Discover where to find this epic legendary weapon – the Shroud Weaver in Enshrouded!

The Legendary Shroud Weaver in Enshrouded is a unique, hard-to-get weapon best suited for Wizards or Battlemages who cast spells and use charges to deal massive damage. The Wizard, Trickster, and Battlemage skill trees are a beast for investing skill points to make the most of this weapon. It deals additional Poison damage. As a result, it will deal massive overtime damage with the acid charges when upgraded.

One of the main disadvantages of staff is that they require you to craft charges. Also, they need time to cast, and you can’t block with it. The last issue can be easily solved. Ensure you carry a second set of weapons, a shield, and a wand. For example, Scorching Wand is a good choice when you run out of charges or need extra protection. Secondly, you can lower the cast time by half with the Quick Charge skill from the blue skill tree, which should be one of your priority upgrades if you want to use staff.

However, staff deal the most damage and AoE damage in the game. And because they need charges to cast spells, the solution to it can be eternal charges. Eternal charges have infinite casts but deal slightly less damage than regular charges.
As with all legendary weapons, it has five upgrades to increase its power. The following list presents all bonuses and upgrade bonuses for Legendary Shroud Weaver in Enshrouded:
- Rarity: Legendary
- Base Power: 47 Power
- Weapon Type: Staff
- Upgrades:
- +9 Fire Magic Damage
- +9 Fire Magic Damage
- Precise 1: Increase critical hit chance by 5%
- Vicius: Increases backstab damage by 20%
- Recharge: Increases health regeneration by 1
Where to Find Legendary Shroud Weaver
Shroud Weaver is hidden in a chest on a wooden platform above the shroud elixir southeast of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire and northeast of Scatterbone Sun Temple. It’s a desert area on the west side of the map accessible only through pillars of creation, also located west of your starting home base.

Find The Golden Chest
The golden chest with Shroud Weaver staff is in the southeast corner of the map. To access Kindlewastes deserts and savannas, you must strengthen your flame to at least level 4 to pass through the shroud covering pillars of creation. Next, head east to find Kindlewastes Ancient Spire. From the top of it, it’s easier to glide down to the southeast corner straight to the shrouded area.

Try to travel avoiding the shroud. It’s deadly if you don’t have the required level, and the easiest way to reach the small wooden platform directly above the Eshroud root is from the top terrain.

Once you reach the area, scout the north border of the shroud until you find a golden chest on a wooden platform hanging above the shroud with your new legendary staff – the Shroud Weaver.
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