How do you save your game in Tears of the Kingdom?
The steps for saving your game in Tears of the Kingdom are quick and easy:
- Press the + Button
- Select System
- Save
And that’s it! A couple of things to keep in mind, though.
- There is only one manual save slot
- There appears to be 5 slots where auto-saves are registered

If you are sharing your Switch with other family members and everyone wants to play on their own save file, each individual will have to have their own account on the Switch. This is the only way to have separate save files of the game.
You can stop playing and make a manual save at almost any point in the game, with a few exceptions. One example would be in the middle of a boss battle – you can save before the fight, but will be disabled during boss battles. If you should happen run out of battery or accidentally exit the game in the middle of a boss fight, the game will restart you at the beginning.
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