The First Descendant: Best Jayber Build Guide

Discover the Best Jayber Build Guide for The First Descendant and how to create a powerful character with Skills, modules, and weapons.

The First Descendant Best Jayber Build Guide

Creating an effective build in The First Descendant involves carefully selecting and optimizing various components of your character, including modules, reactor stats, weapons, weapon mods, and skills. For a Jayber build, we will focus on optimizing your skill power and survivability. Let us walk you through creating the best Jayber Build in the First Descendant with our guide below.

Best Jayber Build Guide for The First Descendant

Jayber is the ideal character for players who want utility in combat, rely less on guns, and enjoy skill-based gameplay. With Jayber, your focus will be on using skills rather than weapons, making him perfect for players who struggle with aiming or who like using turrets. He offers consistent damage and powerful healing, making him a valuable asset to any team.

Jayber is unique in his ability to deploy turrets that either deal damage or provide healing, which is a rare capability in the game. His turrets also ignore armor, giving him an edge in various combat situations. Jayber excels in all types of content, whether it’s boss fights, clearing adds, or leveling. You can customize him for specific scenarios or for versatility, making him a well-rounded and powerful character. The best strategy for building Jayber is to reduce cooldowns, allowing you to keep your turrets active for continuous damage and healing.

Jayber Build ProJayber Build Cons
Support SkillsSkill Dependent
VersatileLower Speed
High SurvivabilityWeak DPS
Jayber Build Pros and Cons – Best First Descendant Guide

Features and Mechanics for Jayber Build in The First Descendant

Jayber Skills and Combat Gameplay The First Descendant

The following list presents all the essential Jayber Build Features and Mechanics for the First Descendant:

  • Best Modules:
  • Best Reactor Stats: Dimension and Non-Attribute
  • Best Weapon: Enduring Legacy Machine Gun
  • Best Weapon Mods: Rapid Fire, Marksman
  • Best External Component: Max Shields
  • Skills
    • Assault Turret
    • Medical Turret
    • Multi-Purpose Gun
    • Reactivate
    • Turret Sync (Passive)
  • Playstyle: utility damage dealer using turrets for gameplay.
  • How to Unlock: Researched for 100,000 credits and materials from Anais
  • Story: Jayber has an unknown origin story but is a genius, natural engineer.

How to play Jayber in The First Descendant

The First Descendant Jayber Character

Jayber deploys two types of turrets: one for damage and one for healing, making him a unique and powerful character in The First Descendant. Jayber’s primary objective is to use both turrets simultaneously. When both turrets are active, the Turret Sync passive increases the attack damage of both the assault and medical turrets. You can then combo this with your Reactive ultimate skill, recalling the turrets to deal damage and boosting their effectiveness for a time.

Cooldowns: Your top priority when gearing Jayber is skill cooldown reduction. Using augments and mods to reduce cooldowns will help you deploy both turrets consistently, keeping them active for continuous damage and support. The turrets act as distractions and provide passive bonus damage and healing, forming the cornerstone of your build.

Enhancing the Turrets: Utilize the Multi-Purpose Gun skill to enhance a turret, boosting its power. Apply this skill situationally, depending on whether you need more damage or healing at the moment.

Boss Fights: In anticipation of a boss fight, save both turrets and deploy them simultaneously to activate the Turret Sync passive. Then, use your ultimate to enhance their effectiveness for a while. Use the Multi-Purpose Gun skill to further boost your turrets, depending on your need for damage or healing.

By focusing on cooldown reduction and effectively managing your turrets, Jayber becomes a versatile and powerful character, capable of both significant damage and strong healing support.

How to unlock Jayber in The First Descendant

How to Unlock Jayber  in The First Descendant

To unlock the Jayber character in the First Descendant, you should speak with the Magister Anais in the Albion Mountains to conduct research for materials and 100,000 credits. Below are the required research/crafting materials for Jayber:

  • Jayber Enhanced Cells
    • Hellion x303
    • Reverse Charging Coil x455
    • Insulated Metallic Foil x43
    • Jayber Enhanced Cell Blueprint
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Jayber Stabilizer
    • Nanopolymers x364
    • Shape Memory Alloy x462
    • Balanced Plasma Battery x44
    • Jayber Stabilizer Blueprint x1
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Jayber Spiral Catalyst
    • Flectorite x292
    • Carbon Crystal x554
    • Thermal Metallic Foil x26
    • Jayber Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
  • Jayber Code


The main theme of Jayber is turret gameplay alongside weapons that reward bursts while your turrets are firing. Your passive incentive is you to maintain both turrets to boost ATK power; therefore, timing both is critical to success. Moreover, your Multi-purpose gun can extend the duration of your turret and its damage. Therefore, you use this skill to stay active in your fading turret and boost your overall damage and survivability. Moreover, these bonuses and turrets help group mates, so Jayber makes a perfect character solo or in a group.

Below are the skills for best Jayber build in the First Descendant guide:

  • Assault Turret: Summons an assault turret to attack the enemy. If enhanced, it launches attacks into nearby area.
  • Medical Turret: Summons a medical turret to heal allies and distract enemies. If enhanced, it restores Mana.
  • Multi-Purpose Gun: Changes gun to a Multi-Purpose Gun. If hit by a Multi-Purpose Gun, turret enters an enhanced state.
  • Reactivate: Recalls all summoned turrets and inflicts powerful damage to nearby enemies. After using Total Recall, you enter Overhaul state, where turrets are summoned in their enhanced states.
  • Turret Sync (passive): ATK increases when assault turret and medical turret are both summoned.

Assault Turret

Assault Turret - Jayber Skill The First Descendant

Assault Turret Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Summons an assault turret to attack the enemy. If enhanced, it launches attacks into nearby area. The summoned turret’s stats are proportional to Jayber’s stats. It stays on the battlefield to attack enemies. When hit by the Multi-Purpose Gun, it enters an Enhanced state and creates a Damage Zone, which deals continuous damage to nearby enemies.
  • Non-Attribute – Dimension
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • MP Cost: 30
  • Damage: Skill Power x 100%
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • HP and Shield values: 72% of Jayber’s
  • Skill Power Modifier: 62.9% of Jayber’s
  • DEF: 80% of Jayber’s

How to Use Assault Turret: the assault turret is the basic damage turret that you launch in the area of enemies. With a 20-second cooldown and 12-second duration, you can maintain high uptime on the Assault Turret. Using another skill, a Multi-purpose gun, you can extend the duration and enhance the damage in non-mobile fights. This makes a great tool when holding objective key points or in a crowded area with many enemies.

Your goal is to balance using the Assault Turret and Medical Turret together. Save your Multi-purpose gun for whichever is about to fade or deactivate so your passive stays active longer.

Assault Turret Enhanced Stats
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Continuous Damage: Skill Power x 104.9%
  • Damage Interval: 0.3s
  • Damage Range: 4.5m Radius
  • Max Expandable Range: 200%

Medical Turret

Medical Turret - Jayber Skill The First Descendant

Medical Turret Features in The First Descendant:

  • Summons a medical turret to heal allies and distract enemies. The summoned turret’s stats are proportional to Jayber’s stats, and it stays on the battlefield to continuously recover the HP of nearby allies. Enemies entering the Medical Turret’s Taunt zone will attack the Medical Turret first. When hit by a Multi-Purpose Gun, the turret becomes Enhanced and continuously recovers the MP of nearby allies.
  • Non-Attribute – Dimension
  • Cooldown: 45 seconds
  • MP Cost: 40
  • Health Recovery Amount: 4.1% of Max HP
  • Recovery Interval: 3 seconds
  • Recovery Range: 6-meter Radius
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • HP and Shield values: 140% of Jayber’s
  • Skill Power Modifier: 62.9% of Jayber’s
  • DEF: 90% of Jayber’s

How to Use Medical Turret: the medical turret acts as a mini tank, healer, and damage boost if the assault turret is activated at the same time. The issue with medical Turret is the long cooldown of 45 seconds and duration of 12 seconds. Therefore, keeping high uptime on this turret is difficult and should be done using the Multi-purpose gun. The taunt radius by default is 5.5 meters, so throw this turret on top of enemies or in a choke point enemies are likely to go through. This will force them to attack, giving you or your allies a break from incoming damage.

Medical Turret Enhanced Stats
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Taunt Range: 5.5 meter Radius
  • Max Expandable Range: 200%

Multi-Purpose Gun

Multi-Purpose Gun - Jayber Skill The First Descendant

Multi-Purpose Gun Features in The First Descendant:

  • Changes gun to a Multi-Purpose Gun. If hit by a Multi-Purpose Gun, the turret enters an enhanced state. Firing the Multi-Purpose Gun at an already Enhanced turret recovers the turret’s HP and increases its duration.
  • Non-Attribute – Singular
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds per bullet
  • MP Cost: 30
  • Max Bullets: 3 Shots
  • Turret Health Recovery Amount: 60%
  • Turret Duration Increase Amount: 15 seconds
  • Damage on Hitting Enemy: Skill Power x 520.9%

How to Use a Multi-Purpose Gun: The best way to use a Multi-purpose gun is to enhance your turret damage and extend its duration. When active, you switch weapons with three shots. Each shot will extend the cooldown by 15 seconds, so don’t use all of them if you do not need to. Your goal is to first aid the turret you need the most, damage or healing. Second, extend the life of a fading turret to keep your passive active longer if they are both out. Likely this is the medical turret because the cooldown is so long.

Additionally, you can hit enemies with this weapon. Likely, that won’t be as effective as a normal weapon attack, and it’s not worth it because of the extended cooldown of the multi-purpose gun. Therefore, try to use the bullets for turrets only to enhance or extend their duration.


Reactivate - Jayber Skill The First Descendant

Reactivate Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Recalls all summoned turrets and inflicts powerful damage to nearby enemies. After using Reactive, you enter Overhaul state, where turrets are summoned in their enhanced states.
  • Non-Attribute – Singular
  • Cooldown: 80 seconds
  • MP Cost: 30
  • Fire Amount: 3 shots
  • AOE Damage: Skill Power x 1,492.5%
  • AOE Damage Range: 6 meter Radius
  • Overhaul Duration: 30 seconds

How to Use Reactivate: Reactivate is your ultimate long cooldown ability, and it should be used when you need area damage. You gain Overhaul after activating, which allows you to resummon turrets in an already enhanced state. The combo to use this on is waiting for both turrets to be lower in duration and then activating reactive. Depending on your cooldown situation, you should be able to resummon the turrets quickly and take advantage of their enhanced state. From here, use the Multi-purpose gun to extend the duration or keep it enhanced. If done properly, you can combine your skills, summon turrets, enhance them, recall for AOE, resummon, and repeat.

Turret Sync (Passive)

Turret Sync - Jayber Skill The First Descendant

Turret Sync Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: ATK increases when the assault turret and medical turret are both summoned.
  • Non-Attribute
  • When an Assault Turret and a Medical Turret are both summoned, gains Turret Sync. Turret Sync increases Jayber’s ATK.
  • Firearm ATK Increase Amount: 20%
  • Skill Power Increase: 20%

How to Use Turret Sync: The best way to use the Turret sync passive is to extend the duration of your turrets using a multi-purpose gun. Your medical turret will likely need an extension, and the bonuses to skills and fire ATK are substantial, so try to keep both turrets active when possible.

Descendant Modules for Jayber Build

Turret Engineering, Skill Cost Optimize, Dual Claw are the best modules (mods) for a Jayber Build in the First Descendant. Turret Engenering changes your multiple-purpose gun to extend duration and healing rather than an enhanced state. This is helpful to maintain two turrets at once, benefiting from your passive. Attacking Compulsion is an optional choice for pure damage, which changes your healing turret to another damaged one. Skill cost optimization helps reduce cooldowns and the cost to maintain turrets in combat. Lastly, dual claw helps increase your total mod capacity.

In The First Descendant, modules are essential components that enhance and customize your character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Modules can be acquired through questing, missions, loot drops, and vendor items. Moreover, you have limited resources to slot mods; therefore, some slots may be empty depending on your chosen setup.

Jayber Best Modules for Leveling

Below is a list of the best leveling mods for Jayber Build in the First Descendant:

  • Increased HP â€“ Significantly increases your Max HP.
  • Non-Attribute Specialist â€“ Boosts the Power of Non-Attribute skills.
  • Increased DEF â€“ Significantly increases your DEF.
  • Shortsword â€“ Changes your Sub Attack to a Shortsword and improves your Max Module Capacity.
  • Skill Cost Optimize â€“ Reduces your Skill Cooldowns and slightly reduces Skill Costs.
  • Nimble Fingers â€“ Reduces your Skill Cooldowns.
  • Non-Attribute Master â€“ Significantly increases Skill Power, with an additional increase to Non-Attribute Power.
1 (Skill Module)Empty
2Increased HPStandard
3Non-Attribute SpecialistStandard
4 Skill Cost OptimizeRare
5Increased DEF Standard
6Non-Attribute MasterRare
7 (Sub Module)ShortswordStandard
8Nimble FingersStandard
Best Leveling Mods for Jayber Build Guide – The First Descendant

Jayber Best Modules

Below is a list of the best mods for Jayber Build in the First Descendant:

  • Turret Engineering – Replaces multi-purpose guns, recovers HP, and extends the duration rather than healing them.
  • Skill Extension – increase skill duration.
  • Skill Expansion – increase skill range.
  • Skill Cost Optimize – reduces skill cooldown and cost.
  • Range HP Calculator – increase skill range and max HP.
  • Non-Attribute Master – increase skill power modifier and non-attribute power modifier.
  • Dual Claw – changes to sub-attack and increase max module capacity.
  • HP Concentration – increase max HP and skill critical hit rate.
  • Nimble Fingers â€“ Reduces your Skill Cooldowns
  • Increase Shield – increase shield size.
  • Technician – increase skill power modifier.
1 (Skill Module)Turret EngineeringTranscendent
2Skill ExtensionStandard
3Skill ExpansionStandard
4Skill Cost OptimizeRare
5Range HP Calculator Rare
6Non-Attribute MasterRare
7 (Sub Module)Dual ClawStandard
8HP ConcentrationRare
10Increase ShieldStandard
Best Mods for Jayber Build Guide – The First Descendant

Best Reactor Stats for Jayber in The First Descendant

Example Reactor - The First Descendant

The best reactors for a Jayber build give you a boost Non-Attribute and Dimension. This will help optimize your skills and damage. The second choice are Skill Power and Sub Attack Power.

In The First Descendant, reactors are powerful enhancements significantly impacting a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Each reactor comes with an “optimal condition,” which requires a specific weapon type to be equipped to activate. Therefore, this should be your primary weapon for the build. They function as core components that provide substantial boosts and unique effects, enabling players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies.

Weapons for Jayber Build

Enduring Legacy, Blue Beetle, and Secret Garden are the best weapons for a Jayber Build. Enduring Legacy is a debuff machine gun that increases vulnerability to status effects and firearm damage the longer you squeeze the trigger. This is helpful for Jayber because he relies on his skills for utility and his weapons for damage. The second choice is the Blue Beetle Scout Rifle, which triggers an increased critical hit rate when using fusion skills and thus increases the critical chance of passively using skills. Secret Garden weapon is another solid choice because you recover resources using Dimension skills like Assualt and Medical Turrets. Alternates are Thunder Cage Submachine and Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle.

The following list presents the best weapon choices for Jayber Build Guide in the First Descendant:

  • Endurance Legacy – Machine Gun
  • Blue Beetle – Scout Rifle
  • Secret Garden – Tactical Rifle

Enduring Legacy

Enduring Legacy Machine Gun - the First Descendant

Endurance Legacy Machine Gun features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 28
  • Fire Rate: 571
  • Reload Speed: 2.7 seconds
  • Effective Range: 40 meters
  • Craftmanship: On hitting an enemy, increase Status effect Trigger Rate corresponding to the element (Fire/Chill/electric/Toxic) and inflicts the unique ability Quenching to the target enemy. On hitting a Burned enemy, increase Firearm ATK and apply this buff to the attack.

What makes the Enduring Legacy effective is the more damage you do, the more you increase firearm ATK and vulnerability to status effects. Jayber uses mainly skills for utility not damage, thus needs a high damage weapon. Moreover, machine guns are great because they work with Jayber turrets, double-dipping in damage. Swap to another machine gun if you don’t have ultimate weapons.

The best mods for the Enduring Legacy Machine Gun are:

  • Rapid Fire â€“ Improves Fire Rate, but decreases Accuracy.
  • Rifling Reinforcement â€“ Significantly increases Firearm ATK.
  • Action and Reaction â€“ Significantly increases Firearm ATK, but also increases Recoil.
  • Concentrate Support Ammo â€“ More Rounds per Magazine, and improved Critical Hit Damage.
  • Marksman â€“ Considerably improves Firearm Critical Hit Rate, and slightly improves Firearm ATK.
  • Fire Enhancement â€“ Adds Fire ATK equal to a portion of Firearm ATK.
  • Concentration Priority â€“ Greatly increased Critical Hit Damage. Increased Reload Time.
  • Concentrated Fire â€“ Slightly improved Weak Point Damage, and increased Critical Hit Damage.

Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle Scout Rifle - the First Descendant

Blue Beetle features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 62
  • Fire Rate: 199
  • Reload Speed: 2 seconds
  • Effective Range: 35 meters
  • Arcane Wave: when using a fusion skill, grants self the unique arcane energy with a set chance. When using a singular skill, it grants the self the unique ability of purification with a set chance.

This Blue Beetle scout rifle is a versatile choice for Jayber because we have a lot of Fusion skills. Arcane energy helps with skill critical hit rate and adds to her overall burst potential. Moreover, the range is nice if you plan on not using a sniper rifle or want something medium-range application.

Secret Garden

Secret Garden Tactical Rifle - the First Descendant

Secret Garden features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 62
  • Fire Rate: 199
  • Reload Speed: 2 seconds
  • Effective Range: 35 meters
  • Gardener: When using a Dimension skill, recovers Custom Resource with a set chance. When using a Tech skill, grants the unique ability Pest Control with a set chance.

The Secret Garden tactical rifle is a good choice because you can trigger resource recovery using Dimension skills like Medical and Assault turrets.

External Component

Unlike other parts of our build, you cannot enhance External Components. These are random (RNG) based drops only when you are at max level. Therefore, they are the finishing touches on your build. Prioritize the following stats for External Components:

  • Max Shields
  • Max HP
  • HP Recovery
  • DEF

Jayber Story in the First Descendant

Are geniuses born or made? A natural engineer, there are many hypotheses about the origin of Jayber’s ability to wield Arche specialized in electronic warfare.
One hypothesis claims that the infectious disease he suffered during his childhood stimulated his cerebral cortex, leading to a dramatic increase in intelligence. Another one claims that the drug administered to treat the infectious disease was actually an experiment conducted by the Magisters to mass produce Arche… Despite the unfounded rumors that continue to go around to this day, he himself had no desire to learn the truth.
The reason being, as merely a unit in the war, the origin of his ability was unimportant to him.

Jayber’s Story Continued

For Jayber, who was born in an infectious disease isolation ward, the life support device that let him sleep comfortably and sang nursery rhymes to him, was practically his parent. Jayber grew up having a deep connection with this life support device. When he turned 10 years old, he was able to modify the device himself to connect to an external network and study the world… The moment Jayber was connected to the real world, he was able to understand why the life support device was against connecting to the network. The world was not the happy place that Jayber had dreamed of. It was constantly being plagued by invaders called the Vulgus and threatening entities called the Colossi. He was raised by the Magisters to become a weapon of war, a Descendant with the power of Arche, to combat these threats.

After coming into contact with reality, Jayber gave up on his hopes and dreams; instead, he began to think of himself as a necessary unit for war. Even after becoming an official Descendant, this attitude did not change, and his teammates were no fans of this Descendant who was no different from a machine. However, none of this mattered to Jayber. Geniuses are neither born nor made… Because they, too, are just a unit.

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