How To Beat Taka Nyudo (Yokai) in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Here is how you can find and defeat Taka Nyudo as part of the Yokai Questline in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Taka Nyudo Yokai side quest
Taka Nyudo Yokai side quest (Image via Ubisoft | LunarGaming Guides/YouTube)

The Yokai Target questline is a fun side quest related to the rumoured sightings of supernatural activities by mysterious people. There are six total sightings spread out across the entire map. This particular yokai named Taka Nyudo is a strange monk, monstrous in size and naturally predatory.

As part of ‘The Yokai’ questline, you are tasked with getting to the roots of these sightings and putting an end to them. Through this article, we will guide you on how we can locate the supernatural entity Taka Nyudo and defeat him once and for all.

How To Find Taka Nyudo in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Find Taka Nyudo Yokai
Find Taka Nyudo Yokai (Image via Ubisoft | LunarGaming Guides/YouTube)

In the world map, you will be given hints to understand the whereabouts of the yokai under the objective tab. The hints state that Taka Nyudo is in Tamba. He is rumoured to be seen in the silver lands in the village of Kabasaka.

Set a waypoint and make your way to the blipped objective. There will be a set of stairs on your path that you will need to ascend. Once you reach Kabasaka Village, enter through the wooden entrance, and to your left, you will see Taka nyudo with a weapon in his hand, towering over villagers kneeling on their knees.

How To Defeat Taka Nyudo in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Defeat Taka Nyudo
Defeat Taka Nyudo (Image via Ubisoft | LunarGaming Guides/YouTube)

Approach the Yokai to begin the battle. Use the various power-ups, weapons, or projectiles to defeat Taka Nyudo. After you defeat him, a cutscene begins. We speak with Chitose, who thanks us for saving them from the monster. She mentions the name Mamushi, whom we have been helping disprove myths for. He lives in fear of tales of ghosts and demons. She takes your leave to then go and meet him.

After defeating the Yokai, you will receive:

  1. Armor piercing on Afflicted Enemies – Engraving
  2. 2000 xp
  3. 2 Mastery Points
  4. Mon – x335

AC Shadows logo [Source: Ubisoft]

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