How to Get Unique Wand Cruel Command in Avowed

Cruel Command is a powerful end-game wand in Avowed, and you can find it at a merchant shop in Galawain’s Tusks.

Avowed Stockkeeper Eberk at the Southern Warden Tower in Galawain's Tusks

In Avowed, your character’s gear is just as crucial as their skills and abilities when it comes to surviving the perilous world of the Living Lands. Knowing where and how to acquire the best weapons, armor, and accessories will give you the edge you need. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different ways to obtain gear, from looting dungeons and defeating bosses, to crafting your own equipment. In this guide, we’ll explore Cruel Command, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Avowed.

What is Cruel Command in Avowed?

Avowed Cruel Command unique wand tooltip

In Avowed, Cruel Command is a unique one-handed ranged wand that will buff Stun and hit for additional fire damage. The Cower Before Me enchantment bonus will increase the Stun dealt by your Power Attacks by 75%. However, be aware that this doesn’t apply to all Power Attacks, but only to those against enemies with full health.

Secondly, the Burning Last enchantment passive will cause all of your attacks with this weapon to deal an additional 10% of Fire Damage.

Cruel Command Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of Cruel Command in Avowed:

  • Weapon Type: One-handed range, unique wand
  • Item Weight: 2
  • Value: 58,500 (to buy)
  • Quality: Legendary
  • Location: Purchased from Eberk at the Southern Warden Tower in Galawain’s Tusks.
  • Base Stats:
    • 99 Physical Damage
    • 104 Stun
    • 12 Stamina Cost
    • 6% Critical Hit Chance
  • Enchantments:
    • Cower Before Me: Power Attacks deal +75% Stun to enemies with full Health
    • Burning Lash: Hits deal +10% Fire Damage

How to Get Cruel Command in Avowed?

How to Get Cruel Command wand in Avowed

To get the Cruel Command wand in Avowed you must reach the fourth region of Galawain’s Tusks, and head straight north from the starting point to reach the Southern Warden Tower. This location is not a long walk, and therefore you should be able to acquire this wand shortly after your arrival.

Outside the tower look for Stockkeeper Eberk, who will make a passing comment that he has items for sale. Hopefully, you have been saving your gold, because Cruel Command isn’t cheap. Buying Cruel Command will cost you 58,500 gold. If your pockets aren’t quite that full, then continue exploring. Find treasure chests, kill enemies, and loot everything. There are a good amount of gemstones to find in Galawain’s Tusks, and you should eventually have enough.

How to Use Cruel Command in Avowed?

The best way to use Cruel Command is to equip it to an end-game spellcaster, such as a Wizard build, and to prioritize attacking full-health enemies with Power Attacks.

Unfortunately, using a power attack against a full-health boss will mean that you can’t start the fight by attacking from stealth. However, if you unlock the Shadowing Beyond ability in the Ranger skill tree, a Wizard could still deal a power attack on a full-health boss first. Then, activate the Shadowing Beyond ability and get behind the boss to deal a powerful stealth strike with Divine Thorn.

Enchanting Cruel Command in Avowed

Avowed Best Enchantment upgrade for Cruel Command wand

We recommend choosing the Forced Obeisance upgrade for Cruel Command in Avowed, which will boost the extra Stun you deal all the way up to 150%.

This is a much better choice than the Rewarding Disloyalty enchantment because executing a successful parry on a wand is challenging. You’ll get a much more consistent and controllable reward for executing power attacks on enemies with full health.

Cruel Command Upgrade Materials in Avowed

Here are all of the crafting materials you’ll need to fully upgrade Cruel Command in Avowed. Because the weapon is already at Legendary quality, you won’t have many upgrades to go before maxing it out.

QualityMaterials Required
Legendary +1Glasswood Branch x4
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x2
Legendary +2Glasswood Branch x8
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x4
Legendary +3Glasswood Branch x14
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x6

FAQs about Cruel Command in Avowed

Where can I find Cruel Command in Avowed?

You can find Cruel Command at the Southern Warden Tower in the Galawain’s Tusks region, and purchase it from Stockkeeper Eberk for 58,500 gold.

Which classes or builds benefit most from Cruel Command?

A Wizard build or other spellcasting playstyle will benefit the most from equipping the Cruel Command wand in Avowed.

Which Enchantment upgrade is better for the Cruel Command?

The Forced Obeisance enchantment upgrade is the better choice for the Cruel Command wand because it doubles the amount of Stun you will cause when you hit a Full Health enemy with a Power Attack.

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