All Weapons in Enshrouded Listed

Discover all the different weapon you can collect in Enshrouded and find the means to effectively defend yourself as you explore Embervale.

All Weapons in Enshrouded

In the world of Enshrouded, a game that combines action-packed combat with deep, immersive gameplay, players are presented with a vast array of weaponry that caters to a multitude of playstyles. Whether you prefer the swift strikes of swords, the raw magical power of a staff, or the stealthy precision of daggers, each weapon offers unique attributes and abilities that can turn the tide of battle. There are many different weapons and weapon types, with a list that grows longer with each content update to the game. This article will explore and list all the weapons available in Enshrouded, including additional details on how to upgrade your weapons, special Legendary weapons, and more.

Weapons Overview in Enshrouded

Weapons are a vital part of gameplay in Enshrouded because you will need to have protection as you explore the world of Embervale. Even if you are playing the game more for the crafting or building mechanics, the only way to get the materials you need will be to go out into the world. Enemies large and small will challenge you as you extend the reach of your Flame Alters. Therefore, you will need to find and collect weapons in Enshrouded so that you can defeat enemies and advance further in the game.

Additionally, keep in mind that weapons and tools are two different things in Enshrouded. You can use your Axe weapon to cut down trees if you really want. However, the weapon will lose durability faster and could become ineffective in combat. Instead, you’d be better off using Felling Axes and other specific tools for the task at hand. Then, your weapons will always be sharp and ready.

Weapons Type in Enshrouded

There are three general weapon types in Enshrouded: Melee, Magical, and Ranged. Furthermore, within those three basic types there are additional subcategories.

Enshrouded gives you the freedom to carry and use any weapon you find at any time. Even if your build is focused primarily on melee weapon use, it would be best to also have a bow handy for times when you need to make ranged attacks.

  • Melee
    • Axes
    • Clubs
    • Daggers
    • Swords
  • Magical
    • Staves
    • Wands
    • Summoning Weapons
  • Ranged
    • Bows
    • Explosive Weapons

All Weapons in Enshrouded and How to Get Them

The following tables break down all of the weapons in Enshrouded by type, then list each by name. Additionally, you will find information about rarity, how to get these weapons, and the location you can find them in.

In Enshrouded, you typically get weapons by unlocking chests, defeating powerful bosses, or as a reward for completing certain quests. Chests come in three different types: Silver, Gold, and Ornate.

Silver chests can drop Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary quality weapons. Gold chests drop Rare, Epic, and Legendary quality weapons. Finally, Ornate chests drop Epic and Legendary items.

Axe Weapons

Enshrouded Jezmina's Apotheosis legendary weapon

Axes in Enshrouded are heavy melee weapons that are capable of breaking through armor. Furthermore, these axes are strictly meant for combat, they should not be used for chopping down tree. If you’re looking to collect log resources, craft regular Felling Axes instead.

Axe NameRarityHow to GetLocation
Fenrig’s AxeRareQuest reward for Wolves At the DoorSpringlands
Silver or Gold chests
Springlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Executioner’s AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
GuillotineLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Provisional ScytheCommonDrop by scythe wielding scavengersSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Lupa’s ScalperEpicLooted from corpse at Raven’s KeepNomad Highlands
Jezmina’s ApotheosisLegendaryDrop by Vukah BrawlerNomad Highlands
Wolf’s ClawRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Deeproot AxeLegendaryNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Wolf Pack AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Greater Thunderblast AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Sun AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes
Lightforged AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Acid CleaverCommonDrop by Scavenger BerserkerSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
BonebreakerRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Dark CleaverRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Thunderbolt AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Enshrouded AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Hair SplitterLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Lumenshade AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Meat ChopperRareSilver or Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Tainted AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Veilrift AxeLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Spinechill AxeLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Batwing AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Frostwing AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Steel Moon AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Celestial AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Boreal AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Darkwood AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Ruffian’s AxeRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Champion’s AxeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Axe Weapons in Enshrouded

Club Weapons

Enshrouded Frost Smasher Legendary weapon in Albaneve Summits

Clubs can deal blunt force trauma, which can cause stun enemies or even knock them off balance. Furthermore, hammer type weapons also fall under the Club category.

Club NameRarityHow to GetLocation
ClubCommonManually CraftN/A
Spiked ClubCommonCraft with BlacksmithN/A
Metalstar MaceLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Misfortune MaceLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Great MaceRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Spine SplinterRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
AerostrikerRareSilver or Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
FleshgrinderLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Fearsome ClubLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Masterful MaceRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
FlailRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Sun HammerRareSilver or Gold chestsKindlewastes
Wolf’s HydraRareQuest reward for Vukah EncounterNomad Highlands
Club of DefianceRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Wooden ToothRareSilver or Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
RotbloodLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Ignited HammerLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
DreadbaneCommonQuest rewardKindlewastes
Enhanced Spiked ClubCommonCraft with BlacksmithN/A
Feathered MaceCommonDrop by Fell enemiesSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
GorestrikerLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Iron Claw ClubCommonCraft with BlacksmithN/A
Mace-like ClubCommonCraft with BlacksmithN/A
Shroud Corrupted HammerRareSilver or Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes Shroud only
SoothsayerEpicQuest reward for The Pillars of CreationNomad Highlands
Twin Soul MaceLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Bonescourge MaceLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Mandible CrusherLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Bright MorningstarRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Dark MorningstarLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Mace of DenialRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Mace of WrathLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Ancestral StarLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Goat HammerRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Battering Ram HammerLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Head PounderRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Frost SmasherLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Club Weapons in Enshrouded

Dagger Weapons

Enshrouded Crystal Knives Legendary weapon in Albaneve Summits

Daggers are bladed weapons that come in pairs for dual-wielding. They deal quick burst damage and are good for stealthy melee builds.

Dagger NameRarityHow to GetLocation
DaggersCommonManually CraftN/A
Baroness DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Blink DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Blunt KnivesRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Corrosive DaggersEpicSilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Falk Fall DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Lightforged DaggersRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Makeshift DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
NightfallRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
NightnebulaLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Oath BreakerLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Sandstorm SwiftbladesLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Shivering SkeansLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
ShivsEpicSilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Sleek DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
The NeedlesRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
VenomkissRareSilver or Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Wildheart SeekersRareSilver or Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Wolf DaggersEpicSilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Valor Heart DaggersLegendaryQuest reward for Daggers For The BardRevelwoo
Sacrificial Vukah DaggerRareFound in Sacrificial Vukah PitSpringlands
Grey BladesRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Circus KnivesRareFound in New CromvilleAlbaneve Summits
Proud DaggersRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Parade DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Horn DaggersRareSilver or Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Ice-Coated DaggersLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Crystal KnivesLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Dagger Weapons in Enshrouded

Sword Weapons

Enshrouded Wailing Blade – Legendary Weapon

In Enshrouded, sword weapons are often used in conjunction with a shield in your off-hand. This provides you with a nice balance of offense and defense that is especially beneficial for new players.

Sword NameRarityHow to GetLocation
Scrappy SwordCommonCraft with BlacksmithN/A
Rusty Short SwordCommonDrop by Fell SoldierSpringlands Shroud
Short SwordCommonDrop by VukahSpringlands, Revelwood
Sharpened BroadswordCommonDrop by Fell enemiesSpringlands Shroud
Rusty SwordUncommonSilver chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Bronze SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Extinguished SwordRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes
Wailing BladeLegendaryQuest reward for Scavenger StashSpringlands
Enflamed SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
NovaLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
HailscourgeEpicFound in Lone ThistleRevelwood
Wolf’s MawRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Noble SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Ice BladeLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Fang BladeRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
White Wolf SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Sword of RadianceLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Minor ArcanaRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes
Major ArcanaLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Stonewrought SwordRareSilver and Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
SunbeamRareSilver and Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes Shroud
Dragon SwordLegendaryFound at Dragon CampNomad Highlands
Sacrilegious SteelswordLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Rune Apprentice’s SwordRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Rune Master’s SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Icicle SwordRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Aurora SwordLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Lesser Golden Twinflame SwordRareFound in Lake LumaAlbaneve Summits
Greater Golden Twinflame SwordLegendaryFound in Cyclops Cave PassageAlbaneve Summits
All Sword Weapons in Enshrouded

Stave Weapons

Legendary weapon – Shroud Weaver in Enshrouded

Staves are the most powerful magical weapons in Enshrouded and can deal elemental damage, debuff enemies, or heal allies. However, the cast time is usually slower and spells consume more mana.

Stave NameRarityHow to GetLocation
StaffCommonManually CraftN/A
Vaporous StaffCommonDropped by Vukah ShamanSpringlands, Revelwood
Spiritual CaneRareCrafted with AlchemistN/A
Shepherd’s StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Shepherd’s LightningLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Root StaffLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Elder’s StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Hopeful GlimmerRareSilver and Gold chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Dark StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Deceiving StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Gleaming StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes
Blackened StaffLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Undergrowth StaffLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
MirageLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Shroud WeaverLegendaryFound at Low TideKindlewastes
Sinister Crescent StaffLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Staff of the RamRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Staff of the TaurusLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Clearwater StaffRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Crystalwater StaffLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Stave Weapons in Enshrouded

Wand Weapons

Enshrouded Mythic Wand Legendary Weapon in Albaneve Summits

Wands are another option for a magical weapon in Enshrouded, and they excel in fast spellcasting. Hits from a wand won’t be as powerful, but the spells use less mana and you can cast more quickly.

Wand NameRarityHow to GetLocation
WandCommonManually CraftN/A
Crackling WandRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Apprentice WandRareSilver and Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Blazing WandRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Frozen Core WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Cryptic WandEpicQuest reward for A Chest In The AtticRevelwood (Pikemead’s Reach)
Scorching WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Shocking Ice WandRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Infernal WandRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Luminous WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
HelixLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Twisting WandRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Reaper’s WandRare
Silver StormRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Ritual Tempest WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Snakespine WandLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Frost WandRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Blizzard WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Coalescent WandRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Mythic WandLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Wand Weapons in Enshrouded

Summoning Vessel Weapons

Enshrouded Necromancer's Skull Summoning Vessel crafting recipe with Collector

Summoning Vessels are thrown weapons in Enshrouded that you can use to summon aid in a fight. They work best against enemies found in the Hollow Halls. Some can be found out in the world, and you can also craft them with the Collector survivor.

Vessel NameRarityHow to GetMaterials
Skull Summoning VesselCommonCraft with Collector6 Ectoplasm Fragment
5 Bonemeal
2 Metal Scraps
Necromancer’s Skull Summoning VesselUncommonCraft with Collector6 Ectoplasm Fragment
5 Bonemeal
2 Metal Scraps
Greater Skull Summoning VesselRareCraft with Collector6 Ectoplasm Fragment
5 Bonemeal
5 Sulfur
2 Metal Scraps
All Summoning Vessel Weapons in Enshrouded

Bow Weapons

Bows are ranged weapons that you can use to attack targets from a safe distance, or use to bring down flying enemies. They aren’t as powerful as melee weapons and deal less damage. However, there are many different types of arrows that can be used to deal elemental damage or inflict status effects.

Bow NameRarityHow to GetLocation
BowCommonManually CraftN/A
Hunter’s BowRareSilver and Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Fell Commander’s BowLegendaryDrop from Fell ThunderbruteRevelwood Shroud
Traitor’s BowRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Wildwood ShortbowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Wolf’s Snarl LongbowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Tarred BowRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Pine ShortbowRareDrop from Fell ArchersShroud
Antler BowRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Arsonist’s BowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
BanebringerLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Brisk BowRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes Shroud
Composite BowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Draconian BowUncommonQuest reward for The Draconian Vulture Took HimNomad Highlands
Forest LongbowRareSilver and Gold chestsSpringlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
ForsakenLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Nightwind BowRareSilver and Gold chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Ornate Wood BowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsRevelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
ShadowbaneLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsNomad Highlands, Kindlewastes
Spiked BowRareSilver and Gold chestsKindlewastes
Ignited BowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsKindlewastes
Silvershot BowLegendaryCoffinHollow Halls
Snowflake SplicerRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Avalanche StarterLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
Horned Beast BowRareSilver and Gold chestsAlbaneve Summits
Devilish BowLegendarySilver, Gold, or Ornate chestsAlbaneve Summits
All Bow Weapons in Enshrouded

Explosive Weapons

Enshrouded Explosive Powder Ball Net crafting recipe

Non-magical explosive weapons in Enshrouded are meant to be thrown like modern grenades. They can deal area-of-effect burst damage, set things on fire, or even catch targets in a net.

Explosive NameRarityHow to GetMaterials
Explosive Powder BallCommon
Explosive Powder Ball NetUncommonManually Craft3 Linen
3 Explosive Powder Ball
Explosive Powder GrenadeRareCraft with Alchemist, using Laboratory2 Black Powder
1 Plant Fiber
1 Lump of Clay
1 Iron Bars
Incendiary BallRareCraft with Alchemist1 Glass
1 Flintstone
1 Flammable Goo
All Explosive Weapons in Enshrouded

How to Upgrade your Weapons in Enshrouded?

How to Upgrade your Weapons in Enshrouded

To upgrade your weapons in Enshrouded you need to open up the Enhance Equipment tab with the Blacksmith and spend Runes to unlock new traits. Runes are plentiful in Enshrouded, and you can easily get them by defeating enemies, looting chests, or dismantling/salvaging other weapons.

Upgrading your weapons in Enshrouded will unlock new attributes that will boost specific damage types, increase resource regeneration, critical hit chance, add poison damage, and more. Each weapon will have its unique list of attributes, and the higher the quality of the weapon, the more Runes it will cost to unlock them.

What are Legendary Weapons in Enshrouded?

Legendary weapons are the highest level of weapons you can collect in Enshrouded, and they are all uniquely named. Furthermore Legendary weapons are most often found in Gold or Ornate treasure chests throughout the world. However, the drop rate for them is random, so if you’re looking for a specific item you might need to ‘farm’ treasure chests in certain regions.

Significantly, chests respawn each time you reload your game in Enshrouded. Therefore, you’ll want to take advantage by setting Flame Alters as close to known Gold and Ornate treasure chests as you can. Be careful, however, because many of these high quality chests will be in the middle of dangerous areas with numerous enemies.

Additionally, there are certain legendary weapons that are guaranteed to drop either as boss loot, or as the reward at the end of a quest. Guaranteed Legendary weapon drops in Enshrouded include:

Tips and Tricks for Using Weapons in Enshrouded

Enshrouded gives you a lot of versatility in combat because you can equip and use any weapon at any time. Therefore, even if you are using a warrior build that primarily uses a sword and shield, nothing is keeping you from also using a wand. On the other hand, if you’re primarily a magic user no mechanic is keeping you from using those legendary daggers you just found. You may want to redistribute your skill points, but that can easily be done with your Flame Alter at the cost of some Runes.

Here are some general tips and tricks for using weapons in Enshrouded:

  • Wands require no ammunition and don’t consume mana. This makes this a great option for the early game when you’re low in resources.
  • Treasure chests with weapon loot respawn in Enshrouded each time you load the game. You can use this known mechanic to farm chests for certain weapons.
  • Save your Runes for upgrading higher tier Legendary or Epic weapons.
  • Not all Legendary weapons are at end game. You can find some like Wailing Blade in the first Springlands region, though it will be a lower level than legendaries found in Albaneve Summits.

FAQs about Weapons in Enshrouded

1. Question: How to get weapons in Enshrouded?

Answer: Weapons can be found in treasure chests, drop from powerful enemies, crafted with the Blacksmith, or are a reward at the end of a quest.

2. Question: Can you upgrade your weapons in Enshrouded?

 Answer:  Yes, you can upgrade your weapons using the Enhance Equipment tab with the Blacksmith. Upgrading your gear in Enshrouded will require the use of Runes, which are a plentiful resource. You can get Runes by defeating enemies, looting chests, or dismantling/salvaging other weapons.

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