases your dexterity attribute by 1
- Increases ranged damage by 5% per attribute point
- Dessert Stomach (4 points) – you gain one additional food slot
- Endurance (1 point) increases your endurance attribute by 1
- Increases stamina by 10 per attribute point
Magic (Blue Skill Tree)
The Magic skill tree focuses on the use of wands and staffs, requiring charges of various elements, including healing channels. Charging these channels takes time, and you’ll need to constantly farm or craft channels to use staff. However, the blue skill trees offer substantial damage at range. While wands are great in single-target damage, the fireball skill provides an area-of-effect (AOE) damage option. Remember, casting spells uses mana, so make sure you have enough mana available.
The Trickster skill tree allows you to return damage to attackers and buffs your unarmed attacks, which is visible by a distinctive blue effect around your fist.

Trickster Skills List:
- Spirit (1 point) – increases your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per Attribute Point
- Counterstrike (2 points) – After receiving damage, there is a 20% chance to inflict 50% of damage on the attacker. This is a magical attack that can trigger other skills.
- Spirit (1 point) – increases your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per Attribute Point
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Begone! (unlocked) – A magic-powered punch that pushes and stuns hit foes
- Replaces your unarmed attacks as long as you have the necessary mana available: 30 mana
- Spirit (1 point) – increases your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per Attribute Point
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Terror (unlocked) – on a critical hit with a spell, the target will be stunned for 4 seconds.
- Arcane Concentration (5 points) – you will gain one spirit for every two levels of the flame.
Wizard is the elemental damage mage. Likely the highest-damage dealer in the game. Choose from three paths: fire, ice, and lightning. Each path boosts damage for its element, gives extra mana (spirit), and increases intelligence. The wizard can even damage enemies that come close just to get near you. Radiant damage affects enemies within 10 meters, perfect for shrouded monsters (fallen foes). Combine it with Counterstrike from the Trickster for a powerful combo.

Wizard Skills List:
- Spirit (1 point) – increases spirit by 1 (+20 mana).
- This Is The Way (unlocked) – magical weapon damage is increased by 10%.
- Quick Charge (unlocked) – Reduces staffs charge time by 50%.
- Arsonist (unlocked) – fire damage is increased by 10%.
- Spirit (1 point) – increases spirit by 1 (+20 mana).
- Necromancer (unlocked) – When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire skull.
- Iceman (2 points) – Ice damage is increased by 10%.
- Thunder (2 points) – Shock damage is increased by 10%.
- Pyromaniac (unlocked) – Fire damage is increased by 20%.
- Arsonist (unlocked) – Fire damage is increased by 10%.
- Lightning (3 points) – Shock damage is increased by 20%.
- Sub Zero ( 3 points) – Ice Damage is increased by 20%
- Frost (3 points) When receiving melee damage, the attacker will be slowed down for 3 seconds
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases Intelligence by 1 (5% magic damage).
- Radiant Aura (unlocked) – All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 fire damage per intelligence per second.
- Sun Aura (unlocked) – All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 additional fire damage per intelligence per second.
- Spirit (1 point) – increases spirit by 1 (+20 mana).
- Wizard (unlocked) – When attacking with a magical weapon, your critical hit chance is increased by 10%
- Chain Hit (3 points) – On a critical hit with a magical weapon, the attack will automatically hit a second enemy with 15 meters for 5 shock damage per intelligence.
- Dark Arts (3 points) – Shroud damage is increased by 10%.
- Mass Destruction (4 points) – Acritical attack with a magic weapon will hit all enemies within 20 meters of the target for 2 shock damage per intelligence
- Abyss (4 points) – Shroud damage is increased by 20%.
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases Intelligence by 1 (5% magic damage).
Blink, a healer skill, replaces dodge and restores 5 HP per second passively. Every group will benefit from a healer spec. Staff can heal, but you can also use it to access powerful spells. Remember that you need a charge for healing, so if you use a wand, you won’t get any healing. The skill tree adds effects over time to heal you and allies, including regenerating health 1 per intelligence point for everyone in a radius thanks to the Water Aura skill.

Healer Skills List:
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Healer (2 points) – health gain from healing spells will be increased by 10%
- Necromancer (unlocked) – When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire wisp
- Healer 2 (2 points) – health gain from healing spells will be increased by 20%
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Water Aura (3 points) – All players within 15 meters regenerate 1 health point per second for every point of your intelligence
- Healer 3 (3 points) – health gain from healing spells will be increased to a total of 300 health points
- Cost: 130 mana
- Charge: 3 seconds
- Healing Revive (2 points) – Revived players will heal 25% of their health instead of 10%
- Shroud Filter (3 points) – dealing magic weapon damage has a 15% chance to trigger a small flame burst that restores 30 seconds of Shroud Time to you and your allies.
- Shroud Time – should this time run out, the Shroud will consume you.
- Waters of life(2 points) – all players within 15 meters regenerate 1 additional health point per intelligence.
- Spirit (1 point) – increases your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per Attribute Point
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Martyr (5 points) – When you are killed by An enemy, all allies with 50 meters will heal 30% of their max health.
- Exalted (5 points) – You will gain one intelligence for every two levels of the Flame.
- Spirit (1 point) – increases your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per Attribute Point
Battlemage mainly boosts damage passively, particularly effective with wands. This allows you to combine it with a shield, creating a hybrid melee tank/shield setup. Additionally, a magic-based tank can provide the group with extra health (20 to each player within 15 meters) when you kill an enemy with a melee weapon.

Battlemage Skills List:
- Arcane Deflection (2 points) – On a successful parry, gain 20 mana.
- Bloodletting – When scoring a critical hit with a magical weapon, there is a 50% chance to spawn 2 health, mana, and/or stamina orbs. Gathering the Orb replenishes 10% of the respective resources.
- Life Burst – When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, all players within 15 meters of the target gain health equal to 3 times your intelligence.
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Absorb (3 points) – When you suffer magical damage, you have a 10% chance to generate 1 mana for each health point lost.
- Blink (4 points) – Replaces the Dodge Roll Ability With a Short Range teleport.
- Blink Attack (2 points) Blinking into an enemy triggers an explosion that deals fire damage in a small range.
- Damage and mana cost scale with the intelligence attribute
- Emergency Blink (2 Points) – You can blink while being stunned. This will break the stunned state.
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
- Unity (3 points) – damaging enemies with wands has a 24% chance to recover 2% mana.
- Wand Master (2 points) – 30% Chance to spawn an additional wand projectile.
- Sting (2 points) – repeated wand damage is increased by 20%
- Spirit (1) – Increase your spirit attribute by 1
- Increases Mana by 20 per attribute Point
- Intelligence (1 point) – Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1
- Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point
Melee and Strenght (Red Skill Tree)
As a tank, you gain damage reduction skills like a 10% reduction with Earthen Aura. The tank role also benefits from the Battlemage skill line, spawning a mana or stamina orb after defeating an enemy with a critical attack. Combining this with Life Burst achieves the same effect, but it restores health instead of magic and is an area-based effect, as all players within 15 meters will be healed. This creates an all-in-one setup for the tank within two skill trees, passively boosting everyone in the party. Tank class is one of the most critical roles in any group and is a difficult playstyle as everyone’s survival depends on the skill trees you take and your character’s overall build in Enshrouded.

Tank Skills List:
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution by 1 (+50 health).
- Shiny Plates( 2 points) – Physical Armor gains 10%.
- Heavy Plates( 2 points) – Physical damage mitigate is increased by 10%
- Purification (3 points) – After defeating a Shroud enemy with a melee weapon, you replenish +5 seconds of Shroud Time.
- Evasion Attack (4 points) – Attack which dashes towards the enemy and deals more weapon damage with (LMB).
- Battle Heal ( 3 points) – When dealing critical damage with a melee weapon, you will heal 5% of your maximum health.
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution by 1 (+50 health).
- Warden ( 3 points) – When three or more enemies are within 20 meters, you suffer 15% less magical damage.
- Tower (3 points) – when three or more enemies are within 20 meters, you suffer 10% less physical damage.
- Strength (1 point) Increase your strength by 1 (5% melee damage).
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength by 1 (5% melee damage).
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution by 1 (+50 health).
- Nemesis (5 points) – Whenever an ally draws the attention of an enemy, you draw it in equal measure.
- Arch Nemesis ( 3 points) – whenever an ally draws the attention of an enemy, you draw twice as much
- Earth Aura (5 points) – All damage against players within 10 meters is reduced by 10%
- Thick Skin ( 5 points) – You will gain one constitution for each two levels of the flame.
- Absorb (3 points) – When you suffer magical damage, you have a 10% chance to generate 1 mana for each health point lost.
- Snap (3 points) – restores 10% mana when triggering the Merciless Attack.
- Soul Leech (3 points) – when killing an enemy with a melee weapon, all players within 15 meters of the target gain 20 mana.
This skill tree focuses on extra damage and passive bonuses to melee weapons, making it best for players who want to build damage dealers with two-handed weapons.

Warrior Skills List:
- Constitution (1 point)– Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
- The Warrior’s Path (3 points) – when attacking with a melee weapon, the damage is increased by 10%.
- Feast (3 points ) – Meat now increases health by an additional 15%
- Purification (3 points) – After defeating a Shroud infested with a melee weapon you replenish +5 seconds of Shroud Time
- Shroud Time – should this time run out, The Shroud will consume you.
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Thrust (2 points) – All melee piercing damage is increased by an additional 10%
- Brute (2 points) – All melee blunt damage is increased by an additional 10%
- Slasher ( 2 points) – All melee cutting damage is increased by an additional 10%
- Thrust (2 points) – All melee piercing damage is increased by an additional 10%
- Hammer time (3 points) – All melee blunt damage is increased by an additional 20%
- Pierce ( 3 points) – All melee piercing damage is increased by an additional 20%
- Butcher (3 points) – All melee cutting damage is increased by an additional 20%
- Veteran (4 points) – When attacking with a melee weapon, your critical hit chance is increased by 10%
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
- Swift blades (5 points) – Allows you to attack faster with one-handed swords and axes.
In Enshrouded, this skill tree and class focus on overpowering mechanics and unique playstiles, where you deal extra damage when the enemy is under the influence of the overpower status effect. Each time you successfully block, you will notice a white bar above your enemy fills. When this bar reaches max, you can use a special attack to deal huge damage and “overpower” the enemy.

Barbarian Skills List:
- Strength (1 point) – Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Heavy Handed (unlocked) – An enemy’s stun bar is increased by an additional 20% when attacking into their block with a melee weapon.
- Strength (1 point) – Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Constitution (1 point) – Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
- Relentless (5 points) – Dealing critical damage with a two-handed weapon increases your critical chance by another 10% for the next hit.
- Breach (unlocked)- When you break a block with melee attacks, the target will suffer 100% more melee damage for 2 seconds
- Shockwave (unlocked) – Overpower an enemy to trigger a shockwave that increases nearby enemies stun bar and pushes them back
- Overpower – to overpower an enemy, fill their stun bar by attacking while the block or by parrying their attacks.
- Constitution (1 point) – Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
- Heavy Specialization (5 points) – Allows you to attack faster with two-handed hammers.
- Barbarian (5 points) – You will gain one strength level for every two levels of the flame.
- Blood Rage ( 5 points) – When an enemy is killed within 10 meters with a melee weapon, the damage done with melee weapons is increased by 20% for 10 seconds.
The next class and skill in Enshrouded is Athlete, a good choice for any character who wishes to embrace the melee weapons playstyles. The athlete also has a Jump attack, a unique action when a character launches and smashes their weapon to the ground. An attack, if directed at more than one enemy, has the potential to deal significant area damage and even kill weaker enemies instantly.

Athlete Skills List:
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Jump Attack (unlocked) – When equipped with a melee weapon, you can perform a jump attack, which deals 50% more weapon damage in a small blast radius
- Costs stamina appropriately to the weapon’s weight. Does not work with tools
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Vigorous Deflection (unlocked) – you gain 30 stamina when you parry an enemy’s attack.
- Blood Warrior ( 6 points) – Spawn a health orb after defeating an enemy with a Sneak Attack or Merciless Attack
- Gathering the orb replenishes 10% of your health
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
- Bash (unlocked) – Your parry Bashes the enemy for 20 blunt damage
- Relentless(5 points) – Dealing critical damage with a two-handed weapon increases your critical chance by another 10% for the next hit.
- Strength (1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Strength(1 point) Increase your strength attribute by 1
- Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point
- Constitution(1 point)– Increases your constitution attribute by 1
- Increases Health by 50 per attribute point
Enshrouded also features a center portion of the skill tree not designed for class-specific builds or skills. These features include a Merciless Attack, which requires you to stun or overpower an enemy. Moreover, you can obtain additional Sneak Attack damage, crafting, and utility skills. Consider these skills geared towards specific mechanics or helpful crafting and exploration skills.

Core Skills List:
- Lumberjack (2 points) Felling axes do 30% more damage against wooden objects, including trees.
- Quality Gear (2 points) All tools lose durability 50% slower.
- Miner (4 points) – When you mine resources, you have a 10% chance to get additional resources.
- Mason (2 points) – The pickaxe deals 30% more damage against stone objects, including resource veins.
- Power Parry (2 points) – Increases the enemy’s stun bar gain on parry attacks. Parry while equipped with a shield. Press (RMB) to block. A well-timed block with parry the attack
- Merciless Attack (2 points) – Perform a Merciless attack by pressing [E] to deal massive damage to an enemy you’ve overpowered. To overpower an enemy, fill their stun bar by attacking while they block or by parrying their attacks.
- Savior (2 points) – You only need 3 instead of 6 seconds to revive an ally.
- Well Rested (1 point) – The base duration for the rested buff is increased by 5 minutes. Increase the comfort in your home to increase duration further.
- Backstab Damage (2 points) – Increased the Damage you deal from behind by 25%.
- Sneak Attack (3 points) – The sneak attack deals massive 10x damage to unaware enemies. To Trigger it, sneak up on an enemy and press (E).
FAQs about the Skill Tree in Enshrouded
Q1: What are the main skill trees and classes in Enshrouded?
Answer: Enshrouded has three primary skill tree categories: Blue, Green, and Red. Each tree corresponds to a different playstyle. First is Blue, which focuses on magic and spells for a damage dealing mage or helpful support healer. Second is Red, which emphasizes melee combat and defense for strong warriors and tanks. Finally there is the Green tree, which focuses on agility and ranged combat for rangers and survivors.
Q2: What skills can I use to create a balanced build for solo play in Enshrouded?
Answer: If you’re tackling the great expanses of Enshrouded solo, then you are going to want to create a hybrid build that blends strength and survivability. Survivor skills will enhance mobility and stamina regeneration. Additionally, you can also increase your defense and health pool by taking tank skills.
Q3: Which Enshrouded builds are considered the most effective in the current patch?
Answer: With the release of Patch #4, the top recommended build for Enshrouded is Ranger because they have been buffed with new skills and arrows, offering superior damage and survivability. Other strong options include the Wizard for powerful ranged spellcasting and the Barbarian, for those who prefer front-line physical melee gameplay.
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