In this guide, walk with Cloud and his companions as we go through the entire Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 4.

Dawn of a New Era occurs right after the Deeper into the Darkness mission in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It is the fourth chapter in the game, and it takes us into the Junon Region, which the Shinra Electric Company controls. This segment of the game takes place in a large open-world area.
Players are free to explore every corner of it and find crafting materials. There are also side quests in this part of the game, which you can do to take a break from the game’s story. However, if you only want to immerse yourself in the game’s story and go through Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth chapter 4, then here’s what you need to do.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Chapter 4
In this chapter, we see the story from the previous mission continue. Cloud and his companions are still looking to solve the mystery of the black-robed figures. When they finally come out of the Mytrhil Mines, they spot the hooded figures going towards the Junon Area. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 4, we explore the Junon area, meet new characters, take part in a Shinra Parade, and finally end the chapter with a bang when we fight against Roche.
The Junon Region

Before you enter the village, we recommend that you activate the towers in the area to gain a better understanding of what is around you and what else you can do. There is a tower on the east of Mythril Mines that you can activate. The towers will also tell you where you can tame a Chocobo, as they can climb cliffs and run fast; they could be an asset in Junon.
Once you are done exploring the region, head to the main objective. When you are close to the village of Junon, a cutscene will occur. After it ends, keep heading deeper into the town. Eventually, the members of the party will split up to gather information about the hooded figures, such as where and how they are going.
There are various shops in the town as well, so if you are short of anything, make sure to visit them. To continue the chapter further, talk to Barret, Aerith, and Tifa. Talk to the innkeeper of the inn with the fish sign on the top; then you will have to investigate and cry for help coming from the docks.
Terrors of the Deep

When you reach the dock, a cutscene will play. After it ends, you will have to fight a sea monster named Terror of The Deep. The monster will trap your companions in bubbles of water; this attack cannot be dodged. You will need to damage the bubble of water with fire to free your companions.
At the start of the battle, the terror of the deep will fly in the air, making it nearly impossible to hit it with melee attacks, so make sure that you have at least one companion in your party who can use ranged attacks. Just like any other boss battle in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, your primary focus should be to stagger the terror of the deep as soon as possible. Once staggered, keep doing damage to it by exploiting its weakness to electricity.
Shortly after, a cinematic cutscene will occur, and a giant water tornado will appear in the middle of the arena. After the cutscene, the terror of the deep will enter your melee range, making it easier to attack and stagger it. When you have successfully staggered it, use everything you have on it. It is possible to defeat this boss with just one stagger in this stage of the boss fight.
Take a Ride with Mr. Dolphin

Yuffie is the girl who was attacked by the sea monster in the previous cutscene. After you have successfully defeated the terror of the deep, go back to shore to check on Yuffie. A cutscene will play, which will give us a brief introduction to Yuffie and her personality, then head to the middle of the village to trigger another cutscene. After you are done with it, go back to the inn to progress the story of chapter 4.
When you are back at the inn, go to Aerith’s room to hear a conversation. When Aerith closes the door, you should knock on it and go inside to loot the chest containing an upgrade for her weapon. Go back to your room on the second floor after this; it will trigger another cutscene. Yes, there are a lot of cutscenes in this chapter of the game. Once it is over, side quests for Junon will be unlocked. When you are ready, leave the inn and go to the docks to talk to Priscilla to progress through the story of Final Fantasy 7, Chapter 4.
Jump into the water and follow the dolphin. Eventually, you will start a mini-game with the dolphin; to complete it, you must reach the end of the course before you run out of time. You will find some balls floating in the water on the course; hit as many balls as you can in the water to increase your speed, but do not hit any other obstacles. Complete a series of quick time events at the end of the course to reach the platform and continue the story.
Upper Junon

Once you have landed on the platform, go up to the control room. Use it to lower the tanker to your companions, so they can board it during a cutscene. Lift the tanker up again after your companions have successfully boarded it.
After the cutscene that will introduce us to the antagonists of the chapter, go to the hallway; you will find a chest there right beside a vending machine. Go right from the vending machine until you reach the end of the hallway. Do not worry, as the Shinra soldiers won’t be bothered when they see you. Go to your right, and you will find a stairway; use it to go up and then take a left. Follow the red-coloured carpet, and you will find a terminal there.
Use the terminal to activate an elevator that will take you down to the city. Once you have reached the air dome, go straight up the stairs and then take a left to find another elevator with a terminal. Go further down using the elevator, and then a cutscene will occur, after which Barret and Red XIII will leave the party for a bit.
Follow Aerith and Tifa to find some spare Shinra soldier uniforms. Leave the room wearing the uniform, and then you will have to take part in a mini-game where you will have to practice for the parade. In the mini-game, if a button appears in red, tap it; if it appears in yellow, tap it repeatedly; and if it appears in blue you will have to hold the button. After the end of the minigame, you will be promoted to Parade Captain.
The Assassination Attempt

You will take control of Yuffie in this section of chapter 4. Climb up the scaffolding in front of you as Yuffie. Once you reach the top of it, you will find a ladder; use it and go further up. Follow the markers on the ground to make your way towards the end of the railing. When you are at the end, jump on the big vent in front of you. At this point, you will have to play another mini-game, where you will have to align your crosshair with the target until it turns gold. Repeat this three times to trigger the assassination attempt cutscene.
When Yuffie has failed to kill her target in the cutscene, you will take control of Cloud again. Only this time a group of rogue Shinra soldiers will accompany you. Fight beside them, heal them, and make your way through the other Shinra soldiers. Eventually, you will find an elevator. Use it to go up, where you will have to fight a big mech.
Once you defeat it, another mech will get activated; also stay on alert for more Shinra soldiers. When you have successfully defeated all of the enemies, take the next elevator to proceed further. You can find a resting place and a vending machine in the next area and use it to heal yourself and your fellow soldiers because a boss fight awaits you.
Roche Boss Fight

Towards the chapter’s end, you will have to fight Roche, and he will be on a motorcycle. However, you will be on your two feet and nothing else. Roche will attack you with the speed of his motorcycle. Dodge and block these attacks to avoid damage. Use fire abilities as much as you can because Roche and his Motorcycle are weak to it. Stagger him and then unleash everything you have on him; he is not a difficult boss and can be easily defeated.
After the boss fight, follow the sunlight to find an exit to the elevator. Use it to go down and reunite with your party; cross the bridge, and that will mark the end of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 4.
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