Discover how to unlock your Vocation’s ultimate ability in Dragon’s Dogma 2 with our How to Find Magick Archer Vocation Maister guide!

How to Find Magick Archer Vocation Maister
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, there is an ultimate ability you can unlock for each different vocation. To do so, you will need to find each Vocation Maister and win their approval. Completing some of the quests required to unlock some of these abilities can be time-consuming, but the powerful, damaging dealing abilities they offer are worth it.
Moreover, unlocking these ultimate abilities does not require a specific Vocation Rank. The only requirement is that you unlock the Vocation itself. Consequently, to get this Hybrid vocation ultimate ability you must first unlock the Magick Archer class.
Thankfully, you can unlock the Magick Archer vocation and gain the ultimate ability called Martyr’s Bolt at the same time by completing the same quest line. The following guide will walk you through how to find the Magick Archer Vocation Maister in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the quests you must complete to unlock its ultimate ability.
How to Find Magick Archer Vocation Maister Cliodhna

- Maister: Cliodhna
- Location: Windwalker’s House, later at Volcanic Island Camp (Hot Springs)
- Required Quest: ‘Put a Spring in Thy Step.’ After collecting flowers for the dwarf Gautstafr and speaking to his wife Cliodhna, agree to escort him to the Hot Springs.
- Quest Timer: This quest doesn’t appear to have a timer, though once you’ve started it, you should probably finish it as soon as possible.
- Ultimate Ability—Martyr’s Bolt: Fires the ultimate magical bolt in exchange for a temporary decrease to the user’s maximum health. The reduced amount determines the bolt’s potency. The loss gauge accumulates while charging.
To unlock the Magick Archer vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, head to Agamen Volcanic Island and seek out Cliodhna, the Magick Archer Vocation Maister. This island is the third continent in the game and is reachable through the main quest storyline.
Alternatively, you can choose to make your way there earlier in the game. However, beware of challenging fights and monsters if you’re under-leveled. It’s advisable to reach at least level 25 before setting out.
First, you’ll need to gain entry to the Kingdom of Battahl. Then, you can take the necessary steps to unlock the Magick Archer vocation and claim its ultimate ability.
How to Enter the Kingdom of Battahl

If you haven’t yet made your way to Battahl, then you will need to find a way to enter the breastren kingdom. First, you will need to have completed several of the main story quests for Captain Brant. Keep working on them until you have completed “Feast of Deception”.
Next, you’ll want to accept “Nation of the Lambent Flame.” At the start of this quest, Captain Brant will give you a Beastren Border Entry Permit. However, this permit only works for those of the beastren race.
If your Arisen is already of that race, then with the permit you can easily enter the Kingdom of Battahl. If you’re a human, however, you’ll have to take some extra steps. You have two options here: spend gold on a mask to trick the guards or sneak in through a mountain pass.
Enter Battahl as a Human With the Permit:
- Head west to the Checkpoint Rest Town and visit Ibrahim’s Scrap Shop.
- Purchase the Beastren Mask for 8,700 gold.
- Equip the mask and go speak with the guard. With the mask and the permit, you will now be allowed through.
- When you want to return to Vermund, you’ll need to equip the mask again before passing back through.
Enter Battahl as a Human Without the Permit:

- Stand on the bridge outside of the Checkpoint Rest Town to the north. Jump down into the river bed below.
- Follow the river west and follow the river into a mountain pass.
- Make your way through Thunderclap Cave.
- Outside of the cave, you’ll now officially be in Battahl territory. There is a campsite near Shutram Falls you can use to rest and recover.
How to Unlock the Magick Archer Ultimate Ability:

- Locate Drabnir’s Grotto along the south coast of Battahl. You should have some healing items, camping gear, and a Wakestone in your inventory before heading inside.
- Exit the Grotto and follow the straight path forward. You’ll see a dwarf on the road named Gautstafr. Speak to him and accept the “Put a Spring in Thy Step” quest.
- Pick three different kinds of flowers. These can be herbs such as Syrupwort Leaf or Greenwarish. Return them to Gautstafr and he will tell you to visit him at his home.
- Take the next left down the path and travel north to Windwalker’s Home. Speak to his wife Cliodhna and then Gaustafr again.
- Agree to help Gaustafr reach the Hot Springs. Camp before you head out and make sure to stay with the slow-moving Gaustafr, or you can carry him.
- Successfully reach the Volcanic Island Camp. Follow the dwarf to the Hot Springs.
- Cliodhna will appear and reward you with access to the Magick Archer vocation. Additionally, she’ll also give you a scroll that teaches you the Martyr’s Bolt ultimate technique.

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