Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to Find Sorcerer Vocation Maister

Discover how to unlock your Vocation’s ultimate ability in Dragon’s Dogma 2 with our How to Find Sorcerer Vocation Maister guide!

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Maister Trysha

How to Find Sorcerer Vocation Maister

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can learn an ultimate ability for every vocation by finding the Vocation Maister and winning their approval. Completing some of the quests required to unlock some of these abilities can be time-consuming, but the powerful, damaging dealing abilities they often offer are worth it.

Furthermore, you do not have to have any specific Vocation Rank before unlocking ultimate abilities. The only requirement is that you unlock the Vocation itself. Therefore, since the Sorcerer is an Advanced class, you must first unlock it by completing the Vocation Guild quest.

Additionally, the Sorcerer is fortunate in that it can unlock two different ultimate abilities, while most other vocations can only unlock one. Finally, the quest for unlocking the Sorcerer ultimates ties closely with that of the Mage, so you can do both classes with only a bit of work! The following guide will walk you through how to find the Sorcerer Vocations Maister in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the quests you must complete to unlock the abilities.

How to Find Sorcerer Maister Trysha

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Find Sorcerer Maister Trysha
  • Maister: Trysha
  • Location: Eini’s house
  • Required Quest: ‘Spellbound.’ After arriving at Eini’s House, speak to the grandparents. When they are out of the house, speak to Trysha. She will ask you to bring her five grimoires.
  • Quest Timer: This quest doesn’t appear to have a timer, though once you’ve started it, you should probably finish it as soon as possible.
  • Ultimate Ability—Meteoron: This ability summons a meteor shower, dealing immense damage to targets across a broad range. It prevents movement while incanting and is unaffected by Quickspell. It is most effective when cast in a wide-open space.

To find the Sorcerer Maister Trysha in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find her living with her grandparents in Eni’s Home, northwest of the Borderwatch Outpost. When you arrive, speak to Eini and then wait for the grandparents to go outside the house. (You can also pick them up and carry them out if you want to hurry along.) Then, speak to Trysha, and she will give you the ‘Spellbound’ quest, asking you to find five grimoires.

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Find Let There Be Light

Collect 5 Grimoires for Trysha in Spellbound

  1. Fulminous Shield: Purchased from the traveling merchant Dudley at the entrance to Melve. There is only one copy available, and it will cost 5,000 gold. He does travel, so if he isn’t there when you visit, try resting and return another day.
  2. Let There Be Light: In Myrddin’s Home at Checkpoint Rest Town, speak to Myrddin for the chance to earn another ultimate ability (see steps in the section below).
  3. Nation’s Death Knell: It is found in the same chest as Howling Blizzard, deep within the Waterfall Cave northeast of Borderwatch Outpost. Our guide image below shows the way to avoid the Chimera Boss. Be warned, however, that after taking the books from the chest on the 2nd floor, a Lich will spawn. You must defeat it to claim the books, so be prepared.
  4. Howling Blizzard: In the same chest as Nation’s Death Knell.
  5. Towering Earth: It is given by Waldhar, a prisoner in the Vernworth Dungeon. You will first meet him as part of the Caged Magistrate main story quest. If you have the Spellbound quest when speaking to him, he will offer you the book. If you completed the Caged Magistrate before getting Spellbound, then try visiting him again in the vaults for another side quest, and he should give you the book afterward.
Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Find Nation's Death Knell and Howling Blizzard

Once you have all the books, don’t run them back to Trysha just yet! It will take some time and about 30,000 worth of gold, but if you create forgeries of the books, you can get another Sorcerer ultimate from Myrddin. See additional details in the next section. Once you have turned in the forgeries, it is time to return to Eini’s house and give Trysha the books.

Go to Eini’s house

The next step requires you to set up camp and rest until morning (or more than one day if that’s what it takes). When you next approach Eini’s house, you will hear Trysha scream. If this never happens and you can go in the house and talk to Trysha as normal, try looking for Eini’s body in the Vernworth morgue. Revive her with a wakestone if necessary, and then the quest should proceed forward.

Before getting too close to Trysha, tell your pawns to wait behind so they don’t attack her. Dodge her magic attacks as best you can and wait for her to lean over, exhausted. Run over and grab her. Eini will step in and say she needs rest. Return the next day and talk to Trysha. She will give you the Conjurer’s Jottings scroll, which you can use to learn the spell Meteoron.

How to Find Sorcerer Maister Myrddin

DD2 How to Find Sorcerer Maister Myrddin
  1. Maister: Myrddin
  2. Location: Checkpoint Rest Town
  3. Required Quest: ‘Sorcerer’s Appraisal.’ Speak to Myrddin, who will ask you to collect the same five grimoires as Trysha.
  4. Quest Timer: This quest doesn’t appear to have a timer, though once you’ve started it, you should probably finish it as soon as possible.
  5. Ultimate Ability – Maelstrom: Conjures a whirlwind to wreak havoc upon those caught in its path. He prevents movement while incanting and is unaffected by Quickspell. Most effective when cast in a cramped space.

As you search for the books that Trysha requested in the Spellbound quest, you can find one in Dragon’s Dogma 2 at Sorcerer Maister Myrddin’s home in Checkpoint Rest Town. Speak to him, and he will give you a quest called ‘Sorcerer’s Appraisal,’ in which he requests that you bring him the same books. Sometimes, his willingness to speak to you bugs out. If it does, try changing your vocation to Mage or Sorcerer, or wear more courtly attire to see if his attitude changes.

There is a way you can give both Trysha and Myrddin the books and claim both ultimate abilities. For now, as you collect the books (see set list in Trysha’s section above), don’t give them to either person. Instead, take all 5 to Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town. It would be best if you had forgeries made of all five books there. This will cost you 30,000 gold but is well worth it.

DD2 Make Forgeries at Ibrahim's Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town

Take the 5 Grimoires to Ibrahim’s Scrap Shop

Take the 5 Grimoires to Ibrahim’s Scrap Shop in Checkpoint Rest Town and have the following copies made for 6,000 gold each:

  1. Let There Be Lite
  2. Fruminous Shield
  3. Nation’s Death Knock
  4. Hurling Blizzard
  5. Lowering Earth

Finally, return to Myrddin and give him the forgeries. You want to save the originals for Trysha. Carefully check each of the titles before you hand them over to him. Myrddin will reward you with 11,000 gold, the Ares Morpho Robe, and the Myrddin’s Chronicle scroll. Using the Chronicle scroll will unlock the Maelstrom ultimate ability for the Sorcerer Vocation.

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