Redfall Vampire Blocking the Sun

Redfall Enemies

Redfall is an open-world, single player and co-op first person shooter, which takes place in the fictional town of Redfall, Massachusetts. Battling powerful, sinister vampires on a darkened east coast island, players can expect robust build crafting, in-depth weapon customization, and multiple hero characters to choose from. As a highly anticipated game, players are wanting to know what different types of enemies they will face in Redfall.

What sort of enemies will Redfall have?

Vampires is the obvious answer to anyone who knows even a little bit about Redfall. Coming to Microsoft Windows PCs and Xbox Series X/S on May 2, 2023 the game is an open-world, single player and co-op first person shooter. It takes place in the island town of Redfall, Massachusetts where the consequences of a failed scientific experiment have created a legion of vampires who have taken over the town.

With the game’s release still in the future, we can’t for certain list every possible enemy you might face, but the developers have given us information on some. Let’s take a look at the different types of vampire and vampire associated enemies players will be facing!

Redfall Angler Showdown
Redfall Angler

Human Cultists

These humans are the most common type of enemy players will encounter. Whether they are trying to save themselves by allying with the more powerful vampires or they’re just fanatically devoted, these humans believe they have chosen the winning side and are willing to fight for their monster overloads if it means their survival.


Bloodbags are especially devoted human cultists who have been transformed by higher vampires. However, instead of becoming powerful vampires themselves, they instead are vessels which serve as a food source for other vampires. These enemies will stand out from the rest due to the the large, bulging pustules of blood on the backs of their shoulders and necks. If you’re playing a stelthy character you’ll want to be careful around the bloodbags, because once they hit a threshold of damage they’ll explode. Sending a burst of poision blood splattering everywhere and alerting any other nearby enemies to your presence.

Basic Vampires

These enemies are your standard issues vampires. They have sharp fangs and long claws, and their vampire strength lends them high mobility for quick, lunging leaps. They’ll take damage from bullets, but they’ll need to be stabbed in the heart with a stake or burned with flare ammunition in order to kill them completely. UV light will also petrify them, but you’ll need to follow through with a killing below because otherwise they’ll regenerate and come back at you.

Redfall Vampire Staking
Redfall Vampire Staking

Specialized Vampires

There are a handful of more powerful, unique types of vampires you will encounter along with the more basic mob enemies.

The Angler

A typically female vampire, she is constantly in the air, which can make her difficult to corner. She has the ability to conjure a harpoon like projectile to throw at our hero team, which can both deal damage as well as pull one of her prey back towards her.

The Rook

This hulking vampire is specifically summoned by the vampire gods to face the hero team when they have been felling too many of the god’s minions. Despite it’s large size, the Rook has high mobility and is capable of closing the distance between it and the heroes in short order. Players will need to be quick on their feet in order to survive this challenge.

The Shroud

Shrouds have very wispy, elongated shapes in combat. As the name implies, they have the ability to cover the surrounding area in darkness, and they can avoid taking damage by sinking into the ground and reappearing in another spot.

Vampire Underbosses

These vampire enemies will only appear to challenge the heroes when enough safehouses in a neighborhood have been liberated. Each Underboss will have their own unique skill set and abilities, requiring different strategy’s on each new encounter.

When defeated, the skull from the Underboss will drop as a lootable item. Don’t forget to pick it up, because collecting their skulls will be the key to unlocking a portal which will allow the heroes to finally confront the most powerful enemies in the game.

Redfall Bloody Tom Reveal
Bloody Tom

Vampire Gods

Overlords of the isolated town of Redfall, the vampire gods were originally the wealthy biotech entrepreneurs from Aevum Laboratories. With ambitions for immortality they collected blood and conducted experiments seeking to extend their own lives. Along the way, they discovered a scientific way to induce the formally mythical state of vampirism and are using their newly discovered abilities to consolidate their power before expanding their reach.

Much stronger than the vampires underbosses, the vampires gods will have incredibly durability and astounding powers. Hero teams will have to watch mechanics, discover weaknesses, and work together in order to take down these mighty foes.

Some of the vampire gods have been named, and more information will be added in as we discover what each is capable of!

Black Sun
Bloody Tom
Hollow Man
Miss Whisper

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I’ll be doing more deep dives into Redfall and covering the game here on Keep an eye out for more coverage as we anxiously wait for the game to release! Additionally, I’ll also be streaming the game on Twitch.