Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build

This guide focuses on the essential aspects of a Tank build in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) and how to use those powers to your advantage.

Best Baldur's Gate 3 Tank Build

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an RPG known for its theory crafting and builds. Creating a build is a complex series of choices such as ability score, level progression, companions, weapons, armor, and consumables. In this guide, we focus on a Tank build, used to subdue enemies, draw their attention and help allies. We will walk you through a tank build that can do damage, heal, and punish the enemy.

This build page has been updated for the patch 8 version of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Everything About the Tank in Baldur’s Gate 3

The overall premise of the Tank build in BG3 is to debuff enemies with Radiating Orb. Radiant Orb reduces attack roll by -1 and is a stacking debuff, meaning you can generate many number of debuffs. This tank build will debuff via Spirit Guardians, an AOE radiant damage spell that does massive damage. Moreover, this combo can be done as early as once, as well as healing and supporting fellow teammates.

Radiant Orb - Baldur's Gate 3

The overall benefits of the tank build is having a good damaging dealing character that can support the party. However, you will sacrifice mobility and be gear-dependent. Another issue is lacking a “taunt” or forcing a target to attack you like the Oath of the Crown Paladin. However, this shouldn’t be an issue due to the radiant orb debuff and other crowd control effects.

Tank Build ProsTank Build Pros
Debuff EnemiesLow Mobility
Good DamageLacks Taunt
High Fun Factor Gear Dependent
Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build Pros and Cons

Features and Mechanics of a Tank Build in BG3

The following list presents all the essential tank build Mechanics and Features in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Class: Cleric, Fighter
  • Subclass: Light, Eldritch Knight
  • Background: Folk Hero
  • Skills: Medicine, Insight
  • Ability Score
    • Strength: 8
    • Dexterity: 14
    • Constitution: 16
    • Intelligence: 8
    • Wisdom: 17
    • Charisma: 10
  • Saving Throw: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Armour Proficiency: Simple weapons, Flails Flails, Morningstars Morningstars
  • Weapon Proficiency: Light armour, Medium armour Medium armour Shields Shields

Character Creation

CharacterOrigin – Custom character
RaceHigh Half-Elf
Racial BonusCivil Militia, Fey Ancestry, Darkvision, Longsword Proficiency
SubclassLight Domain, Eldritch Knight
CantripsThaumaturgy, Guidance, Sacred Flame
SpellsCommand, Guiding Bolt, Sanctuary, Healing Word
BackgroundFolk Hero
Ability ScoreSTR: 8
DEX: 14
CON: 16
INT: 8
WIS: 17
CHA: 10
Skill ProficienciesInsight and Medicine

Race Choice for Tank Build

High Half-Elf is the best race choice for a Tank build because this will give you the Longsword proficiency to use Phalar Aluve in Act 1. The second choice is Gold Dwarf because you gain extra health per level. Lastly, we recommend Duergar Dwarf because you gain invisibility and the enlarged spell.

Here is the best race choice for a Tank build in Baldur’s Gate 3:

High Half-ElfCivil Militia
Fey Ancestory
1 Cantrip
Gold DwarfDwarven Resilience
Dwarven Combat Training
Dwarven Toughness
Duergar DwarfDwarven Resilience
Superior Darkvision
Dwarven Combat Training
Duergar Resilience

Folk Hero is the Best Background for the Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build because you gain proficiency in two Wisdom skills: Animal Handling and Survival. This choice mostly influences roleplaying and dialogue options and allows you to create unique characters. Additional choices are:

  1. Folk Hero: Proficiency in Animal Handling (wisdom) and Survival (wisdom). You’re a champion of the common people, challenging tyrants, and monsters to protect the helpless. Folk Hero companions in BG3 are Minsc and Wyll.
  2. Outlander: Proficiency in Athletics (strength) and Survival (wisdom).  You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilization.  Outlander companions in BG3 are Halsin and Karlach
  3. AcolyteProficiency in Insight (wisdom) and Religion (intelligence). You have spent your life serving a temple, learning sacred rites, and providing sacrifices to the god or gods you worship. Shadowheart is an Acolyte.

Ability Score

The Best Ability Score for a Tank Build is 17 Wisdom, 16 Constitution, and 14 Dexterity.  Wisdom is the primary ability score of Clerics and will boost your spellcasting. Constitution determines health and concentration saving throws. Finally, Dexterity influences your armour class along with giving you higher initiative rolls going earlier in combat. Since this build recommends medium armour, we don’t use more than 14 Dexterity. If you want higher AC, you can boost AC at the cost of Wisdom and use Armour of Agility in Act 3. Make sure to complete Auntie Ethel’s Hair bonus in Act 1 to increase Wisdom to 18, an even number.

Below is the best ability score for a tank build in Baldur’s Gate 3:

AbilityRecommended Score
Constitution 16
Best Ability Score – Tank Build

You can increase your ability score via a quest in Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3. Make sure to check out our Permanent bonus guide on how you can boost your ability score through quests.

Medicine and Insight are the best skills for the Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build Guide because they complement your class abilities and enhance your effectiveness in various situations.

  • Medicine is a Wisdom skill that aids in recognizing symptoms and diagnosing disease.
  • Insight is a Wisdom skill used in dialogue and exploration.

Illithid Powers For a Tank Build

The best Illithid Powers for a Tank build are Luck of the Farm Realms, Black Hole, and Cull of the Weak. Luck of the Farm helps with critical hits and burst damage and, combined with Cull of the Weak, can trigger AOE damage passively. Black Hole requires you to take the Astral Tadpole in Act 2, but it sucks in 5 enemies, slows them, and can be recast for free. This is helpful in certain large-scale boss fights with many enemies. Below are the best Illithid Tadpole Powers for the Tank build in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Illithid PowersDescription
Luck of the Far RealmsWhen you make a successful Attack Roll against a foe, you can change that hit into a Critical Hit.
Cull of the WeakWhen you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved Illithid powers, it dies and all nearby creatures take 1-4 Psychic damage.
Psionic BacklashWhen an enemy within 9m casts a spell, you can use your reaction to inflict ld4 Psychic damage to the caster per the spell’s level.
BlackholeArea-based suck-in that slows targets.
RepulsorMassive area knockback that can hit friendlies.
CharmThis is the priority power you want to obtain because you can force enemies to attack something else. 

Best Companions for a Tank Build

ShadowheartGale, and Lae’zel make the best companions for the Tank build because you gain a support healer, ranged spellcaster, and front-line fighter.

  • Gale (Wizard – Evocation) -Keep as Evocation Wizard and use as a spellcaster with area damage.
  • Lae’zel (Fighter – Battlemaster) – Use with a two-handed weapon on the front lines.
  • Shadowheart (Cleric – Life) – Respec Shadowheart to Life subclass and healer focused.

Best Tank Build – Level Progression in Baldur’s Gate 3

1ClericSubclass: Light, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Sacred Flame, Command, Guiding Bolt, Sanctuary, Healing Word
2ClericShield of Faith
3ClericSpiritual Weapon
4ClericFeat: Alert, Blade Ward, Aid
5ClericSpirit Guardians, Swap Healing Word for Mass Healing Word
6FighterMulticlass: Fighter, Defence Fighting Style
7FighterAction Surge
8FighterSubclass: Eldritch Knight, Booming Blade, Fire Bolt, Shield, Thunderwave, Longstrider
9FighterFeat: Ability Improvement +2 Wisdom, Chromatic Orb
10ClericMulticlass: Cleric, Protection from Energy, Glyph of Warding
11ClericDrop Shield of Faith, Add Freedom of Movement and Death Ward
12ClericFeat: War Caster, Banishment

Level 1

Baldur's Gate 3 - BG3 Light Domain Subclass
Light Domain Subclass

At Level 1 you will be starting with the Cleric class and choosing the Light Domain subclass.

Cantrip Selection
  • Thaumaturgy: Gain Advantage on Intimidation and Performance Checks. This is another helpful noncombat-related cantrip.
  • Guidance: Bestow guidance upon an ally. They gain a +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks.  This spell is critical during dialogue checks and is very useful outside of combat.
  • Sacred Flame: Conjure a flame-like radiance that deals 1d8 Radiant. This Cantrip acts with a very low damage range ability that can be used without a spell slow.
Spell Selection
  • Command: Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon.
  • Guiding Bolt: 4d6 Radiant damage that grants Advantage on the next Attack Roll against the target. 
  • Sanctuary: You or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature. You can still take damage from area spells.
  • Healing Word: 1d4 Heal a creature you can see up to 18 meters away with bonus action. 
Light Subclass Unlocks
  • Warding Flare: Shield yourself with divine light. Use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attacker, possibly causing their attack to miss. Helps when getting attacked.
  • Faerie Fire Spell: All targets within the light turn visible, and Attack Rolls against them have Advantage. Gives an advantage that helps with damage by rolling two D20 dice and taking the highest of the two.
  • Burning Hands Spell: 3d6 fire damage in a 5m cone. Great Conal fire damage spell.
  • Light Cantrip: Infuse an object with an aura of light. Help while exploring and in combat without Darkvision racial features.
Sanctuary Spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Use Guiding Bolt as your ranged damage, Sanctuary to protect a target, and Command to stun. When you run out of spell slots, use Sacred Flame for damage. Warding Flare is your reaction to help characters avoid an incoming attack.

Level 2

At Level 2, your Tank Build will get one new spell, a two features from their class/subclass.

  • Shield of Faith (spell selection): use a bonus action to grant 2 AC to a character.
  • Radiance of the Dawn (light domain subclass) – Harness the sun’s divine power to dispel any magical darkness and deal (2d10 + cleric level ) Radiant to hostile creatures within range. On a successful saving throw, creatures only take half damage. It doesn’t affect creatures that have total cover from you. It’s easier to use this on melee characters but also deals a shocking amount of damage on range build
  • Turn Undead (class feature): Inflicts Turned. Present your holy symbol and pray. Each undead that can see or hear you is forced to flee from you.

At this level, use shield to boost AC of the most vulnerable target and radiance of the dawn for AOE damage. Turn Undead is helpful if against Undaed, find by clicking and examining the enemy.

Level 3

Spiritual Weapon spell in Baldur's Gate 3

At Level 3 with our Tank build you will again get to choose a new spell, and also get two always prepared spells from the Life Domain subclass.

  • Spiritual Weapon (spell selection): Summon a spiritual weapon that can attack enemies nearby.
  • Flaming Sphere: Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects. The sphere sheds bright light in a 6m radius, and dim light for an additional 6m. Amazing Summon that not only has decent hit points especially early in the game, but also can damage the enemies.
  • Scorching Ray: Hurl 3 rays of fire. Each ray deals 2∼12 Fire damage. Great spell overall, that deals decent damage and you’ll find yourself using it a lot, even or later levels.

Use spiritual weapon as a distraction with your bonus action.

Level 4

Next, at Level 4 you will get to choose a feat, one cantrip, and another spell.

  • Alert (feat): You gain +5 to Initiative and can no longer be surprised.
  • Blade Ward (cantrip): Take only half the damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing attacks.
  • Aid (spell): Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve to heal and increase their hit point maximum.

At this level, you should collect Amulet of Restoration, Hellrider’s Pride, Boots of Aid and Comfort, and The Whispering Promise Ring. When you heal with mass healing word (giving by amulet), your entire party will gain the bless buff, and resistance. This will make you extremely tanky and still retain some damage with the Light Cleric.

Level 5

BG3 Spirit Guardian

After reaching Level 5 with our best Baldur’s Gate 3 tank build you will get one new Cleric class feature, two Light Domain spells, and one new spell. Additionally, we’ll also drop the Healing Word spell to swap it out for Mass Healing Word.

  • Destroy Undead (class feature): When you successfully Turn an Undead creature, it also takes 4d6 Radiant damage.
  • Revivify (subclass spell): Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 hit point.
  • Beacon of Hope (subclass spell): Your allies will regain the maximum hit points possible when healed. They also gain Advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws and Death Saving Throws.
  • Spirit Guardians (spell selection): Nearby enemies take 3d8 Radiant or 3d8 Necrotic damage per turn, and their Movement Speed is halved.
  • Mass Healing Word (swap in and remove Healing Word): Heal your nearby allies.

Now that you have Mass Healing Word, you can use the combo described in Level 4 to trigger a huge buff to your entire party with a bonus action. You can then swap out the amulet for something, or keep it for a free spell.

Almost all of your damage should come from Spirit Guardians at this point. You will need concentration to hold it, but it allows you to jump into the fight and trigger radiant damage. With Luminous Armour, and Luminous Gloves (in Act 2) you will be debuffing any enemy hit, reducing their attack and preventing damage to your team.

Level 6

Next, at Level 6 with our tank build you’re going to multiclass into Fighter to pick up more actions and defense. The Fighter with four levels will provide action surge, fighting style, feat, and important Eldritch Knight subclass. An alternative is Bard for Bardic Inspiration. However, Fighter makes this build simple and powerful.

  • Defence Fighting Style: You gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class while wearing Armour.
  • Second Wind (class feature): You will receive a very powerful self-heal immediately called Second Wind. This allows you to heal yourself using a bonus action, not an action. 

Level 7

Baldur's Gate 3 Action Surge
Baldur’s Gate 3 Action Surge

At Level 7 our or best Baldur’s Gate 3 tank build we’ll invest another level into Fighter and pick up the free class action Action Surge.

  • Action Surge: Gain one additional action.

Level 8

Now at Level 8 you’ll get to choose a subclass for Fighter, and we’ll be selecting Eldritch Knight. This subclass gives you the ability to spellcast, which will add some more usefull spells to our arsenal. At this first level, you’ll get one subclass feature and get to choose two cantrips and three spells.

  • Weapon Bond (subclass feature): Ritually bind the weapon in your main hand. The weapon can’t be knocked out of your hand, and it automatically returns to you when Thrown.
  • Booming Blade (cantrip): Strike with your weapon, afflicting your foe with a resonance that hurts them for 1d8 Thunder when they move.
  • Fire Bolt (cantrip): Hurl a mote of fire for 1-10 points of damage.
  • Shield (spell): When you are about to be hit by an enemy, use your Reaction to increase your Armour Class by 5.
  • Thunderwave (spell): Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects in an area, while also dealing Thunder damage.
  • Longstrider (spell):  Increase a creature’s Movement Speed by 3 meters.

Level 9

Baldur's Gate 3 Casting Chromatic Orb
Chromatic Orb

At Level 9 of our best Baldur’s Gate Tank Build we’ll put one more level into Fighter and pick up a feat. We recommend taking an Ability Improvement, so you can increase your Wisdom score by two points. Additionally, you can make one more choice of spell.

  • Ability Improvement (feat): Wisdom +2
  • Chromatic Orb (spell): It deals 3d8 Thunder damage, or 2d8 Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Poison damage and creates a surface.

Level 10

BG3 Glyph of Warding Spell

Now at Level 10 of our Tank build you should multiclass and switch back to put the remaining levels back into Light Domain Cleric. With six levels in Cleric you’ll gain another Channel Divinity Charge, one subclass feature, and two spells.

  • Speak with Dead: Allow a corpse that still has a mouth and is not an undead to answer 5 questions to the caster. Useful mainly outside of combat
  • Protection from Energy (spell): Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage.
  • Glyph of Warding (spell): Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. When stepped on by an enemy the selected magical effect will trigger.

Level 11

Now at Level 11 of our Tank build, you will be at level 7 as a Light Domain Cleric. You will get to choose a level 4 spell now, and also get two subclass spells. Additionally, we will have you drop Shield of Faith so you can swap in Freedom of Movement.

  • Wall of Fire: Create a blazing wall of fire, burning anyone who dares stand too close. It can be useful in some situations, for example, a tight doorframe or passage separates your range of characters and enemies. If you cast the Wall of Fire in this specific place, melee foes will be forced to pass it to get to your characters and take damage. Keep in mind, this spell requires concentration so be careful not to cast when already holding concentration.
  • Guardian of Faith: Hostile creatures within a 10-ft radius of the created guardian must succeed on a Dex. save or take 20 radiant damage.  This summonses a created guardian who cannot move but deals damage in a 10ft radius. Every time it does damage, it takes damage. The nice thing about this spell is it can be used in conjunction with a Spiritual Weapon. One is an action, one a bonus action and BOTH do not require concentration. So, on turn one, you can drop down Guardian in the middle of the action along with Spiritual Weapon.
  • Freedom of Movement (spell): Snap an ally out of any Stun. Difficult Terrain can’t slow them down, and they can’t be magically Paralysed or Restrained.

Level 12

Finally, as you reach the maximum character Level 12 with our best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build we will get a feat and spell choice with another level in Cleric.

  • War Caster (feat): You gain Advantage on Saving throws to maintain Concentration on a Spell. You can also use a Reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.
  • Banishment (spell): Temporarily Banish your target to another plane of existence.

How to Play a Tank Build

Will do tips like this from honour mode

Below are some general tips on how to play the best Tank build in BG3:

  • Loot Everything: You will need a lot of gold to buy consumables, potions, and ammunition so loot and sell constantly.
  • Crafting: Elixirs and potions are vital, and you need to purchase materials when trading for crafting.
  • Reach Level 6: Spend the early part of the game completing every quest to reach level 6 where your power dramatically increases.
  • Sell Often: Your carrying capacity will be limited so sell often, and store excessive items in your traveler’s chest.
  • Stealth: Start combat in stealth if at all possible to trigger the Surprise status effect.
  • Consider Illithid Powers: While it can come with an altered appearance, the powers are powerful and can help you.
  • Oils + Elixiris: Combine both oils/coatings and Elixir during combat for a dual benefit.
  • Persuasion: Try to avoid combat through dialogue if possible.

Best Gear for Tank Build


Amulet of Restoration Baldur's Gate 3
Hellrider’s Pride in Baldur’s Gate 3
Luminous Armour - BG3 - Baldur's Gate 3
Gear SlotBest Gear ItemEffect
HeadHaste HelmMovement
CapeDeathstalker Mantle (optional)Kills give Invis
ChestLuminous ArmourDebuff on Radiant DMG
GlovesHellrider’s PrideHeals give resistance
BootsBoots of Aid and ComfortAdditional Temporary HP
NecklaceAmulet of RestorationHealing Spells
RingCrusher’s RingIncrease Movement
RingThe Whispering PromiseHealing gives Blessed
Weapon 1 Main HandPhalar AluveSpecial Attack
Weapon 1 Off-HandAdamantine Shield+2 AC
Weapon 2 RangedBow of Awareness+1 Initiative

Here’s the best beginner gear, items, and equipment for a Tank Build in Baldur’s Gate 3:


Baldur's Gate 3 The Sacred Star
Luminous Gloves - Baldur's Gate 3 - BG3
Coruscation Ring - BG3

The following table presents the best gear, items, and equipment for the Tank Build in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Gear SlotBest Gear ItemEffect
HeadHelm of BalduranSelf-healing
CapeCloak of Protection+1 AC
ChestLuminous ArmourDebuff on Radiant DMG
GlovesLuminous GlovesDebuff on Radiant DMG
BootsHelldusk BootsCannot be Moved
NecklaceAmulet of Greater Health23 Constitution
RingRing of ProtectionDebuff on Illumination DMG
RingCoruscation RingDebuff on Illumation DMG
Weapon 1 Main HandThe Sacred StarRadiant Damage
Off-HandViconia’s Walking Fortress+3 AC
Weapon 2 RangedFabricated ArbalestGives Haste

How to Play Best Tank Build in BG3

The best way to play the tank build is to stack Radiating Orb debuff with items like Coruscation Ring, Luminous Armour, Luminous Gloves, and Fabricated Arbalest. Using radiant damage via Spirit Guardian reduces enemies’ Attack Roll by -1 per stack. Essentially, this makes it impossible for them to hit an ally regardless of their AC.

Best Tips and Tricks for Best Tank Build in BG3

The best for playing a Tank in BG3 is pre-buff with spells (or scrolls) like Mirror Image, Blur, Shield of Faith, Freedom of Movement, and Death Ward. Some spells require concentration, while others like Death Ward and Freedom of Movement last until a long rest. Also, save scrolls and use them for massive AC boost with Mirror Image just before combat.

Best Consumables, Potions, Ammunition, and Items

Baldur's Gate 3 Elixir of Hill Giant Strength tooltip
Baldur's Gate 3 Potion of Speed
Elixir of Bloodlust - Baldur's Gate 3

The following list is the best consumable items that will aid in our Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank Build Guide:

  • Elixir of Bloodlust: Once per turn when you kill a foe, you gain HP 5 temporary hit points and an additional action.
  • Elixir of Hill Giant Strength: Increases Strength ability score to 21 until Long Rest.
  • Potion of Speed: Gain extra action, +2 ACAdvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, and double movement speed.
  • Drow Poison: Weapon poison that adds Constitution Saving Throw or becomes Poisoned and falls Asleep.
  • Potion of Flying: Drink to gain a flying speed of 60ft for one hour.
  • Elixir of Heroism: Gain 10 temp HP and become Blessed until a long rest.
  • Potion of Greater Healing: 4d4 + 4 hit points restored.
  • Oil of Accuracy: Coat Weapon. Bonus of +2 in Attack Rolls.
  • Elixir of Vigilance: Drink to gain a +5 bonus to Initiative and you can’t be Surprised.

Permanent Bonuses

BG3 Us Summon Attacks and Abilities

Throughout Baldur’s Gate 3, you will have the ability to gain permanent bonuses to your character. These can grant additional spells, ability scores, and other bonuses. Permanent Bonuses are not displayed throughout the campaign but are vital to increase overall combat performance. We have all permanent bonuses here in a guide, but the most important ones for you to collect are listed below.

Act 1Act 2Act 3
Auntie Ethel’s Hair: Gain +1 to an Ability Score.Potion of Everlasting Vigour: Gain +2 Strength.Mirror of Loss – +2 to an Ability Score of your choice.
Awakened: Use illithid powers as a Bonus Action.Slayer Form: Ability to transform into the Slayer.Partial Ceremorphosis: Access to tier 3 illithid Powers.
Scratch: Gain Find Familiar Scratch.Summon Us: Allows you to summon Us.Sweet Stone Features: Blessed permanent.
Cheeky Quasit: Gain Summon Quasit Shovel.Statue of the Gods: +2 to Saving Throws
Loviatar’s Love: 30% Hit Points or less, you gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls and Wisdom saving throws. 
Necromancy Of Thay: access to powerful spells in Act 3.
Volo’s Ersatz Eye: See Invisibility
Best Permanent Bonuses for Tank Build in Baldur’s Gate 3

Tank Build Changes in Patch 8 for BG3

BG3 Patch 8 Patch Notes
Baldur’s Gate Patch 8 (Image via Larian Studios)

Patch 8 for Baldur’s Gate 3 adds 12 new subclasses, new spells and cantrips. One helpful tank subclass is the Paladin Oath of the Crowns which has an “AOE” taunt subclass feature.

Build Summary – Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tank

Classes – Cleric, Fighter

Subclasses – Life Domain, Eldritch Knight

Armor – Heavy

Weapons: One-handed and Shield

Race – High Half-Elf

Ability Score

  • Strength – 8
  • Dexterity – 14
  • Constitution – 16
  • Intelligence – 8
  • Wisdom – 17
  • Charisma – 10

Level Progression

  • Level 1 – Subclass: Life, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Sacred Flame, Command, Guiding Bolt, Sanctuary, Healing Word
  • Level 2 – Shield of Faith
  • Level 3 – Spiritual Weapon
  • Level 4 – Feat: Alert, Blade Ward, Aid
  • Level 5 – Spirit Guardians, Swap Healing Word for Mass Healing Word
  • Level 6 – Multiclass: Fighter, Defence Fighting Style
  • Level 7 – Action Surge
  • Level 8 – Subclass: Eldritch Knight, Booming Blade, Fire Bolt, Shield, Thunderwave, Longstrider
  • Level 9 – Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Wisdom, Chromatic Orb
  • Level 10 – Multiclass: Cleric, Protection from Energy, Glyph of Warding
  • Level 11 – Drop Shield of Faith, Add Freedom of Movement and Death Ward
  • Level 12 – Feat: War Caster, Banishment

FAQs about the Tank build in Baldur’s Gate 3

What abilities should the Tank prioritize for my class?

Consultation and Dexterity are the most important ability scores for a tank. Constitution determines your overall health and concentration saving throws. Dexterity determines Armour Class or avoiding attacks, however, cannot be used with heavy armour. Therefore, use Armour of Agility in Act 3 if you have above 14 Dexterity to gain the most AC possible.

What are the best feats for Tank builds?

Tough and Alert are the best feats for a Tank in BG3. Tough is great to increase overall health, while Alert helps taking a turn earlier. If you’re using a concentration-heavy tank build, consider War Caster as a great feat.

What are the best multiclass combos?

The best multiclass options for a tank are Light Cleric for Warding Flare, Bard for Bardic Inspiration, or Oath of Crowns Paladin for area based Taunt.

Are there “must-have” items for Tank builds?

Coruscation Ring, Luminous Armour, Luminous Gloves are the best tank items to stack Radiant Orbs on targets, and debuff their attack roll. Clock of Protection, Ring of Protection and Helmet of Balduran are also must have tank items.

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