Welcome to Hogwarts Legacy Accio Spell Guide. It is for players looking for all information about one of the most powerful force spells and how to use it.
Accio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy!

Each spell has a core identity and belongs to a category. Some spells have a chance to advance or even change through the talent system as you spend talent points on them. There are over 20 slottable spells to choose from and many more practical ones that help with quests and exploration.
In Hogwarts Legacy, the Accio Spell summons a variety of objects and enemies to close range. Certain magical and heavy objects require sustained effort to pull close. When a summoned object reaches you, you will automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa to continue levitating and controlling it without the need for additional button interrupts.
For example, the player can use it to summon a platform to make a bridge or move objects or summon floating book pages around the castle.
Additionally, the Accio spell is helpful in combat. It can break enemies’ shields, as shown in the picture below.
Also, you can combine the Accio spell with, for example, the Descendo spell to first summon and then slam objects into the enemies.
When can I unlock the Accio Spell?
You can unlock it during Charms Class Main Quest
- Requirement: Complete Welcome to Hogsmeade Main Quest
List of Spells
Control Spells
Control Spells are slottable spells, and they have yellow icons. This type of spell is capable of breaking yellow enemies’ shields.
Incantation | Explanation |
Arresto Momentum | The Slowing Charm. Slows the velocity of an object. |
Glacius | It creates icy-cold air from the wand’s tip and freezes the object or enemy. |
Levioso | Levitates objects and enemies. Helpful in solving puzzles and surprising enemies alike. |
Transformation | Transforms objects and enemies into alternate forms, whether puzzle solutions or harmless knickknacks. |
Force Spells
Force Spells are slottable spells, and they have purple icons. This type of spell is capable of breaking purple enemies’ shields.
Incantation | Explanation |
Accio | Summons an object into the caster’s hands. We saw this spell. In the gameplay, the player summoned a plat Unlocked during Charms Class Main Quest |
Depulso | Repels many types of objects and enemies with considerable force. Although it deals no direct damage to foes, enemies and objects alike can be launched into each other with destructive results. Also useful for pushing and spinning objects for a variety of purposes. Unlocked during Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 |
Descendo | It deals no direct damage, but objects and enemies that are slammed to the ground will suffer considerable impact damage. Airborne enemies will take even greater damage upon hitting the ground. |
Flipendo | Flipendo flips objects and enemies upwards and backwards. |
Damage Spells
Damage Spells are slottable spells, and they have red icons. This type of spell is capable of breaking red enemies’ shields.
Incantation | Explanation |
Confringo | The Blasting Curse courses the target to explode. |
Diffindo | The spell is used to precisely and accurately cut something. It can cause injury or even death if used on a living creature. |
Expelliarmus | Disarms wands and weapons from most enemies who wield them. It also deals damage to all enemies, even if they do not carry a weapon. Unlocked during Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2 |
Bombarda | It deals heavy damage on impact, accompanied by an explosion that can destroy heavy obstacles and hit surrounding enemies. |
Incendio | Conjures fire. This spell can be used as one of the combat spells or light up fire on torches and campfires. |
Utility Spells
Utility Spells are slottable spells, and they have blue icons.
Incantation | Explanation |
Disillusionment | It causes you to blend into your surroundings, making it more difficult for others to perceive you. Perfect for sneaking or approaching enemies undetected. |
Lumos | This spell transfers your wand into a flashlight. It creates a tiny spark of light on the caster’s wand tip. Unlocked during the Path to Hogwarts Main Quest |
Reparo | The Mending Charm. It allows you to quickly return certain damaged objects to their former states. Unlocked during Professor Ronen’s Assignment |
Wingardium Leviosa | Levitates and controls a movable object. You can control its position to fine-tune its distance and rotation. Leviosa is automatically cast on objects summoned to you with Accio. Unlocked during Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 |
Transfiguration Spells
Transfiguration Spells are slottable spells, and they have light green icons.
Incantation | Explanation |
Conjuring Spell | Conjures items into existence when cast within the Room of Requirement |
Altering Spell | Alter the physical forms and features of items when cast within the Room of Requirement. |
Evanesco | Vanishes items and returns moonstone when cast within the Room of Requirement. |
Unforgivable Curses
Unforgivable Curses are slottable spells, and they have dark green icons. This spells category is considered forbidden, and NPC characters react negatively if the protagonist uses them.
Incantation | Explanation |
Avada Kedavra | A powerful and forbidden spell that kills its target. One of the three Unforgivable Curses. |
Crucio | Inflicts excruciating pain on its target – It’s also known as the Torture Curse. |
Imperio | One of the three Unforgivable Curses. Temporary forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. |
Essential Spells
Essential spells are not slottable spells. Each one has a dedicated key binding, so players can access them anytime.
Incantation | Explanation |
Basic Cast | Deals minor damage to enemies and objects. |
Revelio | Highlights a variety of invective targets in the world, including hidden objects, puzzle items, loot and enemies. |
Protego | Protects against a variety of attacks, including spell casts, weapon strikes and more. |
Alohomora | The Unlocking Spell. Unlocks all types of locks. However, those protected by special spells and charms may not be affected by it. |
Stupefy | Stuns enemies, making them easy targets for follow-up spells. It deals no direct damage, but stunned enemies take extra damage, indicated by gold numbers. It also breaks enemy Shield Charms. |
Ancient Magic | When at least one segment of your Ancient Magic Meter is full, you can cast devastating Ancient magic attacks that deal massive damage and break shield Charms. |
Ancient Magic Throw | Summons and then throws special environmental objects at the targeted enemy. Particularly useful for breaking through Shield Caherms. |
Petrificus Totalus | Powerful enough to bind most enemies permanently, but more dangerous foes will only take some damage and then quickly break free from the effect. |
Important Hogwarts Legacy information
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