Redfall Heroes

Redfall Siren Ability

Redfall: Siren Ability

In Redfall, Siren Ability belongs to one of the playable characters Remi de la Rosa. This skill incorporates her advanced robot and can help lure enemies to the designated locations. Each hero is distinct, and Remi’s abilities are probably the most solo-friendly in Redfall. However, she can play an important support role in the team. […]

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Redfall Squad Up

Redfall Classes

Redfall is an open-world, single player and co-op first person shooter, which takes place in the fictional town of Redfall, Massachusetts. Battling powerful, sinister vampires on a darkened east coast island, players can expect robust build crafting, in-depth weapon customization, and multiple hero characters to choose from. A highly anticipated game, players may be searching

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