Discover the unique companions of the protagonist, referred to as Pawns, in Dragon’s Dogma 2 as we explain their mechanics and features.

In the previous Dragon’s Dogma game, pawns were also called Myrmidons. They will make a comeback to this second Capcom game with improved features and new or extended mechanics. This guide focuses on what are Pawns. How did they change compared to the first Dragon’s Dogma, and what role will they play in the new game?
What Are Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Source: CAPCOM
Pawns are companions who live solely to serve true Arisen. All Pawns have a scar on the palm of their hand, a sign that can glow, and how Arisen can recognize their Pawns. It’s the same scar that marks the Arisen Chest. Pawns can look physically like other races of Dragon’s Dogma. They can be human, elf or beastren race. However, they are forever young and can’t truly die. They don’t have free will and emotion.
How Can Pawns Help You?
Some pawns can be a considerable part of the story. Also, all pawns will fight and travel alongside the protagonist, similar to companions in other games. However, they are loyal to the Arisen and will fulfill their every wish. Players can have up to 3 pawns accompany them at the same time.
Pawns provide various advantages thanks to their unique skills and knowledge. For example, if you have a pawn that understands the Elvish language, they can translate for you while visiting Secret Harbour, home of the Elves.

Combat: Pawns have Vocations (classes) just like the main character; they also will be skilled in combat with chosen weapons or magic skills. They will also upgrade their vocations and skills based on Arisen’s decisions in the game. All thanks to the new AI system integrated into Dragon’s Dogma 2. If they possess particular skills, they can immediately recognize the weakest enemy on the battlefield and go for them to eliminate them as fast as possible. As a result, you should always pay attention to what your Pawns say or do during combat.

Exploration: Pawns won’t follow you around mindlessly. They will explore, look for items with you, and even collect ingredients or items for you. Some Pawns are familiar with the new area or know the path to your destination, so they will guide you and help you reach it as fast as possible. Also, listen to what they say; they can inform you when the night is coming and when is a good time for a camp.

Quests: There are plenty of quests and small missions in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Pawns can also help you solve mysteries or lead you through some quest objectives, providing insight and knowledge. Pawns familiar with the culture and social implications of a kingdom you are currently visiting may also help you overcome those.
Where do Pawns come from?

Source: CAPCOM
Pawns came from the Rift, a transcendental realm connecting the Arisen and their Pawns. In Dragon’s Dogma 2, players can use Rift Stones scattered around the game’s world to access the pawn’s realm. Once Arisen enters the rift through the Rift Stone, they can reach pawns and search for specific pawns, depending on what skill, vocation, or help they need in their next quest. Each Arisen has its main Pawn, connected to them on a deeper level, and can hire two more pawns from the Rift.

That was a lore explanation. Technically, players will create their main pawn, just like they can create the main character in the character creation menu at the beginning of the game. After they reach a certain point in the game, they can hire two more pawns from the pawn network (the Rift Realm) through the Rift Stone. A pawn network is an online feature where players can see each other pawns and include them in their game by “hiring them” for the next adventure. Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t have a co-op or any multiplayer, but the network’s system allows you to play with a main pawn created by your friends and family for their arisen.
What is Pawn’s Dragonsplague?

It appears Dragon’s Dogma 2 introduces a new condition, an illness only for pawns, called dragonsplague. It is a condition that affects pawns, the AI-controlled companions in the game. It’s described as a disease-like condition that pawns contract while traveling between different worlds. Interestingly, instead of weakening the infected pawns, they exhibit remarkable performance and become noticeably bold in speech and behavior. There are folklore claims that suggest the disease might lead to a catastrophic outcome when it reaches a terminal stage, but the accuracy of these claims remains uncertain.
Creating Your Main Pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Source: CAPCOM
Every Arisen has their main pawn, who always accompanies them. They have a close relationship forged by how this being is created. Pawn’s master chooses everything for their main pawn, including:
- Name
- Race
- Appearance
- Vocation
- Gender
- Behavior
- Personality
- Specialization
- Equipment

Source: CAPCOM
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, pawns can also be beastren race, a humanoid with fur and cat-like features. This creates a close bond between the player character and the protagonist, who will also be customizable in new intuitive character creation.
Creating a main Pawn is similar to creating a protagonist, the Arisen. Developers have already released a free character creation demo, and the customization options look fantastic and comparable to games like Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, or Starfield.
Pawns Personality (inclinations)
While creating your main pawn, you will also need to decide their personality, with many options to choose from. Haired pawns from the Rift will have a set of skills and personalities already defined, and you will be able to pick and choose depending on your preferences and needs.

Itsuno-san revealed that players can “choose from four different base personalities, and each will have a different style of talking and communicating.” All know the games where companions repeat the same phrases repeatedly. The developer also commented on that: “This time, we made a plan to try to prevent this as much as possible, to make it feel like the pawn is talking about different things under different situations, to try to further expand their vocabulary and make it feel less AI-ish.” According to Itsuno-san, Pawns will also interact with each other. They wanted to make those beings unique and worthy of taking on an adventure and, as a result, reward players with something new compared to the first Dragon’s Dogma game.
Here are all available main pawn inclinations in character creation (Personalities):
- Kindhearted: Compassionate, devoted, and dutiful. Most obedient. Quick to aid in need.
- Calm: Rational, Shewd, and strategizing. Employs clever tactics to survive at all costs.
- Simple: Curious, earnest, and adventurous. Enjoys exploring and gathering items.
- Straightforward: Cnadin, flippant, and impulsive. Enjoys the thrill of combat, tackling fierce foes heads-on with daring assaults.
Pwans Specializations, Skills, and Vocations

They will have their Specializations, Skills, and Vocations to make Pawns more exciting and useful. We already talked about it a little. Specializations are skills and new and improved features in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Pawn specializing in melee combat will most likely be the best choice to bring to challenging fights. They can damage the enemies considerably and will be the best companions. In contrast, pawns skilled in survival and familiar with areas around the Vermund, kingdom of humanity, can help you find the shortest path to the next quest objective or village, help you collect local herbs, and guide you in hard terrain. They may provide insight into local politics or locations.
Chirurgeon Specialization
Specializations for pawns offer players a way to customize the abilities and behaviors of their AI companions, known as pawns. One such specialization is the Chirurgeon specialization, which provides support and healing to the player character and other pawns. The Chirurgeon specialization allows pawns to use support consumables, such as healing items and buffs, not only on themselves but also on the player’s character.

To obtain the Chirurgeon specialization for your main pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you need to acquire the Chirurgeon Tome. This tome can be obtained by completing a short questline.

If you want to help the little girl in front of the shop in Melve town, you need to purchase the Fruit Roborant medicine for her. Alternatively, if you already have the medicine with you, you can give it to her directly. Once you help her, she will be grateful and promise a reward when you reach Vernworth’s capital city.
When you arrive in Vernworth, you’ll find out that the young girl you’ve been helping is actually the daughter of Auriol, who is a merchant. Auriol can be found to the north of the Merchant Quarter. Speak with him, and you’ll get his thanks and a discount of 20% on his goods. This discount can be useful for purchasing different items and equipment.
To obtain the Chirurgeon Specialization in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must interact with the little girl for the final time. She will reward you with a tome that unlocks this specialization for your main pawn. This specialization will allow them to support and heal their characters during their adventures.
Pawns Vocations

Similar to Arisen, each Pawn also has their vocation. For Main Pawn, the player chooses the vocation. Here are all the standard and advanced vocations available for pawns:
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