This guide explains the 10 best weapons to collect before Season of the Wish in Destiny 2 to give you an edge on power leveling next season.

What are the 10 Best Weapons to Collect Before Season of the Wish
The best weapons to collect before the start of Season of the Wish are Apex Predator, Forbearance, and Commemoration. The end of the season is upon us, and that means it’s time to start getting ready for the next one, Season of the Wish. Part of that preparation work is all about collecting the weapons needed to complete the new content as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This guide 10 Best Weapons to collect guide will explain the best weapons to make sure you have next season to make yourself the best guardian you can be. Some of these weapons are great for any content and others are more geared for next season specifically, but all of them are powerful. These are your must-have weapons for Season of the Wish.
Here are the 10 best weapons to collect for Season of the Wish:
- Apex Predator: Top Tier Boss DPS
- Forbearance: Best Add Clear
- Commemoration: Perfect All-Rounder
- Cataclysmic: Top Tier Boss DPS
- The Other Half: Huge Movement Tool
- Unending Tempest: PvP Monster with Stasis Synergy
- Ammit AR2: Easy to Obtain Great Weapon
- Riptide: Excellent Support Weapon
- Eyasluna: Great with Stasis builds and PvP
- Swordbreaker: Synergizes perfectly with meta-build
10 Swordbreaker

Swordbreaker stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Lightweight Frame Shotgun
- Element: Strand
- Range: 49
- Stability: 39
- Handling: 71
- Reload Speed: 56
- Magazine: 6
- Source: Crota’s End Raid (Free to Play)
- Recommended Class: Strand Titan (Banner of War Aspect)
For the perfect shotgun to pair with the current best build in the game, look no further than the Swordbreaker. It can be obtained in the 2nd and the Final encounter of the Crota’s End Raid. If you collect 5 Deepsight Patterns for it, it can be crafted at the Enclave as well.
Swordbreaker can roll with the One-Two Punch trait, which makes it pair well with any melee-focused build. One-Two Punch increases the next melee ability damage by 100% (150% on bosses) after hitting an enemy with a full pellet spread. Currently Banner of War Titans are king of the meta, and they will see the best use of this weapon. Combination Blow Arc Hunters also get great use out of it.
Swordbreaker is one of the 10 best weapons to collect for Season of the Wish because it synergizes well with a current meta build.
9 Eyasluna

Eyasluna stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Adaptive Frame Hand Cannon
- Element: Stasis
- Range: 51
- Stability: 64
- Handling: 49
- Reload Speed: 45
- Magazine: 11
- Source: Grasp of Avarice Dungeon (30th Anniversary Pack)
- Recommended Class: Any Stasis (PvE) or Any (PvP)
The first of our Stasis options to synergize with next season’s teased artifact mods, Eyasluna is a great general hand cannon for PvE and PvP. The Eyasluna can be obtained from the final encounter of the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon. This weapon is not craftable.
Eyasluna’s main reason for being on this list is its synergy with Stasis builds as it can roll with the Headstone trait. It’s also able to get some great PvP traits as well such as Perpetual Motion and Moving Target. Hand Cannons are always a great overall choice and this one will be worth having in Season of the Wish.
Eyasluna is one of the 10 best weapons to collect for Season of the Wish because of its Stasis synergy and PvP potential.
8 Riptide

Riptide stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Rapid-Fire Frame Fusion Rifle
- Element: Stasis
- Range: 21
- Stability: 31
- Handling: 50
- Reload Speed: 45
- Magazine: 7
- Source: Crucible (Free to Play)
- Recommended Class: Any
Another great option for Stasis synergy, Riptide is also a great utility weapon when going into any activity that has Champions. Riptide is a random drop from completing any Crucible activity. It can be focused with Lord Shaxx at the tower as well.
Riptide is a great utility fusion rifle since it rolls with the Chill Clip trait. This allows you to slow and freeze targets with three shots with the weapon. Those two effects stun both Overload and Unstoppable Champions and if you freeze a Barrier Champion, it can’t get its shield up. This makes Riptide uniquely able to deal with all three Champion types. It is a must-have weapon for any End Game PvE player.
The Fusion Rifle, Riptide, is the best weapon for dealing with Champions in End Game PvE.
7 Ammit AR2

Ammit AR2 stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Precision Frame Auto Rifle
- Element: Solar
- Range: 61
- Stability: 45
- Handling: 46
- Reload Speed: 38
- Magazine: 32
- Source: Gunsmith & Any Legendary Engram (Free to Play)
- Recommended Class: Any Solar (PvE) or Any (PvP)
The Ammit AR2 is one of the simplest weapons to acquire in Destiny 2. You simply need to complete the Foundry Resonance quest in order to craft the weapon at the Enclave. Even being that easy to obtain, it is an absolute workhorse in PvE and PvP.
This solar auto rifle can roll with the trait Incandescent which makes it powerful on any build. It becomes even more powerful if paired with a Solar subclass allowing the weapon and other abilities to feed off of each other. Even barring that particularly powerful synergy, Ammit is an amazing weapon in PvP as well.
The Ammit AR4 is one of the 10 best weapons you can get for Season of the Wish due to its balanced and powerful nature and ease of acquiring.
6 Unending Tempest

Unending Tempest stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Precision Frame Submachine Gune
- Element: Stasis
- Range: 53
- Stability: 41
- Handling: 23
- Reload Speed: 19
- Magazine: 27
- Source: Crucible (Free to Play)
- Recommended Class: Any Stasis (PvE) or Any (PvP)
The Unending Tempest is an absolute powerhouse of a PvP weapon and further helps players using Stasis builds next season. Unending Tempers is a random drop from completing any Crucible activity. It can be focused with Lord Shaxx at the tower as well.
We have already written not one but two articles on why this weapon is amazing in both PvE and PvP. This thing is a Stasis build synergy engine with the Demolitionist and Headstone traits. In PvP, it is one of the single best weapons all around. This weapon is a bit of a grind to acquire but is absolutely worth grabbing.
The Unending Tempest is one of the 10 best weapons to get before Season of the Wish because it works well in any game mode.
5 The Other Half

The Other Half stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Adaptive Frame Sword
- Element: Void
- Magazine: 55
- Source: Dares of Eternity (Free to Play)
- Recommended Class: Any
The Other Half sword is probably the best movement tool in the game. It can be acquired in the Dares of Eternity activity although it is a very rare drop. The Other Half only requires 1 Deepsight Pattern to be able to be crafted at the Enclave.
This weapon comes into its own if it has the Eager Edge trait. The Other Half with Eager Edge turns a fairly mediocre sword into the single best movement tool in the game, allowing players to move at crazy speeds and sometimes even bypass obstacles altogether. While this type of movement is not required to complete any activity in the game, its utility cannot be ignored and is favored by players of all skill levels.
The Other Half is one of the best weapons to get before Season of the Wish because it opens up a whole new type of movement in the game.
4 Cataclysmic

Cataclysmic stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Precision Frame Linear Fusion Rifle
- Element: Solar
- Range: 39
- Stability: 48
- Handling: 31
- Reload Speed: 25
- Magazine: 6
- Source: Vow of the Disciple Raid (Witch Queen Expansion)
- Recommended Class: Any
The Cataclysmic is the former king of boss damage and still performs to this day. This Linear Fusion Rifle can be obtained in the 1st and 2nd encounters of the Vow of the Disciple Raid. If you collect 5 Deepsight Patterns for it, it can be crafted at the Enclave as well.
This weapon is single-handedly the best precision boss weapon damage in the game and only just gets edged out of overall best by explosive weapons. It can roll with the traits Fourth Times the Charm and Bait and Switch which makes it a damage monster. It is the best option in any damage situation where explosives are either too hard to hit with or are danger close. The amount of damage this thing can put out quickly is nothing shore of amazing.
The Cataclysmic is one of the best weapons because it is a good safe choice for boss encounters.
3 Commemoration

Commemoration stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Adaptive Frame Machine Gun
- Element: Void
- Range: 58
- Stability: 55
- Handling: 57
- Reload Speed: 55
- Magazine: 59
- Source: Deep Stone Crypt Raid (Beyond Light Expansion)
- Recommended Class: Any
For the ultimate jack-of-all-trades weapon, look no further than the Commemoration. It can acquired from the final encounter of the Deep Stone Crypt raid. After acquiring 5 Deepsight Patterns for the machine gun, it can be crafted at the Enclave.
The Commemoration isn’t the best at really anything, but it does everything surprisingly well. It does decent boss damage and clears minor combatants better than most other options. It is a great weapon to use if you are using a double special loadout and synergizes especially well with Void subclasses. This weapon works in almost any situation, and that puts it high on our list.
The Commemoration is one of the best weapons to get before Season of the Wish because it is the most flexible weapon in the game.
2 Forbearance

Forbearance stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Wave-Frame Grenade Launcher
- Element: Arc
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 74
- Stability: 27
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 71
- Source: Vow of the Disciple Raid (Witch Queen Expansion)
- Recommended Class: Any
The Forbearance Grenade Launcher is the ultimate weapon for minor combatant clearing in almost all situations. It can be obtained in the 2nd and the Final encounter of the Vow of the Disciple Raid. If you collect 5 Deepsight Patterns for it, it can be crafted at the Enclave as well.
The Forbearance is a wave-frame grenade launcher, and that means you don’t have to hit your target to inflict damage to it. Simply shoot the ground near a group of enemies and watch them explode. If you have one with the Chain Reaction trait, that makes it all the better. Enemies will simply die and explode in the area, killing even more enemies. This weapon is a staple in several load-outs.
The Forbearance is absolutely worth grabbing for its unmatched in its add-killing potential.
1 Apex Predator

Apex Predator stats in Destiny 2:
- Archetype: Adaptive Frame Rocket Launcher
- Element: Solar
- Blast Radius: 50
- Velocity: 49
- Stability: 43
- Handling: 44
- Reload Speed: 44
- Source: Last Wish Raid (Forsaken Pack)
- Recommended Class: Any
The Apex Predator rocket launcher is quite frankly one of the best boss damage weapons in the game. It can be acquired from any encounter in the Last Wish raid. After acquiring 5 Deepsight Patterns, it can be crafted at the Enclave.
While theoretically, the Cold Comfort can be more effective than the Apex Predator, it needs the perfect conditions to work. Apex Predator works with no setup and is the single best damage weapon in the game because of it. The ability to fire multiple rockets with the Bait and Switch Trait active makes it deal insane amounts of damage in a short amount of time.
The Apex Predator is the best weapon you can get for Season of the Wish because it is the absolute king of boss damage weapons.
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